Alliance at War Ⅱ Mod Apk

Alliance at War Ⅱ ハック - Mod Apk 1.3.4

開発者: Hour Games
カテゴリー: ストラテジー
価格: 無料です


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こんにちは、この壮大な3D魔法の国へようこそ - Ahzeriah。新しい3Dグラフィックとリアルタイムライティングで、5年間に渡り研ぎ澄まされてきたこのクラシックなラウンドベースの戦略ゲームを、より良い体験ができるようになります。

この5年間、私たちは戦略ゲームを際立たせるものは何かを考え続けてきました。3Dリメイクでさらにグレードアップする『Alliance at War』の評価の高い機能をご紹介します。






####「アンチャーテッド グレードアドベンチャー」。ローグライクな探索を1日1回行うことができ、部隊の総合力やアイテムの戦略性が試されます。
##The Stronghold Fighting Day. 基本的には1週間に1度の同盟のカーニバルの日で、コントロールタワーを占領して敵を倒したり、レアなストロングホールドの支配権を獲得したりする方法でポイントを獲得することができます。
####古代のアーティファクト サーバークエストをクリアしたり、他のプレイヤーを略奪したりすることで、7つの強力な古代のアーティファクトを手に入れることができます。
## 悪魔との戦い。同盟者を強化して助け、協力して魔物の攻撃から守り、多額の報酬を獲得しましょう。

電子メール: [email protected]


Challenge the Brand new RTS mode for Massive rare gifts! Campain levels, Tower Defense, Rpg maps etc..., massive interesting contents on the way!
1, A new Expedition Hall building, along with its corresponding campaign mode.
2, The Crystal War: Alliances can register to join one of two factions, engaging in battles based on real might.
3, New Hero System: Hero Talents. Master a series of unique talents for heroes, making each hero more distinctive and strategic.(2140)
Challenge the Brand new RTS mode for Massive rare gifts! Campain levels, Tower Defense, Rpg maps etc..., massive interesting contents on the way!
1, A new Expedition Hall building, along with its corresponding campaign mode.
2, Optimizations to the early game experience flow to make it easier for more new players to get started.
3, Some additional detail optimizations.(2112)
Brand new content is now available(1630):
1. Improvements on Killing Contest:
2. Added two new SS-quality dragons - Wings of Blade and Breath of Divinity.
3. Added a limit to the dragon hatching/breeding.
4. Added dragon related task desk.
5. The skills the Guardians equipped can be adjusted according to different heroes.
6. Added dragon related items to the honor chest.
7. Fixed the glitch that the unlocked rune slots did not show the required type of rune slots properly
Brand new content is now available(1606):
1. The Dragon Island is online, with new dragon breeding, hatching, raising and other wonderful gameplay. Make your own dragon legion now!
2. Improved the game performance, which greatly solved sliding lags, slow response and other problems, making the game more smooth.
3. Added Dragon Boat Festival related resources and items.
4. Improved the text description and display of individual interfaces.
5. Fixed some existing glitches.
Brand new content is now available(1410):
1. Added Easter and April Fool's Day event related items and resources.
2. Added Easter exclusive interior official - Easter Bunny.
3. Added April Fool's Day exclusive collection - Collector of Ahzeriah series, including Map of Underground Kingdom, Treasure Key, Oracle's Whistle, and Design of Mecha.
4. The Alliance Territory has various new features.
4. Fixed some existing glitches.
5. Upgraded the layout and display of parts of the interface.
Brand new content is now available(1380):
1. Added event related items and resources.
2. Adjusted Path of Honor rewards.
3. Added new stats, which is only effective in the battle for stronghold control towers.
4. Further improved the rules of Stronghold event.
5. Fixed the stats issue of the Interior Official.
6. Fixed the exception of anonymous status in the Cross-Kingdom Frozen Campaign.
7. Fixed the issue that general skin shards could not be exchanged.
Brand new content is now available(1365):
1. Added event-related items and resources.
2. Added christmas exclusive collections.
3. Added a new Christmas exclusive internal official - Winter Fairy - Sylph.
4. Added a collection shard exchange function.
5. Added advanced caves.
6. New feature: the winning alliance will now be able to choose the king.
7. War of Throne troop recall rule change.
8. Killing Contest rewards adjustment.
Brand new content is now available(1350):
1. Added event-related items and resources.
2. Added christmas exclusive collections.
3. Added a new Christmas exclusive internal official - Winter Fairy - Sylph.
4. Added a collection shard exchange function.
5. Added advanced caves.
6. New feature: the winning alliance will now be able to choose the king.
7. War of Throne troop recall rule change.
8. Killing Contest rewards adjustment.
Brand new content is now available:
1. New gameplay - Interior officials collection is online, you can enter through the Embassy - Interior Official Center - Collection to see more information.
2. The changes of AVA event will take effect in this event. Stay tuned.
3. Added a birthday gift function.
4. Fixed other existing glitches.
5. Upgraded the layout and display of parts of the interface.(1300)
Brand new content is now available:
1. Improved the MVP display in the cross-kingdom arena.
2. Improved the troop value sent in the Defense Against Pappas.
3. Improved the matching rules of the cross-kingdom arena.
4. Improved the ranking rewards of the cross-kingdom arena.
5. Increased the match value limit of the cross-kingdom arena.
6. Improved skill values for the Sorceress's skin.
7. Improved sign-up tips for the cross-kingdom arena.
8. Added event resources.
Brand new content is now available:
1. Added Skins for the Arctic Ranger and Paladin.
2. Added new Sciences.
3. Added event-related items and resources.
4. Added a new backpack item sorting function to help players find items quickly.
5. Added a new troop quantity selection to the troop quantity screen.
6. Now Coupons can be used for pack purchases in the speed-up screen.
7. Increased blood cap for Barbaton and Designar.
8. Added a penalty mechanism to the military academy troop upgrade time .

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