Study Abroad App - Yocket Mod Apk

Study Abroad App - Yocket ハック - Mod Apk 12.1.65

開発者: Yocket
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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Yocket: 究極の留学アプリと大学検索

あなたの留学旅行に関するエンドツーエンドのサポートをお探しですか?インド最大の留学プラットフォーム – Yocket を始めましょう!オールインワンの Yocket アプリを使用して、海外教育の最初から最後までシームレスなガイダンスを体験してください。

100 万人を超える留学希望者に加わり、Yocket の 95% の VISA 成功率を活用してください。無料のツール、リソース、個別のカウンセリングを利用して、あなたの留学の旅をより簡単かつ迅速に進めます。

Yocket 留学アプリの主な特徴:

Yocket プレミアム: ハーバード大学、MIT、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校などの一流大学への入学をサポートするために、専門カウンセラーから個別の指導を受けられます。 Yocket プレミアムには、ビザのガイダンスから経済援助や保険まで、留学の成功に必要なものがすべて揃っています。

大学を探索する: 大学の膨大なデータベースを国、コース、ランキングなどで検索します。当社の大学ファインダーは、あなたの好みに基づいて大学のリストを自動的に厳選します。

College Finder: あなたのプロフィールと過去の入学傾向に基づいて大学を候補リストに掲載する、AI を活用した独自のツールです。詳細を入力するだけで、クリックするだけで希望の大学が見つかります。

Yocket フィードとホーム: 28 万 2,000 人を超えるメンバーと毎月 5,000 件の投稿があり、ビザ申請や奨学金などに関するコミュニティ主導の留学ディスカッションに参加してください。

大学の研究と締め切り: 申請書、締め切り、書類、財務を簡単に管理します。学費や財政援助など、大学の重要な情報を外出先でもすべて見つけることができます。

ダッシュボード: My Application Manager とDocuments Hub を使用して、大学の申請書を追跡および管理し、タスクを常に把握し、ドキュメントを整理します。

イベント: 大学入学担当官やカウンセラーなどが出演する無料の専門家イベント (オンラインおよびオフライン) に参加してください。留学の旅を成功させるために必要な最新情報を常に入手してください。

Yocket Prep: 40,000 以上の質問と個別のテストを備えた Yocket Prep で GRE の準備をしましょう。 GRE 志望者による評価は 4.4+!
毎年何千人もの学生に参加して、13 か国以上で最高の留学支援を受けてください。大規模なグローバルコミュニティから信頼されている Yocket は、留学の夢を現実にするために必要な唯一のアプリです。
Yocket を今すぐダウンロードして、留学の目標に向けて第一歩を踏み出しましょう!

サポートが必要ですか? [email protected] までご連絡ください。


Hello! Hola! Ciao!
How’s your study abroad journey going? We’re here with some exciting updates to make it even better! 🌍✈️
✨ Revamped Feed Experience – A sleek new look with an improved overall feed view, post creation UI/UX, and a smoother category/space landing page. Enjoy richer engagement with enhanced multimedia and backend-driven posts.
✨ Admit Stories – A fresh update to showcase inspiring study abroad journeys more effectively.
With love,
Team Yocket 💛
🎉 🎉 A Bright Start to 2025! Let’s supercharge your study abroad dreams with these exciting updates! 🌍✈️ 🎉
✨ Enhanced Notifications Module – Stay updated with our revamped notifications system for feed activities.
🎯 More Updates:
Updated Onboarding Field for Degree
Profile Share Icon – Showcase your profile with just a click using the new share icon.
Updated UI for Similar Course Cards – Explore courses with a refreshed and polished design.

With love
Team Yocket 💛
As we step into the new year, we’re excited to share updates to boost your study abroad journey! 🌍✈️
For the Premium Yocketers:
✨ Revamped Sidebar & Navbar – Navigate effortlessly with our new design.
✨ Referral Rewards Trial – Earn exciting rewards for successful referrals.
✨ Enhanced Applications Manager – A walkthrough and Suggested University Popup for seamless applications.
🎯 More Updates:
Enjoy smoother entry to the finance module.

