Zood (ZoodPay & ZoodMall) Mod Apk

Zood (ZoodPay & ZoodMall) ハック - Mod Apk 4.2.6

開発者: OrientSwiss
カテゴリー: ショッピング
価格: 無料です


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Zood へようこそ。これは、当社のマーケットプレイスでのオンライン ショッピングでも、オンラインおよびオフラインのパートナー ストアのネットワークでも、すべての融資ニーズに対応するワンストップ ショップです。

ZoodPay で究極の融資体験を手に入れましょう。ウズベキスタン、レバノン、ヨルダン、イラク、パキスタンのどこにいても、当社のアプリは、お客様のニーズに合わせて調整された、迅速で安全かつ柔軟な融資ソリューションを提供します。
ZoodPay は買い物客に、今すぐ購入して後で支払うという柔軟性を提供します。これは、4 回の無利子分割払いまたは最大 12 回の分割払いの利付ローンのいずれかです。

4,000 のオンラインおよびオフライン ストアは、1,000 万人のユーザーが使用する独自のマーケットプレイスである ZoodMall と相まって、買い物客が今すぐ購入して ZoodPay で分割払いできるさまざまなチャネルを提供します。
迅速なアプリ内アプリケーション プロセスと競争力のあるレートにより、手間をかけずに必要な資金を得ることができます。当社の簡単な返済オプションにより、支払いの管理と財政の管理が簡単になります。

ZoodPay サービスの使用は簡単で、プロセスは完全にオンラインです。

ZoodMall またはパートナーのオンライン ストアで買い物をしている場合は、チェックアウト時に支払いオプションとして ZoodPay を選択し、必要な情報を入力して、すぐに確認を受け取ります。

- Zoodアプリをダウンロード
- 「ZoodPay」タブの下にある「Get Limit Now」をクリックします
- 要求された情報を提供し、すぐに承認を得てください!
- 店
- レジに向かい、アプリから QR コードをスキャンして承認します

ZoodMall で必要なものをすべて見つけてください。私たちの市場は、ファッションや電化製品から家庭用品や美容品など、さまざまな製品の行き先です。 30,000 を超える地元および国境を越えた売り手からの 700 万を超える製品と、ZoodPay の便利な今すぐ購入後払いレンディング ソリューションにより、ショッピングはかつてないほど容易になりました。

豊富な配送オプションで、安心してお買い物をお楽しみいただけます。 250 のロッカーのネットワーク、50 の集荷場所、宅配、店舗からのセルフコレクションなど、お客様のニーズに合わせてさまざまな配送オプションを使用して、ウズベキスタンで即日配送を提供しています。レバノン、イラク、パキスタン、またはヨルダンに住んでいる場合は、即日または翌日の宅配を受けることもできます.

顧客は快適な自宅から ZoodMall で購入し、商品を受け取り、分割払いし、配達後最大 15 日間製品を返品することができ、顧客に保証と安全を提供します。

今すぐ Zood に参加して、指先で便利な世界を楽しみましょう。


"Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the product detail page interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

On product detail page, customers can view products that customers have previously browsed.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
"Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the product detail page interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

On product detail page, customers can view products that customers have previously browsed.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
"Important updates in this release:

Enhanced the sign-in and sign-up flow in APP for more intuitive and seamless user experience.

Added onboarding tutorial in the app, offering a concise overview of the ZOOD app.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
"Important updates in this release:

Added a new feature called 'Order Review.' With this feature, customers now have the opportunity to provide valuable feedback upon receiving their products.

Added onboarding tutorial in the app, offering a concise overview of the ZOOD app.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned User Interface for Order detail page. The entire user interface has undergone a comprehensive redesign, focusing on modern and clean aesthetics.

Various bugs and issues reported by users have been addressed and resolved.

General improvements have been made to refine the overall user experience.
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned User Interface for Order detail page. The entire user interface has undergone a comprehensive redesign, focusing on modern and clean aesthetics.

Various bugs and issues reported by users have been addressed and resolved.

General improvements have been made to refine the overall user experience.
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the my-accounts interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

Enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Enhanced the referal program flow in APP for more intuitive and seamless experience.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality.
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the my-accounts interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

Enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Enhanced the referal program flow in APP for more intuitive and seamless experience.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality.
"Important updates in this release:

In UZ market for self-pickup; users will have an option for selecting their region and city or their region and district

Implementation of email verification for the Pakistan market.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"
"""Important updates in this release:

- In Uzbekistan, customers can download the fiscal check for their new orders from the order detail page.
- Now users can see offline orders on the My Order page along with online orders.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"""
"Important updates in this release:

- User can see more and more offer products on home page.
- Improvements done for face recognitions in eKYC process.
- UI/UX improvements.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"
"Important updates in this release: 

- Moved from LBP to USD currency in Lebanon Market.
- Enhanced user experience in the Checkout process. 
- UI/UX improvements. 

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"
Important updates in this release:

- Improvements done in product card information.
- Improvements done in document capture in eKYC process
- UI/UX improvements.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
Important updates in this release:

- Enhanced selfie capture experience, which will reduce KYC failure cases.
- Users can provide ratings without leaving the feedback.
- UI/UX improvements.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface.
Important updates in this release:

- Enhanced selfie capture experience, which will reduce KYC failure cases.
- Local Store promotions will be shown in the App.
- UI/UX improvements on home page.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface.
Important updates in this release:

- Added new filters design for better user experience
- Added new filter sections which will help customers to find the right products. e.g. - product rating, new arrival products, free shipping products, promotional offers etc.
- Legal documents has been updated for JO Market
- UI/UX improvements
Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface.
Important updates in this release:

- adding Wallet toggle - which allow user to save cashback for Next purchase
- adding login alerts by SMS/email when user logged in from another device
- search functionality improvements
- fixed bugs and improved general features

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
Important updates in this release:

- adding delete account functionality
- adding maps view for pick-up options
- search functionality improvements
- fixed bugs and improved general features

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
Important updates in this release:

- we launched Fulfillment service in Uzbekistan, now parcels can be delivered faster
- fixed bugs and improved general features

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface

ハッキング方法 Zood (ZoodPay & ZoodMall)

ダウンロード Zood (ZoodPay & ZoodMall) MOD APK 4.2.6

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4.2 点満点中 5
8.18万 件のレビュー