- Improvements and bug fixes
- Improvements and bug fixes
- New Settings button accessible everywhere in the game, from where to adjust sounds, music, and vibrations.
- Added sign-in functionality so you can save your progress and purchases across devices or if you change phones. You can now sign-in to your Apple, Facebook, or Google account.
- New Settings button accessible everywhere in the game, from where to adjust sounds, music, and vibrations.
- Added sign-in functionality so you can save your progress and purchases across devices or if you change phones. You can now sign-in to your Apple, Facebook, or Google account.
NEW FEATURE: look at your completed paintings in the new Chapter view! You can review past paintings grouped by chapters, zoom on them, read their trivia
- Improvements in performance and loading times
- New levels added, up to 600 paintings now!
- Bug fixing and quality improvements