HiPER Calc Pro Mod Apk

HiPER Calc Pro ハック - Mod Apk 11.0.3

開発者: HiPER Labs
カテゴリー: ツール
価格: ¥695 (Download for free)


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この電卓は世界中で 4,000 万回以上ダウンロードされ、20 万件の 5 つ星評価を受けています。


- 小型デバイス用の「ポケット」
- スマートフォン用「コンパクト」(縦向きおよび横向き)
- タブレットの場合は「拡張」



- 仮数部は最大 100 桁、指数部は 9 桁まで
- パーセンテージ、モジュロ、否定などの基本的な算術演算。
- 分数と帯分数;
- 周期数とその分数への変換;
- 中括弧の数に制限はありません。
- オペレーターの優先順位。
- 繰り返しの操作;
- 方程式 (1 つ以上の変数、連立方程式)
- 変数と記号計算。
- 導関数と積分。
- 関数、方程式、積分面積、および限界のグラフ。 3D グラフ;
- 計算の詳細 - すべての複素根、単位円などの計算に関する拡張情報。
- 行列とベクトル
- 統計
- 回帰分析
- 複素数
- 直交座標と極座標の間の変換
- 級数の和と積
- 限界
- 乱数、組み合わせ、順列、最大公約数などの高度な数値演算。
- 三角関数と双曲線関数。
- 累乗、根、対数など。
- 度、分、秒の変換;
- 固定小数点、科学および工学表示形式。
- 指数を SI 単位の接頭辞として表示します。
- 10 個の拡張メモリによるメモリ操作;
- さまざまなクリップボード形式でのクリップボード操作;
- 結果履歴;
- 2 進数、8 進数、および 16 進数の体系。
- 論理演算;
- ビット単位のシフトと回転。
- 触覚フィードバック;
- 90 を超える物理定数。
- 250 単位間の変換。
- 逆ポーランド記法。




- Math expression recognition from images
- Physical constants updated to 2022 CODATA
- New languages: Romanian, Bulgarian
- Quick tour
- New button setting: Style of key titles (Casio style or Sharp style)
- New display setting: One cursor position in a placeholder
- Functions working with matrix elements
- New language: Turkish
- Quick tour
- New button setting: Style of key titles (Casio style or Sharp style)
- New display setting: One cursor position in a placeholder
- Functions working with matrix elements
- New language: Turkish
- New detail: Domain of expression
- Parallel operator
- New key in custom keyboards: switch to another keyboard
- New languages: Czech and Polish
- New detail: Domain of expression
- Parallel operator
- New key in custom keyboards: switch to another keyboard
- New languages: Czech and Polish
- Inequalities
- New detail: Interval notation of inequality result
- New detail: Number line with inequality result
- New settings: Bracket types in interval notation
- New detail: Graph of limits
- New detail: Polar graph
- Decimal point in scientific and engineering notations can be shifted manually in details
- New settings: Display exponent in E notation
- Function parentheses can be deleted and inserted elsewhere
- Addition and subtraction can follow each other without an operand in between
- New detail: Graph of limits
- New detail: Polar graph
- Decimal point in scientific and engineering notations can be shifted manually in details
- New settings: Display exponent in E notation
- Function parentheses can be deleted and inserted elsewhere
- Addition and subtraction can follow each other without an operand in between
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Statistics supports grouped data
- Statistical functions: coefficient of variance, standard deviation of mean
- Rounding functions
- Matrix integrals and derivatives
- Kronecker method of polynomial factorization
- Factorization is available in the new function Factorize or in the details
- Equation systems with parameters
- Gamma function
- Graph value labels can be displayed in multiples of π
- Atan2 separated from arctan
- Export of all details as an image

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ダウンロード HiPER Calc Pro MOD APK 11.0.3

ダウンロード MOD APK


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3.42万 件のレビュー