ZOOD: Buy Now, Pay Later Mod Apk

ZOOD: Buy Now, Pay Later ハック - Mod Apk 5.3.6

開発者: OrientSwiss
カテゴリー: ショッピング
価格: 無料です


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今すぐ欲しいものがありますが、後で支払いたいですか? ZOOD では全額支払いを省略し、柔軟な分割払いをお楽しみいただけます。ウズベキスタン、レバノン、パキスタン、またはその中間のどこからショッピングをする場合でも、ZOOD は困っているあなたの友達です。欲しいものを購入し、最大 12 回までの簡単な支払いを選択してください。

ZOOD は、柔軟な支払いのための完全なエコシステムです。

ZOOD Pay: 3 億人を超える個人と 500 万人の中小企業にサービスを提供する ZOOD Pay は、革新的なチャネルを通じてアクセスしやすい融資を提供しています。オンラインでも店舗でも買い物をし、即時承認が得られる柔軟な分割払いで支払います。もう待つ必要はなく、簡単にお買い物ができます。

ZOOD Mall: 地元および国境を越えた販売者が提供する何百万もの商品を、金利 0% および隠れた手数料なしで探索できます。携帯電話から電化製品、美容家電まで何でも揃うZOODモール!現地通貨で買い物をし、ZOOD Pay の柔軟な分割払いオプションまたは「Pay After Delivery」機能でお支払いください。

ZOOD Card: これは、パキスタンとウズベキスタン初の国際ショッピングと地元ショッピング向けの仮想分割払いカードです。オンライン ストアで最大 12 回の簡単な分割払いに使用できます。スムーズで簡単な月々のお支払い、隠れた手数料や複雑な為替レートはありません。信頼できる世界的ブランドをオンラインで購入し、安全なショッピング体験を手に入れましょう。

ZOOD Ship: F​​argo を利用した ZOOD Ship は、ウズベキスタンのラストワンマイル配送サービスに革命をもたらしています。 Fargo は効率と信頼性に重​​点を置き、玄関先までの迅速かつ安全な配送を保証します。 ZOOD Ship は、e コマース大手から地元の小売店まで、柔軟でカスタマイズされた配送オプションで顧客の固有の需要に応えます。

- 利便性: 今すぐ購入し、後で支払います。
- 柔軟性: 複数の分割払いオプション。
- 信頼: 安全で信頼できるサービス。
- 多様性: 何百万もの製品からお選びいただけます。
- 世界中で買い物: バーチャル ZOOD カードを使用して、世界中のオンライン ストアで買い物をし、分割払いで支払います。

今すぐZOODをダウンロードしてください! ZOOD での素晴らしいセールと手間のかからないショッピングをお見逃しなく。今すぐ購入、後で支払いのメリットを今すぐお楽しみください。
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Important updates in this release:
Enhanced app typography for improved user experience, featuring updated fonts and user-friendly design.

Enhanced security protocols have been introduced to prevent unauthorized access to your account from other devices.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality and reliability.
Important updates in this release:
Enhanced app typography for improved user experience, featuring updated fonts and user-friendly design.

Enhanced security protocols have been introduced to prevent unauthorized access to your account from other devices.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality and reliability.
Important updates in this release:
Enhanced app typography for improved user experience, featuring updated fonts and user-friendly design.

Enhanced security protocols have been introduced to prevent unauthorized access to your account from other devices.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality and reliability.
"Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the product detail page interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

On product detail page, customers can view products that customers have previously browsed.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
"Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the product detail page interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

On product detail page, customers can view products that customers have previously browsed.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
"Important updates in this release:

Enhanced the sign-in and sign-up flow in APP for more intuitive and seamless user experience.

Added onboarding tutorial in the app, offering a concise overview of the ZOOD app.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
"Important updates in this release:

Added a new feature called 'Order Review.' With this feature, customers now have the opportunity to provide valuable feedback upon receiving their products.

Added onboarding tutorial in the app, offering a concise overview of the ZOOD app.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality."
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned User Interface for Order detail page. The entire user interface has undergone a comprehensive redesign, focusing on modern and clean aesthetics.

Various bugs and issues reported by users have been addressed and resolved.

General improvements have been made to refine the overall user experience.
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned User Interface for Order detail page. The entire user interface has undergone a comprehensive redesign, focusing on modern and clean aesthetics.

Various bugs and issues reported by users have been addressed and resolved.

General improvements have been made to refine the overall user experience.
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the my-accounts interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

Enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Enhanced the referal program flow in APP for more intuitive and seamless experience.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality.
Important updates in this release:

Redesigned the my-accounts interface for a more modern and intuitive look.

Enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Enhanced the referal program flow in APP for more intuitive and seamless experience.

General improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall app functionality.
"Important updates in this release:

In UZ market for self-pickup; users will have an option for selecting their region and city or their region and district

Implementation of email verification for the Pakistan market.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"
"""Important updates in this release:

- In Uzbekistan, customers can download the fiscal check for their new orders from the order detail page.
- Now users can see offline orders on the My Order page along with online orders.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"""
"Important updates in this release:

- User can see more and more offer products on home page.
- Improvements done for face recognitions in eKYC process.
- UI/UX improvements.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"
"Important updates in this release: 

- Moved from LBP to USD currency in Lebanon Market.
- Enhanced user experience in the Checkout process. 
- UI/UX improvements. 

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface"
Important updates in this release:

- Improvements done in product card information.
- Improvements done in document capture in eKYC process
- UI/UX improvements.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
Important updates in this release:

- Enhanced selfie capture experience, which will reduce KYC failure cases.
- Users can provide ratings without leaving the feedback.
- UI/UX improvements.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface.
Important updates in this release:

- Enhanced selfie capture experience, which will reduce KYC failure cases.
- Local Store promotions will be shown in the App.
- UI/UX improvements on home page.

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface.
Important updates in this release:

- Added new filters design for better user experience
- Added new filter sections which will help customers to find the right products. e.g. - product rating, new arrival products, free shipping products, promotional offers etc.
- Legal documents has been updated for JO Market
- UI/UX improvements
Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface.
Important updates in this release:

- adding Wallet toggle - which allow user to save cashback for Next purchase
- adding login alerts by SMS/email when user logged in from another device
- search functionality improvements
- fixed bugs and improved general features

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
Important updates in this release:

- adding delete account functionality
- adding maps view for pick-up options
- search functionality improvements
- fixed bugs and improved general features

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
Important updates in this release:

- we launched Fulfillment service in Uzbekistan, now parcels can be delivered faster
- fixed bugs and improved general features

Plus general fixes to improve user experience and interface
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ハッキング方法 ZOOD: Buy Now, Pay Later

ダウンロード ZOOD: Buy Now, Pay Later MOD APK 5.3.6

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8.48万 件のレビュー