Zoho Social Mod Apk

Zoho Social ハック - Mod Apk 8.1.0

開発者: Zoho Corporation
カテゴリー: ソーシャルネットワーク
価格: 無料です


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Zoho Social - 企業向けのオールインワンソーシャルメディア管理ツール。

Zoho Socialは、企業が1つのプラットフォームから複数のソーシャルチャネルを管理し、ソーシャルメディアの積極的なプレゼンスを高めるのを支援します。

- 移動中に、お気に入りの瞬間をキャプチャし、最高の写真を編集し、ソーシャルチャネルを介して即座に投稿を公開する
- 強力なスケジュール機能を使用して、投稿を公開キューに追加し、最適な時間に適切なユーザーに連絡を取り、その他の操作を行います。
- インターネットから切断されている間に新しい投稿に取り組む。オンラインに戻ると、保存した下書きは自動的に同期されます。
- ハッシュタグとキーワードを監視し、新しい見込み客を発見し、リアルタイムで視聴者と関わる
- すべての投稿についての洞察であなたのソーシャルメディアのパフォーマンスを測定する

Zoho Socialモバイルアプリを試してみる準備はできましたか?ダウンロード中!

ご質問やご意見がございましたら、support @ zohosocial.comまでご連絡ください。


View and respond to messages on your LinkedIn page directly from the application. You can also add content like text and hashtags as the first comment to your Facebook posts, LinkedIn posts, in addition to Instagram posts.
You can now start adding alt text to your images while posting to Facebook, LinkedIn, X, Pinterest from Zoho Social. You can also @mention user profiles on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram posts.
We have also fixed some bugs to improve performance.
You can now post reels on Facebook from the mobile application. Also, you can directly publish your Instagram Posts to your Creator account, and Instagram Stories to your Instagram Business accounts. We have also fixed some bugs to make overall performance better.
Pinterest is now supported in Zoho Social where you can start publishing posts and view statistics on the performance. You can also add first comment to your Instagram post and monitor @mentions on your LinkedIn company page right from the application.
We have included various in-depth metrics in Post Insights to give you a better understanding on the performance of your post. We have also squashed some bugs to enhance the performance.
You can now add upto 10 media files - images, and videos - in a post or as a story on Instagram. Also, you can start adding comments or replies to your posts on TikTok. To enhance the overall user experience, we have squashed a few bugs and made a few performance enhancements in this update.
We have introduced dark mode which enhances the complete user experience, especially in low-light conditions.
We have also squashed some bugs and made some performance improvements.
In this release, we have introduced the following:
-Publishing on TikTok
-Creating Instagram Reels
-Creating Instagram Stories

We have also squashed some bugs and made some performance improvements.
We have introduced Image Editor, which lets you edit the image, crop, rotate, flip, add stickers, and customize the image for different social media channels.

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