Worldee Trip Planner & Journal Mod Apk

Worldee Trip Planner & Journal ハック - Mod Apk 1.17.1

カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


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究極の旅行コンパニオン、Worldee をご紹介します。世界中の経験豊富な旅行者からのユニークな旅程を計画し、共有し、インスピレーションを得て発見してください。 Worldee は、本物の忘れられない体験へのガイドです。待つ必要はありません。不必要な心配をすることなく、夢の冒険に乗り出しましょう。

あなたのような旅行者が Worldee を好む理由をご覧ください:

📒 旅行日記
旅行の大切な思い出を失うのが怖いですか? Worldee を使用すると、すべてのエクスペリエンスを 1 か所で簡単に閲覧できます。あなたの思い出は安全に、いつでも手元に残ります。
• オンラインのスクラッチオフ世界地図に色を付けます
• すべての詳細を記載した旅程を作成する
• 完全な体験をキャプチャ - 写真、地図、タイムライン
• 旅行の思い出をすべてまとめて保存
• あなたの冒険の魅力的なプレゼンテーションを共有する
• 旅行統計を表示する
• 写真やビデオ用の追加ストレージを入手

🗺️ 旅行プランナー
夢を現実の計画に変えましょう。 Worldee は、新しい旅の詳細な旅程の準備をお手伝いします。この包括的な計画方法を検討して、将来の経験の雰囲気に浸ってください。
• 訪れたい場所を旅程に追加
• 交通手段と宿泊施設のオプションを選択する
• 旅程と地図を単一画面に表示
• 旅行計画を他の旅行者と共有する
• 個人用チェックリストの項目にチェックを入れます
• 自分の考え、願い、メモをすべて書き留める

✨ 無限のインスピレーション
• はい?素晴らしい!あなたのストーリーを他の旅行者と共有することを躊躇しないでください。
• いいえ?問題ない。旅行や写真をプライバシーにロックします。
ぜひ体験してみたい特定の旅行が目に留まりましたか? 「インスピレーションを得る」ボタンをクリックして、旅程を独自のプランに変換してください。新しい旅を簡単に始めるのに最適な方法です。 Worldee で素晴らしい場所を発見してください。

🌍 Worldee と一緒に旅行
• 経験豊富な旅行者と一緒に冒険に出かけたり、自分で出発したりできます
• ワンクリックで、航空券、宿泊施設、体験など、必要なものすべてを手配します。
• 少人数のグループで美しい目的地を発見

🗺️ 旅行仲間になって、旅行中にお金を稼ぎましょう
あなたはガイドですか、それともガイドになりたいですか?海外に住んでいて、(だけではなく)チェコ人の世界探検を手伝っていますか?私たちと提携して、Worldee で合法的にサービスの提供を始めましょう!
• 要件に応じて旅行を作成する
• 当社のライセンスに基づいて旅行を販売します
• 独自のブランドを構築する

何か質問がありますか? [email protected]までご連絡をお待ちしております♡


- UI fixes, more translations added
- New typography
- New gradients
- Redesigned trip cards
- Redesigned homepage
- NEW ability to choose the departure airport
- Major technical changes
- Bug fixes
New supported regions: Netherlands, UK, US, and global
- Completely redesigned order process
- Various bug fixes
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- Insurance in the order
- Deeplink to a specific term
- Private links for travel dates
- Launch screen
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- Hearts page design edited
- Expanded on what is and is not included in the price
- Expanded amenities
- Carousel for photos in the accommodation
- New regions (EU and SK)
- New SK language
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- Hearts page
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- Correction of deeplinks and push notifications so that you don't miss anything.
- Enable gesture navigation on iOS.
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- New layout of the landing page, it will help to discover the world even better.
- New filters for searching trips
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- New layout of the landing page, it will help to discover the world even better.
- New filters for searching trips
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- New layout of the landing page, it will help to discover the world even better.
- New filters for searching trips
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
📢 Our app modifications are here! 🚀
- New layout of the landing page.
- Our menu has undergone a transformation to provide you with a more convenient navigation.
- Preparing the region for Poland and Germany.
- Payments in currencies according to the region.
- Trip detail redesign.
- We have improved the typography to make your reading more pleasant and clear
- We found and fixed minor bugs to make the app even smoother.
Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- Improved ordering process with more information.
- Option to pay by card via the Stripe payment gateway.
- Option to purchase luggage and experiences with your order.
- You can now enter your own values for routes (time and distance).
- Increased the maximum number of days in a trip to 1999.
- Improved application performance
- Graphical improvements and bug fixes.
Thank you for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- Improved ordering process with more information.
- Option to pay by card via the Stripe payment gateway.
- Option to purchase luggage and experiences with your order.
- You can now enter your own values for routes (time and distance).
- Increased the maximum number of days in a trip to 1999.
- Improved application performance
- Graphical improvements and bug fixes.
Thank you for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- Improved ordering process with more information.
- Option to pay by card via the Stripe payment gateway.
- Option to purchase luggage and experiences with your order.
- You can now enter your own values for routes (time and distance).
- Increased the maximum number of days in a trip to 1999.
- Graphical improvements and bug fixes.
Thank you for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- Travel Buddy Review
- The possibility to request a trip above the departure dates
- Adjustment of sales channels for Campiri
- Bug fixes and graphical improvements
- Acceleration of the application
Thank you for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- New Trip page
- Overall improvement of the app speed
- Fixed bugs in the trip concept
- More graphic improvements
Thank you for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- New Trip page
- Overall improvement of the app speed
- Fixed bugs in the trip concept
- More graphic improvements
Thank you for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- Basic draft - easier way to add past trips
- Option to click through to your followers' profiles
- Ability to add photos to your plan
Bugs fixed:
- Enable gallery access in the trip concept
- Filtering and search results
- Loading and other graphical errors on the profile
- Presentation mode
Let's make the summer season unforgettable. Thanks for exploring the world with Worldee ♥️
Hello traveler! Here's what this version includes:
- Redesigned profile - customizable to your liking
- Option to add photos to places in a plan
- Settings for different types of notifications
- Option to view and manage followers
Feel free to leave a review or message us at [email protected] ♥️
Happy upcoming adventures!

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