ラミー Mod Apk

ラミー ハック - Mod Apk 2025.1.1

開発者: Spiele-Palast Kartenspiele / Card Games
カテゴリー: カード, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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Rummy Palace – スマートフォンやタブレットで人気のカードゲームのコミュニティ。

古典的なカードの組み合わせをオンラインで、そして実際の対戦相手と楽しんでください!Phase 10、Bridge、Kalooki などのゲームと比較して、Rummy は何よりも頭脳と戦術スキルを必要とします。オンライン最大のカードゲームコミュニティの 1 つで、オンラインで無料で体験できます。


- いつでも実際の対戦相手とライブで対戦できます。
- プレイヤーのアクティブなコミュニティを体験してください。
- 他のカードゲームファンとチャット。

- 登録する必要はありません。プレイを開始するだけです。
- 自動プレイヤー検索機能により、ダイレクトプレイをお楽しみいただけます。
- ボタンを押すだけでカードを並べ替えます。

- 読みやすさを最適化したオリジナルのラミートランプまたはハウスカードを使用します。
- カードデッキを選択:フランス、トーナメント、ドイツ…
- さまざまな特別ルールを発見:ノッキング、ファーストメルドの 40 ポイント、ショートデッキなど。
- 自分のルールで自分の好みに合わせてプレイ。

- カスタマーサービスチームによる継続的なサポートを提供します。
- 私たちのカードシャッフルは独立してテストされており、信頼性があります。
- Rummy Palace のプライバシー設定は柔軟に調整可能です。

- 経験を積んでレベルアップ。
- ラミーはストレス解消と記憶力トレーニングがひとつに。
- トップ 10 までリーグを突破しましょう。
- トーナメントや長時間のテーブルでは、持久力を高めることができます。

Rummy は、ジョーカーを含むダブルカードデッキを使用する少なくとも 2 人のプレイヤーのためのカードゲームです。対戦相手よりも先に手札を取り除くことを目指します。そうするために、カードをグループまたは列としてプレイし、後でジョーカーと交換することができます。プレイヤーが最後のカードを捨て札に捨てると、ラウンドは終了します。次に、ポイントを数えます。そして次のラウンドへ!

🔍? Facebook で Rummy Palace にいいね!

🔍? 私たちと私たちのゲームについてもっと知る:




[email protected]

Rummy は主に成人向けです。ドイツの法律によれば、ラミーはギャンブルゲームではありません。私たちのアプリには、実際のお金や実際の賞品はありません。実際の賞金のないカジノゲーム(「ソーシャルカジノゲーム」)での練習や成功は、リアルマネーのゲームでの将来の成功を意味するものではありません。

Rummy Palace は Spiele-Palast GmbH(Palace of Cards)の製品です。家族、友達、または熱心なグループと遊ぶことは、多くの人にとってお気に入りの娯楽の 1 つです!私たちの使命は、Palace of Cards でデジタルホームをプレイする喜びを提供し、オンラインカードゲームの高品質な実装を通じてプレイヤーの活発なコミュニティを構築することです。

♣️ ♥️ ご活躍をお祈りしております♠️ ♦️


Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Fixed issues that arose due to connection problems.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Compliance update regarding Google's Ads policy
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Resolved an issue where players couldn’t leave the table after the game ended.
- Introduced new ad positions in the competition area.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Resolved issue with statistics where fixed round numbers were not fully visible
- Fixed application crashes occurring on iOS devices
- minor bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
- Improved language content.
- Improved consent management.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

* Rewarded video is available as a daily login reward.
* Improved Quickplay feature in different languages.
* Resolved minor visual bugs.
* Fixed issues with input fields.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

* Improved multiple localizations.
* Added retry feature in case of connection failures.
* UI improvement for rewarded ads.
* Rewarded video ads are available with login rewards.
* Added turn time display.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- Fixed overlap issues with ad banners and buttons.
- Ensured proper removal of ad banners at game start.
- Fixed other banner-related issues.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved layout and user experience.
* Extended character selection for club names.
* Ads: Added Mediation Partner Unity Mediation.
* Fixed a bug regarding drawing a card.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved layout and user experience.
* Fixed a bug related to ad volume on mobile devices.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Fixed bug regarding ads shown with premium.
* Updated and added languages.
* Improved user interface.
* Extended "Quick Play" settings.
* Better handling of errors for rewarded video ads
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Updated language selection popup.
* Fixed position of chips in game list entry and minor visual bugs.
* Improved item titles for subscriptions.
* US-American and Latin American Spanish localization.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Fixed different display bugs.
* Improved the slot machine's display and language localization.
* Started A/B testing ads in the game.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Fixed bugs in the purchase flow.
* Improved minor visual bugs regarding text fields.
* Finished shop layout a/b test.
* Removed old shop layout.
* Added Italian language.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:
* Improved support for Android 13.
Thanks for playing in the Palace! We have been hard at work improving our game. In case of questions or problems with this version please write an email to [email protected], we will gladly assist you with any issue.

New in this version:

- New shop design.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Fixed last trick popup overlapping results popup.

ハッキング方法 ラミー

ダウンロード ラミー MOD APK 2025.1.1

ダウンロード MOD APK