Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム Mod Apk

Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム ハック - Mod Apk 1.331

開発者: Food games
カテゴリー: シミュレーション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム mod apkGame screenshot Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム hackGame screenshot Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム apk download



さて、あなたは幸運です!Hell'sCooking は、家族全員が楽しめる無料の料理ゲームです。料理をするシェフとレストランにまつわるゲームです。見事な視覚効果と壮大なゲームプレイを備えた本物の料理の狂気。食事の準備は直感的でダイナミックです。多数のカフェやレストラン、新鮮な外観と改良された台所用品でより多くの顧客を引き付け、さまざまな場所とゲストがすべて組み合わさって、HC を愛すべきゲームにします。


最高品質の 500 種類以上のおいしい料理、最高の食材、調味料、スパイスを使って料理し、ゲストに提供できます。キッチンでは、本物の料理人のシェフのように、クレープ、ハンバーガー、ホットドッグ、ローストダック、アイスクリーム、ソーダ、魚料理などを作ることができます。調理技術と管理スキルを練習し、独自の調理日記を始めましょう!


Hell's Cooking は、バーガーキング、レストラン、カフェのファンのためのゲームです。弱い電話でもクールな最適化。スリル満点のグラフィック、リアルなサウンド、そしてクレイジーなキッチンへの完全な没入感!ユーザーフレンドリーなコントロールは、子供から大人まで、誰もがゲームを楽しむのに便利です。料理ゲームをプレイすることは、これほど簡単でシンプルなことではありませんでした!外出先で簡単に楽しむために、今すぐ携帯電話でクッキングフィーバーの世界に飛び込みましょう。

新しい料理ゲームは、料理の準備の考え方を変え、クールなシェフであることがどのようなものかを知ることができます。ゲームは世界中の料理を提供するレストランを提供しています。ペストリーショップやアイスクリームパーラー、中華料理、それともアメリカのファーストフード?何を選びますか?あなたが私たちの新しいレストランで素晴らしい時間を過ごすことを願っています!最高のシェフ兼寿司職人であることを証明したいですか?今すぐヘルズクッキングをダウンロードしてください!料理を楽しんで、Facebook の友達においしい料理を提供し続けてください!






What's new?
You've been waiting and we're back! Our recent update include:
• A brand new event Cafe "Makeover"!
• The city of Montreal with a new restaurant
• More rewards for daily entry
• New "Culinary Festival"
• The ability to replay and fully upgrade old restaurants
• Convenient setting of discarding dishes
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
You've been waiting and we're back! Our recent update include:
• A brand new event Cafe "Makeover"!
• The city of Montreal with a new restaurant
• More rewards for daily entry
• New "Culinary Festival"
• The ability to replay and fully upgrade old restaurants
• Convenient setting of discarding dishes
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
Any updates are important, even small ones. So what awaits you this time?
• Now you can complete any level faster, immediately after reaching the goal. But don't worry, it won't affect the earned coins!
• Burnt dishes can now be thrown away in the same way as cooked ones.
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
You've been waiting and we're back! Our recent update include:
• A brand new event Cafe "Makeover"!
• The city of Montreal with a new restaurant
• More rewards for daily entry
• New "Culinary Festival"
• The ability to replay and fully upgrade old restaurants
• Convenient setting of discarding dishes
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
We've prepared a great exciting update for you! It includes:
• Brand new improved map
• The ability to complete daily tasks and get rewards for it!
• New free "Cupcake" booster that will cheer up your guests!
• New content event "Beach"!
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
Ready for a change? Then you'll love our new content!
• A brand new city with its own special history - Everblue Lake!
• Two new restaurants! Delicious Greek cuisine and the most authentic Italian pizza!
• Now you have the opportunity to visit all the old restaurants after you complete all the new ones.
• New restaurants will now appear much more often.
• And we also improved animations during the victory!

Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
Don't forget to thank your loved ones this Thanksgiving. And we thank our favorite players!
• What's new for our heroes? Find out in the new story event "Thanksgiving Day"!
• We celebrate Black Friday - the time of the best deals!
• Our kitchens have improved: "no" to empty spaces, "yes" to beautiful engravings!
• Now it'll be easier for you to use boosters: we'll tell you which booster is better to use at the level.
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?
Get ready to plunge into the spooky atmosphere of Halloween, because we have prepared some exciting surprises for you!
• Ready for creepy stories? Then the new story event "Eerie Delivery" is what you need!
• A new Halloween season pass where you can get themed character looks!
• Don't forget to take advantage of special Halloween offers!
• We've also added rewards for challenging and super-challenging levels!
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?

• We've prepared new profitable offers for you!
• Now there're more opportunities to get free bonuses — just take advantage of watching a short advertisement.
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?

• Enjoy the coziness and new dishes in two new restaurants: "Miner" and "Crabs&Co"!
• Appreciate the help of the new endless boosters!
• We now have a visual representation of the difficulty of the levels!
• We've also made some changes to the game interface.
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?

• Pack warm clothes, because we're going to a new city — Anchorage!
• Get to know the cuisine of Alaska in the new "Aviators" restaurant!
• Have you noticed new faces in the game? Don't be scared! We've updated your favorite characters!
• And for the most skilled fans of competitions, we've prepared a new Challenge Level!
Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?

We've prepared not one, but two events for you!
• Ready to solve a couple of old riddles? Then hurry to the "Noodle Shop" and enjoy its mysterious atmosphere.
• Fresh vegetables! Pies!.. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city at the "Farmer's Market".
• And also don't forget to check out our brand new offers!

Update! Play! Enjoy!
What's new?

• Do you love cotton candy? Or maybe colorful rides? Then the new event "Fair" is what you need!
• Our Hawaiian restaurant has become even more vibrant and juicy because it has a new fruit dish!

Update! Play! Enjoy!

ハッキング方法 Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム

ダウンロード Hell's Cooking: カフェ キッチン ゲーム MOD APK 1.331

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