Heroes of War: WW2 Idle RPG Mod Apk

Heroes of War: WW2 Idle RPG ハック - Mod Apk 2.12.44

開発者: AMT Games AG
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング
価格: 無料です


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日本の新軍刀、ソ連のカチューシャ、アメリカのM4シャーマンなど、世界中のさまざまな種類の戦闘兵器を選択し、強力なカードデッキを作りましょう。 完全に自由な作戦と多彩な戦略をお楽しみいただけます。名誉勲章を獲得し、リーダーボードを駆け上がりましょう!

+ 幅広い種類の兵器:世界中の150以上の戦車、迫撃砲、航空機
+ 特徴的な形状や本物の塗装など詳細に再現した第2次世界大戦時の兵器の実物コピー
+ 多彩なゲームプレイ:砲撃支援、空中戦、爆撃、化学攻撃、他多数
+ ヨーロッパの地図を移動し、軍事占領から国々を解放しましょう。
+ 軍事基地を建設してアップグレードし、軍隊、武器、車両を強化しましょう。
+ 木箱(クレート)を集め、新たに強いカードのロックを解除して強力なカードデッキを構築し、第2次世界大戦の兵器を使った伝説的な戦いで相手を倒しましょう。
+ 素晴らしいHDグラフィックス
+ リアルタイムPvP



- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- 12 new countries have been added to the Campaign mode.
- Many minor bugs have been fixed.
- Players will now receive rewards every season for all places they took in all leagues.
- The higher the league and your place in the league, the better your reward at the end of the season.
- The Rating tab has been completely redesigned.
- The Army window now contains a section with tips on which heroes from those you currently have you can make the best use of.
- Made it possible to purchase some of the offers for the in-game gold and even for watching ads.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
- Equipment has been completely reworked. Now you can improve the rarity of your equipment. The improvement process has become simpler and clearer.
- Orders have been completely redesigned. Now it has become easier and clearer to improve the Orders.
- The strength of your Equipment or Order may have slightly changed up or down in the range of 1-2%. This is a technical change.
- Summoning Equipment, Orders and Powerups is now equivalent in price to summoning Heroes.
- Equipment has been completely reworked. Now you can improve the rarity of your equipment. The improvement process has become simpler and clearer.
- Orders have been completely redesigned. Now it has become easier and clearer to improve the Orders.
- The strength of your Equipment or Order may have slightly changed up or down in the range of 1-2%. This is a technical change.
- Summoning Equipment, Orders and Powerups is now equivalent in price to summoning Heroes.
- Equipment has been completely reworked. Now you can improve the rarity of your equipment. The improvement process has become simpler and clearer.
- Orders have been completely redesigned. Now it has become easier and clearer to improve the Orders.
- The strength of your Equipment or Order may have slightly changed up or down in the range of 1-2%. This is a technical change.
- Summoning Equipment, Orders and Powerups is now equivalent in price to summoning Heroes.
Please welcome a new update!
- We introduced Commanders to the game!
- Adjusted the balance of some Heroes and their abilities
- Updated Navy Operations
- Added 250 new quests Behind Enemy Lines
- Added 370 new Airborne Missions

Check in and collect the most powerful combination of Commanders!
Please welcome a new update!
- We introduced Commanders to the game!
- Adjusted the balance of some Heroes and their abilities
- Updated Navy Operations
- Added 250 new quests Behind Enemy Lines
- Added 370 new Airborne Missions

Check in and collect the most powerful combination of Commanders!
- First Ascended+ Hero is available!
- First Ascended+ Hero is available!
- You can now use Auto button to rank up your Heroes automatically in the Academy
- Added Chapter Quests. These are the lists of quests to help you advance through the game and receive additional rewards for its completion.
- Added autofill in Guerrilla Raids to make playing a breeze.
- Now you can collect Activity Reward in a single tap with no wait!
Welcome a new update!

- Added historical references for famous people, events, discoveries, machinery and medals of the 20th century.
- Added numerous new rewards.
- Improved the Ladder Arena Battles and Airborne Missions to make the game more exciting and easily understandable.
- Added episodes with photos and description of famous military operations to the Airborne Missions.
Drop in and learn new facts about the past events!
- Bug fixes

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