AntennaPod Mod Apk

AntennaPod ハック - Mod Apk 3.6.1

開発者: AntennaPod Open Source Team
カテゴリー: 音楽&オーディオ
価格: 無料です


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AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that gives you instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts, from independent podcasters to large publishing houses such as the BBC, NPR and CNN. Add, import and export their feeds hassle-free using the Apple Podcasts database, OPML files or simple RSS URLs.
エピソードのダウンロード (時間、間隔、WiFi ネットワークの指定) とエピソードの削除 (お気に入りと遅延設定に基づく) の強力な自動化コントロールにより、労力、バッテリー消費量、モバイルデータ通信使用量を節約できます。

ポッドキャスト愛好家によって作られた AntennaPod は、オープンソース、無料、広告なしなど、あらゆる意味でフリーです。

• どこからでも再生を管理: ホーム画面のウィジェット、システム通知、イヤホン、Bluetooth コントロール
• Add and import feeds via the Apple Podcasts,, fyyd or Podcast Index directories, OPML files and RSS or Atom links
• 調整可能な再生速度、チャプターサポート、記憶した再生位置、高度なスリープタイマー (シェイクしてリセット、音量を下げる) でお好みの方法でお楽しみください
• パスワードで保護されたフィードとエピソードのアクセス

• エピソードをお気に入りとしてマークすることにより、ベストを追跡します
• 再生履歴から、またはタイトルとショーノートを検索して、エピソードを見つけます
• 高度なソーシャルメディア、メールオプション、 サービス、OPML エクスポートを介してエピソードとフィードを共有します

• 自動ダウンロードの制御: フィードの選択、モバイル通信ネットワークの除外、特定の WiFi ネットワークの選択、充電時以外のダウンロードやダウンロードの時間や間隔の設定
• キャッシュされるエピソードの量を設定、スマート削除、お好みの場所を選択してストレージを管理します
• ライトとダークのテーマを使用して環境に適応します
• 統合と OPML エクスポートを使用して購読をバックアップします

AntennaPod コミュニティに参加しましょう!
AntennaPod はボランティアによって活発に開発中です。コードやコメントで、あなたも貢献することができます!


Transifex は翻訳を支援する場所です:


∙ Optionally enable bottom navigation (@ByteHamster)
∙ Add possibility to rearrange side- and bottom menu items (@ByteHamster)
∙ Make Home screen with empty sections more user friendly (@flofriday)
∙ Quickly delete all played episodes from Downloads screen (@tonytamsf)
∙ Allow sharing a podcast via long-press on Subscriptions screen (@ByteHamster)
∙ Remember user choice when attempting downloads via mobile data (@tonytamsf)
∙ Various other bug-fixes & improvements
∙ Optionally enable bottom navigation (@ByteHamster)
∙ Add possibility to rearrange side- and bottom menu items (@ByteHamster)
∙ Make Home screen with empty sections more user friendly (@flofriday)
∙ Quickly delete all played episodes from Downloads screen (@tonytamsf)
∙ Allow sharing a podcast via long-press on Subscriptions screen (@ByteHamster)
∙ Remember user choice when attempting downloads via mobile data (@tonytamsf)
∙ Various other bug-fixes & improvements
∙ Add episodes without subscribing to a podcast (@ByteHamster)
∙ Pull-to-refresh on Downloads screen (@VishnuSanal)
∙ Switch app language (@andre-m-dev)
∙ Display subscriptions as a simple list (@ByteHamster)
∙ Improved feed refresh speed (@0x082c8bf1)
∙ Display Podcasting 2.0 transcript text (@tonytamsf)
∙ Announce episode download start/end with Talkback (@teleoflexuous)
∙ Support for parsing Nero M4A chapters (@IsAvaible)
∙ Various bug-fixes to improve stability and usability
∙ Add sorting options to the Downloads and Episodes screens (@Jared234, @gitstart)
∙ Android Auto fixes & improvements; add back skip button (@awbooze, @ByteHamster)
∙ Update design of the Subscriptions screen (@gitstart)
∙ Add option to set ‘Enqueue location’ to Random (@andweg)
∙ Allow to sort Inbox oldest to newest (@gitstart)
∙ Add option to auto-activate sleep timer in a specific timeslot (@mueller-ma)
∙ Improve file downloading; offer to download as soon as WiFi is available (@ByteHamster)
∙ Add sorting options to the Downloads and Episodes screens (@Jared234, @gitstart)
∙ Android Auto fixes & improvements; add back skip button (@awbooze, @ByteHamster)
∙ Update design of the Subscriptions screen (@gitstart)
∙ Add option to set ‘Enqueue location’ to Random (@andweg)
∙ Allow to sort Inbox oldest to newest (@gitstart)
∙ Add option to auto-activate sleep timer in a specific timeslot (@mueller-ma)
∙ Improve file downloading; offer to download as soon as WiFi is available (@ByteHamster)
∙ Add Home screen, with quick access to the queued and latest episodes, favourite podcasts and surprise suggestions (@ByteHamster)
∙ Apply Material Design 3, including a theme colour based on your wallpaper [Android 12+ only] (idem)
∙ Better spread episodes while using smart shuffle (idem)
∙ Enable multi-select in Inbox (idem)
∙ Other improvements (e.g. for local feeds) and bugfixes (idem)
∙ Refreshed icon/branding (Ryan Gorley/Freehive)
∙ Allow editing podcast feed URLs (@ricardoborgesjr)
∙ View "New Episodes" list now in a dedicated screen called Inbox, with swipe actions (@ByteHamster)
∙ Use swipe actions and quickly toggle Favourites on the Episodes screen (@ByteHamster)
∙ View a list of (unplayed) episodes in Android Auto (@tonytamsf)
∙ Scroll to the top of lists by long-pressing the toolbar (@ByteHamster)
∙ Bug fixes around authentication for podcasts & Nextcloud sync (@ByteHamster)
∙ Directly open localised documentation if available (for now: da, fr, it, nl) (@ByteHamster)
∙ Support for podcasting 2.0 chapters (@tonytamsf)
∙ Statistics: filter based on month/year (@ByteHamster), access via button on Subscriptions toolbar instead of Settings (@IordanisKokk)
∙ Local feed bug fixes & improvements (@ByteHamster)
∙ Design improvements (design: George, code: @ByteHamster)
∙ Update feeds to https if possible, better handle captive portal redirects (@ByteHamster)
∙ As always, even though we never list it: new & updated translations (thanks to all our lovely translators)
∙ Support for podcasting 2.0 chapters (@tonytamsf)
∙ Statistics: filter based on month/year (@ByteHamster), access via button on Subscriptions toolbar instead of Settings (@IordanisKokk)
∙ Local feed bug fixes & improvements (@ByteHamster)
∙ Design improvements (design: George, code: @ByteHamster)
∙ Update feeds to https if possible, better handle captive portal redirects (@ByteHamster)
∙ As always, even though we never list it: new & updated translations (thanks to all our lovely translators)
- Synchronization with Nextcloud ("GPodder Sync" app) (@thrillfall)
- 'Duration' filter in podcast-specific auto-download settings (@thomasdomingos)
- 'Downloaded episodes' screen in Android Auto (@ByteHamster)
- Tags (previously folders): add to multiple podcasts via multi-select, rename tags (@vbh)
- Accessibility: more TalkBack (@johnjohndoe @TacoTheDank)
- Improvements for local feeds, mobile connections, physical keyboard/mouse support
- Many minor & bigger bug fixes and other improvements

ハッキング方法 AntennaPod

ダウンロード AntennaPod MOD APK 3.6.1

ダウンロード MOD APK


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6.76万 件のレビュー