Game of Thrones Slots Casino Mod Apk

Game of Thrones Slots Casino ハック - Mod Apk 3.1149.10

開発者: Zynga
カテゴリー: カジノ, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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The latest update from Game of Thrones Slots Casino includes a brand new machine, Sons of the Harpy.

Now in the main lobby, unlockable after level 2840 you can spin the wheel on the new slot to determine your bonus type. This slot machine will keep you guessing which powerful wins will reveal themselves next.
Game of Thrones Slots Casino has two major slot releases coming in January:

On 1/21, we'll be releasing Sam the Slayer. Witness as Sam defends himself and Gilly from a Whitewalker. Unlock this slot at level 2900 to witness the power of the Multiplier Wheel and Sam's heroism.

House Baratheon's words represent the slot releasing on 1/28: Ours is the Fury. Split across the Seven Kingdoms by the three brothers, House Baratheon shines in the newest slot unlockable after level 2920.
The latest update includes two new Game of Thrones Slot machines!

Celebrating the weighty but honorable position of The Master of Coin, this new slot machine introduces the lucrative Golden Spins feature with bonus game multipliers after level 2860!
Make something impossible happen! Hatch amazing wins with the latest version of your favorite slot! Collect wins fit for a Khaleesi in the new machine Mother of Dragons II available at level 2880!
Winter is coming but these two new machines are HOT in the latest update from Game of Thrones Slots!

Jon Snow rises to guide you to great wins in the new machine: The Lord of Light unlockable after level 2820.

Unlockable at level 2840 the Night Gathers slot shows the Night King and his army arrive at Winterfell!
Unlock the newest slot from Game of Thrones Slot Casino at level 2800! Check out Viper in the Lion's Den to see the Red Viper of Dorne, Prince Oberyn Martell in King's Landing, where his enemies in House Lannister rule. With over 2,000 ways to win, this machine will keep you guessing, just like the Prince's next move!
The latest update from Game of Thrones Slot Casino includes two new slot machines to unlock in the lobby after level 2220:

- In a Poisonous Plot, Sansa's necklace carries big wins! Choose the gemstone crystal that contains the largest fortune for epic rewards.

- Wildlings attack in the new Battle of Castle Black machine. Keep your aim true with the multiple jackpot pick game, and travel up the Wall with the epic-sized stacked Stick & Win feature.
Princess Rhaenyra is visited by the "King of the Kingswood"! Check out our newest 3x5 Independent Reels style slot machine White Hart when it releases in the main lobby after level 2180.
Check out our latest Slot Machine: Moon Door! Tyrion Lannister is taken to the Vale of Arryn by Catelyn Stark to answer for his crimes. Make your own destiny by choosing your special bonus on this great slot after level 2160.
This new update includes a new machine releasing in the Main Lobby for all players to eventually unlock!

- The Army of the Dead is on the march in The Fall of Eastwatch machine available after level 2140. Just as Tormund stood beside Jon Snow during the battle, the special Respin feature partners well with the Progressive Respin Multiplier to give you unforgettable chances to win.
Our newest machine, Khalasar is now available in the main lobby at level 2100. Explore the visuals of the Dothraki hoard led by Khal Drogo while keeping your eye out for expanding wilds, and a spin retrigger!
In our newest machine see how tensions rise when Lady Alicent Hightower is chosen to be the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Reveal the special jackpot wheel, and the free spins feature as you venture!
Prepare for victory in the latest updates from Game of Thrones Slots: Casino! We're streamlining your path to the Throne with new bug fixes in this release. Make sure to like us on Facebook to stay up to date on our latest daily and weekly events!
In this release two new machines will be available in the Main Lobby:

- Gifts for the Khaleesi shows the noble gift of three dragon eggs and Dany's attempt to hatch them. Unlock at level 2040 to fire up the reels with Extra Spins, a special multiplier and cumulative boosts!

- Hands of the Kings showcases the most powerful appointed position in Westeros. Available in the main lobby at level 2060, spin to feel the might of the Stamping Wilds feature!
With this latest update we're unlocking two awesome new machines, including:

- Releasing in the Main Lobby at level 2020, Water Dancer has arrived. A young Arya trains with Syrio Forel, former First Sword of Braavos while you try to land full stacks of symbols for a multiplier wheel!

- Claim to the Throne is available in the main lobby at level 2000! Joffrey Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne is disputed by Ned Stark while you spin with 243 Ways to Win and a Quick Hit Jackpot Feature!
Claim the spoils of war in the latest release from Game of Thrones Slots: Casino!

-Earn yourself a Legendary Win with the release of our latest machine: ‘Laws of Gods and Men’!

-Win amazing jackpots with exciting bonus games and free spins!

-Enjoy a smoother play experience than ever before with all-new bug fixes and updates
Prepare to go into battle with the latest release from Game of Thrones Slots: Casino!

-Dive into the religion of the Iron Isles with the release of our latest machine: ‘The Drowned God’!

-Take a trip beyond the Wall in another all-new machine: ‘Free Folk’!

-Enjoy smoother gameplay than ever before with bug fixes and updates.
Take charge of your destiny in the latest release from Game of Thrones Slots Casino!

-Earn a Legendary Win with the release of our newest machine: Born to Rule!

-Stake a claim on fantastic rewards with another all-new machine: ‘Fist of the First Men’!

-Experience smoother play than ever before with all-new bug fixes and updates!
Prepare for a royal celebration with the latest release from Game of Thrones Slots Casino!

-Take a visit to Kings Landing in the release of our latest machine: ‘The Lion and the Rose’!

-Your fortune is in your hands with an exciting Jackpot pick mini-game!

-Earn one of four jackpots with Stick and Win!
Prepare for the heat of battle in the latest release from Game of Thrones Slots Casino!

-Learn the way of the dragon with the release of our latest machine: ‘Targaryen Dynasty’!

-Gather your forces in pursuit of a Big Win in the all-new machine: ‘The Unsullied’!

-Play faster than ever before with bug fixes and updates!

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