With love, bug fixes, enhancements and more! 💛
An esteemed update 💁

Thank you all for the love & support! We couldn’t have been more proud to present the Wall of Fame without your kind words 😇
Check it out and share the joy

There are more improvements too:

✨Know more about loans & schedule loan advisor calls easily
✨Find feed post relevant exclusively to You

For the Premium Yocketers:
✨Enjoy more personalisations on planner

With love, bug fixes, enhancements and more!🧡

Bug Bounty Blast 1.0

Mission Statement: Bugs Blitz
We united all our forces to find and destroy all those pesky bugs and made the app smooth & slick for you! Cheers 🥂

📣New announcement:
Sneak-a-peek at Yocket’s Virtual Office
Coming soon on app!

👑For Premium:
Get notified for your upcoming deadlines and get reminders on the homepage as well.

With UI/UX enhancements & lot of love ❤️
See you next time!
A Bug-Detox & A New Launch!

With back-to-back coffee shots ☕ & junk snacks 🍟for a week, our devs cleansed the app & finally settled in a tree pose. Peace.

What’s more?
💰Access EMI options easily for premium plans
🫂Yocket Partner Plan is here

Premium Uplift:
👑View your plan details in your profile & planner

📢Now heads-up, eyes here, Premium Yocketers!
‘Coz we’re launching…
The Videobook
We’ve removed the boring read & read from your handbook and replaced it with interesting, fun videos!
An Update of Power!
We have reinforced some of our features to make your adventure smooth & easy -
Improved your global search experience with an option to view all results
Powered up the shortlisting UI on college finder
Made university and course groups more accessible
And our special update is dedicated to the newcomers! For a warm welcome aboard Yocket
We have also made some UI/UX enhancements & fixed some bugs.
See you soon! Cheers
An Update of Power!
We have reinforced some of our features to make your adventure smooth & easy -
Improved your global search experience with an option to view all results
Powered up the shortlisting UI on college finder
Made university and course groups more accessible
And our special update is dedicated to the newcomers! For a warm welcome aboard Yocket
We have also made some UI/UX enhancements & fixed some bugs.
See you soon! Cheers
An Update of Power!
We have reinforced some of our features to make your adventure smooth & easy -
Improved your global search experience with an option to view all results
Powered up the shortlisting UI on college finder
Made university and course groups more accessible
And our special update is dedicated to the newcomers! For a warm welcome aboard Yocket
We have also made some UI/UX enhancements & fixed some bugs.
See you soon! Cheers
We have reinforced some of our features to make your adventure smooth & easy.
We have also made some UI/UX enhancements & fixed some bugs.
New Year, New Updates, New Icon!

We have resolved to improve your experience and we are starting it with an all-new app icon. Here are some more happy updates for you -

An improved version of Loan Finder

A new & separate channel for offers and announcements

Better visibility of courses on Explore

We have also fixed some bugs and made some UI/UX enhancements to keep your app smooth and easy.

Be back with more soon!
We have reinforced some of our features to make your adventure smooth & easy -
Improved chat experience
Grouped Notifications
Improvements to user profile
A new document hub for premium users

We have also made some UI/UX enhancements & fixed some bugs.
See you soon! Cheers
The BTS of Updates
This update is a love note to all the users from our developers! They’ve created a smoother and more functional for you from behind the scenes. By removing all the bugs and bridging all the gaps, our devs have made this version of Yocket an experience to remember for you.
In addition to the major UI/UX and bug fixes, we’ve done a few small additions
• Finding experts is a lot easier now.
• Add applications to join our official group.
We’ll be scripting more love notes for you!

ハッキング方法 Study Abroad App - Yocket

ダウンロード Study Abroad App - Yocket MOD APK 12.1.65

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