Paisa Expense & Budget Tracker Mod Apk

Paisa Expense & Budget Tracker ハック - Mod Apk 8.6.9

開発者: Hemanth Savarala
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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📱 Paisa: オールインワンの経費追跡および予算マネージャー
Paisa を使って家計を管理しましょう。Paisa は、出費の追跡、予算の管理、節約を簡単に行うのに役立つ、スマートで安全で美しくデザインされたアプリです。

✨ パイサを選ぶ理由?
✅ 経費の追跡: 収入、経費、送金を簡単に記録します。
✅ 予算の管理: カスタム予算を設定して、使いすぎを防ぎます。
✅ お金を節約する: 自分の支出習慣を視覚化し、経済的目標を達成します。
✅ オフライン & 安全: 100% オフライン機能 - データはプライベートのままです。
✅ サブスクリプション追跡: 更新リマインダーにより、支払いを忘れることはありません。
✅ ローン管理: 利息の計算と支払いスケジュールでローンを追跡します。

🔐 プライバシー第一
セキュリティを強化するために、Google ドライブへの暗号化されたバックアップ。

🎨 美しいデザイン
マテリアル 壁紙に適応するダイナミックなテーマ。

💡 スマートな機能
パーソナライズされたアイコンを備えたカスタム カテゴリ。

📥 今すぐPaisaをダウンロードして、今すぐより賢くお金の管理を始めましょう!


- Tags page layout is fixed for mobile devices
- Tags details page subtitle is updated
- Home screen options not updating after changing the settings
- Text visibility is improved for better readability in the app
- Transfer transaction toggle amount visibility is fixed
- Graph tooltip color is updated for better visibility
- Padding issues are fixed in the app
- Category not showing in transaction details page
- Delete tags crashing in some devices
-Google drive backup not working properly when the app is installed fresh
- Added delete button for transactions history page, to delete the transaction
- Added tags transactions page to show all transactions for the tag
- Scheduled notification is not working properly after enabling the notification
- Added daily savings required for the goals
- Goals which are completed will shows in home page as a banner
- Goals which are completed now can take action to complete the goal
- Transaction details page is updated to show more details when clicked on the transaction
- Added copy transaction option in the transaction details page
- Removed calendar heatmap from the home page, as it is not required.
- Fixed some issues posted in telegram and ratings
- Made font little bold(exp.) and inc. the font in some places
- Removed v6 related backup and restore
- Fixed translations some places are not translated
- Added dismiss keyboard option for all text fields
- Added Greek language support for the app
- Removed start and end date for recurring transactions, only due day is enough
- Update recurring transactions with new options
- Subscriptions are merged with new recurring transactions
- Fixed translations some places are not translated
- Added dismiss keyboard option for all text fields
- Added Greek language support for the app
- Removed start and end date for recurring transactions, only due day is enough
- Update recurring transactions with new options
- Subscriptions are merged with new recurring transactions
- Rollback inital amount and exclude account
- Excluded accounts are not longer available to add transfer (causing problem to calculating total)
- Bug fixes and Improvements
- Added goals
- Bug fixed and improvements
- Take backup before doing (for v6 upgrade)
- CSV import and export(Beta)
- Not able to add description for transfer transactions
- Total balance of income shows twice
- Now you can track selected budgets on home page
- Transfer transaction description is not saving while adding
- Default account not setting while adding transaction
- Added support me option in home screen
Added Vietnamese lang.
Fix Google Play Store storage permission reject
Fix transfer expenses not visible
Fix overview income is not showing when empty after selecting expenses
Improved onboarding experience
Fix bugs and improve performance
1. Fixed backup and restore
2. Added default account will be selected while adding transactions
3 Revamped home design to make it more minimal and information
4. Updated translations names and descriptions (removed FR, RU for now)
5. Added recurring expenses (alpha)
6. Fix debt payout showing zero days and not being able to select the date
7. Custom currency symbol position fix
8. Fix bugs and improve performance
9. Added overview and budget section
Added Android themed Icons
Added languages
Added export and import by the JSON format file
Change app icons
Fixed account update not able to change
Fixed colors on category and budget overview
Lot of internal changes
Home page UI revamped
Budget tracking by category in progress
**Uninstall old build if you have **
Rewrote the saving logic to simply querying
Re-arranged the bottom tabs

ハッキング方法 Paisa Expense & Budget Tracker

ダウンロード Paisa Expense & Budget Tracker MOD APK 8.6.9

ダウンロード MOD APK
