Medieval Kingdoms - Castle MMO Mod Apk

Medieval Kingdoms - Castle MMO ハック - Mod Apk 1.13.1

カテゴリー: カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS は無料の中世戦略 MMO です。あなたの道は、経験の浅い伯爵から中世の最も強力な支配者へとあなたを導きます。あなたの統治を開花させ、友達と一緒にヨーロッパの王国を征服し、一緒に中世の王国の世界を支配しましょう。あなた自身の物語を書きましょう!

楽しい中世戦略ゲーム、MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS で王になりましょう!小さなカウントとして、あなたはあなた自身の成長する郡を作ります。原材料の生産を管理し、新しいユニークな建物のロックを解除し、あなたの意志に従って王国を形作りましょう。あなたの力を使って繁栄する帝国を作り、中世で最も強力で有名な支配者になりましょう!


MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS のマルチプレイヤーモードで、ユニークで歴史的なヨーロッパマップでプレイ。中世の本物の王国を発見し、ヨーロッパのさまざまな地域に浸ってください。近くの王国から始めて、北の氷の土地に移動するか、南の暖かい地域に向かいましょう。中世の王国には発見するものがたくさんあります!


ハンブルク郡、それともフィレンツェ共和国?バルセロナの街、それともエセックス王国?どの王国を征服するかはあなた次第です。新しい王国を手に入れたら、それを拡張してさまざまなボーナスを獲得できます。より多くの税金を獲得したり、王国で貿易のロックを解除したりできます - 同盟のために重要な決定を下しましょう!

MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS を好きなようにプレイ:同盟を率いて、数え切れないほどの王国を征服しましょう。外交官として他の同盟と協力し、貿易に従事します。同盟のフォーラムと財務を管理します。何でも可能です。プレッシャーを受けるのが好きではありませんか?他の領主に服従し、税金を忠実に支払います。すべてのレンガが重要であり、すべてのステップが目標に近づきます!

あなたがヨーロッパの正当な支配者であることをみんなに見せたり、強大な王や同盟の喧騒から離れて自分だけの小さな王国を作りましょう。自分だけの方法を見つけて、MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS で楽しさと挑戦に満ちた信じられないほどの中世の世界を体験してください!

中世戦略 MMO Medieval Kingdoms は無料でプレイでき、アクティブなインターネット接続が必要です。




We continuously work to improve MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS and therefore applied several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience!
- Additional Kingdom Builder: Upgrade more than one Kingdom Improvement at once.
- Player Traps: Defend your county and recruit strong trap units.
- Black Friday Assets
- performance improvements of Alliance Views
We continuously work to improve MEDIEVAL KINGDOMS and therefore applied several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience!
- Additional Kingdom Builder: Upgrade more than one Kingdom Improvement at once.
- Player Traps: Defend your county and recruit strong trap units.
- Black Friday Assets
- performance improvements of Alliance Views
A lot of new fixes and improvements are waiting for you. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!

- TRANSLATIONS: Fixed issues with the DK, NK and PL localisation.
- CHAT ISSUE: Fixed the random swiping while texting.
- CHAT UNREAD BADGE: Re-implemented the alliance chat badge to the chat button.
- EMOJI FIXES: Support of several more emojis and icons.
- STUCK UNITS: Units are no longer getting stuck in towers.
- INCOMING ATTACK: Button shows now correct time and works functional.
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
A lot of new features and improvements are waiting for you. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Speed up transits: Speed up returning mission transits to instantly gain control of your units.
- Upgrade Area Towers: Upgrade your area towers to increase the base defense for your county.
- Upgrade Kingdom Towers: Kingdom towers can now be upgraded independently.
- Military and Research Time Bender: New time bender for research and unit actions.
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
A lot of new features and improvements are waiting for you. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Transit Menus: Click on a transit to get information about it.
- Progression Plan: Task plans help you improve and progress even further.
- Highlight Alliance Researches: The Alliance can now recommend Alliance researches to do first.
- Last Raid Action: Raid provinces even faster.
Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
- Fix for the keyboard and text issue
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
We worked on several bug fixes and small improvements to optimize your gaming experience. Have fun with the new version of Medieval Kingdoms!
- General performance improved
- Purchase flow adjusted
- Bug fixes

ハッキング方法 Medieval Kingdoms - Castle MMO

ダウンロード Medieval Kingdoms - Castle MMO MOD APK 1.13.1

ダウンロード MOD APK