- Math expression recognition from images
- Physical constants updated to 2022 CODATA
- New languages: Romanian, Bulgarian
- Math expression recognition from images
- Physical constants updated to 2022 CODATA
- New languages: Romanian, Bulgarian
- New detail: Domain of expression
- Parallel operator
- New key in custom keyboards: switch to another keyboard
- New languages: Czech and Polish
- New detail: Domain of expression
- Parallel operator
- New key in custom keyboards: switch to another keyboard
- New languages: Czech and Polish
- Inequalities
- New detail: Interval notation of inequality result
- New detail: Number line with inequality result
- New settings: Bracket types in interval notation
- Inequalities
- New detail: Interval notation of inequality result
- New detail: Number line with inequality result
- New settings: Bracket types in interval notation
- New detail: Graph of limits
- New detail: Polar graph
- Decimal point in scientific and engineering notations can be shifted manually in details
- New settings: Display exponent in E notation
- Function parentheses can be deleted and inserted elsewhere
- Addition and subtraction can follow each other without an operand in between
- New detail: Graph of limits
- New detail: Polar graph
- Decimal point in scientific and engineering notations can be shifted manually in details
- New settings: Display exponent in E notation
- Function parentheses can be deleted and inserted elsewhere
- Addition and subtraction can follow each other without an operand in between
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Arithmetics with infinities
- Sum and product of infinite series
- Definite integral with infinite limits
- Limit
- New detail: Other types of limit
- New setting: Infinite results of finite expressions
- New functions: cotangent, secant, cosecant
- New function: decimal part
- Rounding functions accept matrix in parameter
- Improved factorial and Gamma function calculations
- New menus in custom keyboards
- New language: Ukrainian
- Statistics supports grouped data
- Statistical functions: coefficient of variance, standard deviation of mean
- Rounding functions
- Matrix integrals and derivatives
- Kronecker method of polynomial factorization
- Factorization is available in the new function Factorize or in the details
- Equation systems with parameters
- Gamma function
- Graph value labels can be displayed in multiples of π
- Atan2 separated from arctan
- Export of all details as an image