YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime Mod Apk

YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime ハック - Mod Apk 11.1.2

開発者: YOUKU
カテゴリー: エンタメ
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime mod apkGame screenshot YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime hackGame screenshot YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime apk download


[良質なコンテンツ、YOUKU で無制限]
『Twinkle Love S4』春の4組新入生が恋の旅へ
「In Blossom」:Ju Jingyi と Liu Xueyi が誤解に満ちたラブストーリーを描きます。何が本物で何が偽物なのか?
「Guess Who I Am」:張玉渓と王子斉の視線が交差し、非日常的な出会いが繰り広げられる!
「Everyone Loves Me」: リン・イーとチョウ・イェーはお互いに恋に落ち、甘くてロマンチックな旅に乗り出します。ハマれば勝ちですよ!
「影のセクトの秘密」: 魅力的な女性悪役が冷血な暗殺者に恋をする。それは愛ですか、それともただの計画ですか?
「Part For Ever」:ビタースウィート! 父親を殺され、家族を壊された恨みを抱え、愛情を持ちながらもその絡みから逃れられない!
「ミステリー・イン・ザ・ボックス」:ミステリー・イン・ザ・ボックスは、物語性のある冒険バラエティ番組です。舞台裏では、プロデューサーのファン・レイと演出チームが没入型の物語の世界を作り上げ、プロの俳優や演劇関係者を招き、10の「魂の癒し」を体験させています。箱のような空間内で、謎に満ちたプレイヤーのグループは、風変わりでユーモラスでひねりの効いたさまざまなシナリオの中で、各物語の真実を徐々に明らかにし、最終的には箱から抜け出す方法を見つけ、魂のはけ口を発見する必要があります。 。
「This Is My Island」新しい時代の開拓者精神を抱き、充実した人生の本質を探るため、海を愛する12人の若者が神秘的な島へ冒険します。一連の生存テストと挑戦を通じて、彼らは自然と共存し、自己成長と突破口を達成する方法を見つけ、現代の若い世代の冒険精神を体現しています。
ご質問やアドバイスがございましたら、[email protected] までお問い合わせください。


1.Some bugs fixed.
2.The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1.APP has added a new feedback reminder function~
2.The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1.Some bugs fixed.
2.The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1.Some bugs fixed.
2.The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1.New feature of sending bullet screen added! Send a bullet screen to experience it firsthand!
2.The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1.The app has added a function of live streaming~
2.The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1. Logging in with a phone number or email address is available on the APP now.
2.Profile picture and nickname modifications are available on the APP now. Please try it out!
1. The subtitle style has been improved for an overall more pleasant look and a more enjoyable watching experience.
2. APP performance has been improved for a smoother user experience.
The optimized app brings you a smoother experience.
1、The display of the subtitle has been optimized, making it easier for you to watch~
2、APP performance has been improved for a smoother user experience.
1、A new feedback portal is added to facilitate your feedback.
2、The user interface now has a cleaner look with the latest upgrade~
1、The app now supports Simplified Chinese,
Portuguese, and Malay. Come and choose the app language you want~
2、Information about the cast has been added to the video page, you can now find the shows featuring the stars you like more easily~
1、The app now supports Simplified Chinese,
Portuguese, and Malay. Come and choose the app language you want~
2、Information about the cast has been added to the video page, you can now find the shows featuring the stars you like more easily~
The app has completed multi-language interface optimization to provide you with a better localization experience.
The video interface has been upgraded, providing a seamless user experience.
Your subtitle language is the same as your app language. We make sure you watch videos in your language.
1. The major upgrade of the entire APP's visual design will help create an immersive viewing experience~
2. Viewing history and ratings of the shows can be checked on the front page, making it easier to look for your desired content~
1. The optimized video playback is taking the user experience to the next level~
2. Support for selecting the resolution of offline videos is added, and you will be notified when the video resolution is changed.
3. Other bug fixes for user experience.
1. You can use screen mirroring to watch videos from your phone on TV now and adjust your screen size too! PS.Some devices may not support screen mirroring, please stay tuned~
2. Video playback performance is optimized! There are tips for beginners and you can use gestures to fast-forward and fast-reverse videos. The optimization will lift your spirits and we will help you find your next favorite story.
1. The Subscription function has now been added, subscribe now to get a 50% discount on the VIP membership fee
2. Switch across multi-language audio tracks in the video-play window.
3. Added "Explore" function to quickly locate your favorite show ("search" function coming soon in the future).

ハッキング方法 YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime

ダウンロード YOUKU-Drama, Film, Show, Anime MOD APK 11.1.2

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.2 点満点中 5
2.73万 件のレビュー
