Hero of Taslinia – Epic RPG Mod Apk

Hero of Taslinia – Epic RPG ハック - Mod Apk 1.41.0

開発者: Whoot Games
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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タスリニアの英雄 – ファンタジーワールド RPG アドベンチャーと戦略を備えたヒーローエピックゲーム
最強のヒーローチームとアリーナ RPG PVP バトルを備えた新しい戦術 RPG が必要ですか?
タスリニアの英雄 – 壮大な RPGをプレイしましょう。ヒーローチームを編成し、ターンベースの 3D RPG バトルを楽しみ、RPG マルチプレイヤーおよび PVP ヒーローファンタジーマルチプレイヤーバトルに友達を招待し、壮大な RPG(ロールプレイングゲーム)でタスリニアを守ります
このターンベースの RPG クエストでホットなヒーロー城の旅を始めて、今すぐ伝説になりましょう!

🥇? 真のヒーローになろう。
20 年以上後、ヘリオンが復活し、悪が再びタスリニアを支配します。チャンピオンヒーローのチームでヘリオン軍を粉砕し、伝説になりましょう!壮大なヒーローに名前を付けることから始めて、880,000 以上の装備コンボを使用して、ホットなヒーローチームバトルアライアンスを組み立てましょう!


Hero of Taslinia – ヒーローアップグレード神話バトル RPG では、ヒーローの台頭で独自のヒーローチームを作成します。すべてのヒーローのために伝説の壮大なヒーローチームの戦いの戦術をコントロールし、さまざまな PVP ヒーロー対ヘリオンウォーランドの戦いのために最高の戦争ヒーローを集めましょう。

このロールプレイングゲームの各壮大なヒーローはカスタマイズできます。名前、目の色、ヘアスタイル、顔、アクセサリーを追加します。mmorpg ヒーローには、この RPG ゲームでアップグレードできる装備、攻撃、HP、速度、防御のスキルがあります。このロールプレイングヒーローゲームで、壮大な勝利のために多才なホットヒーローチームを編成してください。この f2p rgp ゲームの壮大な RPG バトルのすべての部分で彼らのスキルを使用してください。2024 年最高の RPG ゲームをお楽しみください!


エスナー王国から始めて、この f2p RPG でマップを進めます。伝説のヒーローが登場するこの無料の RPG(f2p ロールプレイゲーム)の各ステージには、ミッションと報酬があります。ヒーローを作成し、チームヒーローチームをカスタマイズします。

友達とロールプレイゲームをプレイして、afk アリーナバトルでこの MMO-RPG で追加の特典を獲得しましょう。勇猛果敢なヒーローのチームと RPG afk アリーナで pvp バトルに参加し、MMORPG ゲームがクランと衝突します。

最高の無料の戦術的なターンベースの RPG ゲームの 1 つで、こんにちはアイドルヒーローチームを編成してください。構築、作成、アップグレードを備えたこれは、最高のアイドル RPG ホットゲームの 1 つでもあります。


1. Thanksgiving Event Added
2. Bug fix
Greetings adventurers! Please check the following major changes we've made in the update:
1. New attribute "Damage Increment" added, which can be obtained from Runes and equipment Awakening
2. Newly added 'Power Score' system on individual heroes and for each stage
3. Magic Cards Event
4. Halloween Event (opens in early October)
5. Astray Void returns with the addition of ranking reward and Void Shop
6. Void Walker contest added in the Contest of Champions
7. Newly added feature: Wardrobe
Greetings adventurers! Please check the following major changes we've made in the update:
1. Newly added languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Tradition) and Thai
2. New Wraith Pirate Event!
3. Added Friends and Clan Support in Expedition and increase the rewards by adding in Awaken Shards as a possible reward
4. Added new Google Play 0 click login method
5. Altar Mania and Hellion Hunter events added in the Contest of Champions
6. Added new achievements to align with new Hero Talent
1. Release of Hero Talent Tree (2nd half)
2. Bug fix
Greetings adventurers! Please check the following major changes we've made in the update:
Island Treasure Hunt event added
Gnome Mine event added
Knights of Camelot Season 1 event added
Reverse Potion added: For changing hero Weapon and Appearance
Newly added languages: French and German
Major change to Account Level: added account level rewards and extra perks
Awaken Contest added in Contest of Champions
Newly added Customer Service entrance in the login page
Greetings adventurers! We are thrilled to present you these new contents. Please check the following major changes we've made in the update:
1.The Star Seeker event is coming soon! (Opening after the Children's Day event)
2.New Arena Season: Tournament of the Spartan
3.Newly added Altar reward- Trevi Fountain
4.Newly added time-limit shop
5.Newly added language: Portuguese

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the details at our Facebook and Discord Channel!
Bug fix
Dear adventurers! We are super excited to present you a bunch of new events. Browse the major changes we've made in the update:
1.Labor Day Dice Event!
2.Change Appearance feature added to heroes' customiztion
3.Lucky Divination Event!
4.Contest of Champions Event added!
5.New items added to to assist/speed up Ascension process
6.Adventures Starting Pack will be available for a limited time!

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the details at our Facebook and Discord Channel!
Fixed some known bugs.
Dear adventurers! We are super excited to present you a bunch of new events. Browse the major changes we've made in the update:
1.Easter Parkour will open for a limited time!
2.New event: Astray Void
3.Reward Blitz event will open for a limited time!
4.New packages added in Shop which allows certain rewards of player’s choice
5.Super Starter's Pack added for a limited time.
6.Battle Path promotion added!

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the details at our Facebook and Discord Channel!
Dear adventurers! Hope you enjoy the Valentine's event as much as we designed it for! We've also brought a brand new event for the sweet February. Browse the major changes we've made in the update:
1. New event: Magic Cards. Flip cards to get useful materials and even win Heroic Equipment Cards!
2. New "Friendship" is available in Friends.

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the details at our Facebook and Discord Channel!
Equipment and Hero Class Overhaul:
1.Weapons & Armors now has Stars rating added to it. The higher the star, the higher the max level of the equipment
2.Weapon & Armor level up: Leveling up Equipments has been simplified.
3.Hero and Class Overhaul: All Hero classes have been adjusted to make each class more distinct in their play style.
Fixed some known bugs.
Greeting adventurers! We've prepared a flood of exciting events and Ally Buffs with this update. Please check the following major changes we've made in the new patch:

1. Lance's Blessing, Smithing Bonus, Path to Camelot and Halloween events await.
2. Added legendary recipes to Casca Dungeon.
3. Added Ally Buff.
4. New Arena season: Tournament of Achaemenid

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the detailed changes, optimization and bug fixes at our Facebook and Discord Channel!
Optimized the login process.
Greeting adventurers! We hope you enjoyed Lance's Blessing and Trial of Heroes well! To make our game even more exciting, we've brought more Altar related events to the new update! Please check the following major changes we've made in the new patch:
1.Treasure Hunt event
2.Time-limited Altar bonus events
3.New skill visual performance to Priest, Lancer and Gifre.

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the detailed changes, optimization and bug fixes at our Facebook and Discord Channel!
Greeting adventurers. With the June update, we bring to you a fresh set of events and a new translated language! Browse the following major changes we made and join us now:
- Added event Lance’s Blessing and Trial of Heroes. Play more to earn points and exchange great rewards!
- Addded new language: Spanish.
- Added dusts to Altar rewards.

Want to see all the changes? Tune into all the detailed changes, optimization and bug fixes at our Facebook and Discord Channel!

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