Daywell - for Stress & Anxiety Mod Apk

Daywell - for Stress & Anxiety ハック - Mod Apk 5.5.2

開発者: Daywell
カテゴリー: ライフスタイル
価格: 無料です


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Daywell へようこそ。これは、良い習慣を身につけ、気分を追跡し、瞑想し、熟考するのに役立つオールインワン ジャーナルです。このアプリは、さまざまな機能を 1 つの使いやすいプラットフォームに統合することで、メンタルヘルスと幸福を改善できるように設計されています。新しい習慣を始めたい、自分の感情を追跡したい、または単に振り返りをしたいなど、私たちのアプリはあなたをカバーします。



気分を追跡することは、感情を理解し、メンタルヘルスのパターンを特定するための重要なステップです。私たちのムード トラッカーを使用すると、自分の気持ちを記録し、その傾向を確認できます。

瞑想は、ストレスや不安を軽減し、全体的なメンタルヘルスを改善するための強力なツールです。私たちのアプリには、2 分から 10 分の範囲のガイド付き瞑想のライブラリが含まれています。ポジティブなアファメーションで自信を高めたり、さまざまな呼吸パターンで気分を安定させたり、睡眠瞑想を使ってすぐに眠りにつくことができます。

自分の考えや感情を振り返る時間をとることで、メンタルヘルスについての洞察を得て、全体的な健康状態を改善することができます。私たちの振り返り機能を使用すると、考えを書き留めたり、写真を追加したり、それらすべてを 1 つの美しい日記に残すことができます。

私たちのアプリは、個々のニーズに合わせて完全にカスタマイズできるように設計されています。さまざまなテーマと色から選択して、アプリのルック アンド フィールをパーソナライズできます。また、習慣の通知を設定したり、順調に進むための励ましを受け取ったりすることもできます。

私たちのアプリは、メンタルヘルスとウェルビーイングを改善したいと考えている人にとって完璧なツールです。習慣の追跡、気分の追跡、瞑想、振り返りを 1 つのプラットフォームに組み合わせることで、私たちのアプリはセルフケアへの包括的なアプローチを提供します。今すぐアプリをダウンロードして、より幸せで健康的なあなたへの旅を始めましょう!


What's New in this Release
- Fixed minor bugs with accessing downloaded sessions

Thank you for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Minor upgrades to post listing and routine generation

Thank you for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added the ability to add reading reflections and audio series to the daily routine
- Minor bug fixes and interface updates

Thanks for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added the ability to choose a different voice when listening to a meditation
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the daily routine's reflection prompt would change

Thanks for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added the ability to specify a date and time when adding an entry
- Added the ability to save a specific background image when adding a quote to favorites
- Make late-night notifications silent
- Standardize date and time formats

Thanks for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added new meditation playlist: Managing intense emotions
- Added the ability to save your favorite quotes, meditations, and activities
- Added the ability to choose quote background images when sharing

Thanks for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added bedtime stories playlist
- Revamped traits to be more balanced and prominent in the app
- Fixed some bugs related to reflection routine
- Fixed timezone bug related to goal-started activity

Thanks for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added morning meditation playlist
- Integrated mood-check into the daily routine

Thanks for your support as always ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added link to Instagram account
- Fixed some UI bugs

Bigger updates will be coming soon ☀️
What's New in this Release
- Added new content: motivational bits, negative visualization
- Enable account deletion
- Some UI updates to the Settings and Entries page

We hope these updates enhance your experience with our app. Thank you for your continued support. More big updates will be coming soon ☀️
What's New in this Release
- New playlist: Daily Affirmations
- Enable you to add more detail to exercise, unplug and savor activity
- Move stats to the main navigation

We hope these updates enhance your experience with our app. Thank you for your continued support. ☀️
This update brings Traits. With Traits, you'll discover a connection between your day-to-day activities at Daywell and a positive character trait you have. For example, recording exercise activities will increase your Health-Conscious Trait.

We hope this change will bring you more encouragement and that using Daywell becomes more fun.
- Fixed bug where sometimes create permanent account prompt appears even though you have created an account.
The latest release enables you to upload photos to your journal! With this and other minor improvements and bug fixes, we hope we can make your pursuit of happiness more enjoyable.
Added the ability for you to share encouraging quotes to your friends and family. Also added five senses exercise as a meditation activity.
Added app review request after you have used the app for multiple days. This will help spread the word and make other people happy.

Added the ability to arrange how your activities are displayed in the main screen.
Added the ability for you to share encouraging quotes to your friends and family. Also added five senses exercise as a meditation activity.
Added weekly reporting on your mood and activities

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