- Added Clan Rumble series of mega-games. See the blog for full details.
- Mods can now control the fog level of individual territories.
- Fixed Army Camp Boost artifact so it now affects draft size when swapped in with the Auto Artifact Swapper.
- Fixed purchasing a rare artifact from saying it was epic.
- See the blog for full update notes.
- The "un-dug dig sites" dialog now shows the best possible rarity of artifact that can be found at each dig site.
- Added the ability for mods to create custom cards.
- When watching a turn play out, the cards you received on that turn aren't shown until you finish watching the turn. This avoids spoiling what happened.
- When watching a turn, added a small box in the upper right to show selected orders when the orders list is collapsed.
- For full release notes, see the Warzone blog.
- Added groups
- If no arena opponent can be found after about a minute of waiting, you'll now win the arena without playing a game.
- Added a basic forum search feature.
- The auto artifact swapper now swaps in army camp boost artifacts when drafting.
- The auto artifact swapper no longer swaps in hospital-related artifacts when you have no hospitals.
- Profile pages now show the name of the country flag.
- See the blog for full updates.
Clan wars has been refreshed! See the blog for full details.
- 3d maps are now enabled by default. You can override this in the settings.
- See the blog for full patch notes.
- Fixed certificate error.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the daily door dialog to get stuck open if you can't use the power that was granted.
- Fixed 100% hospital upgrade time reduction.
- Fixed "No session 2" error.
- Fixed the armies/money hover rapidly appearing and disappearing when holding a smaller device in landscape mode.
- Added setting for 3d maps to enhance look of the game.
- The Level Stats dialog now shows your progress through the level as a percentage.
- Fixed a bug that would cause errors if army camp discount got above 100%.
- Added username tags to help differentiate players to have identical usernames.
- Fixed bugs with auto-market, auto-skip-levels, and more.
- Added settings to disable the balloons for unclaimed powers, mortars, arenas, and dig sites.
- Added Inspire Mercenaries powers to the possible options for daily rewards.
- Advanced Auto Conquer will now always conquer free territories first before conquering any others.
- A skip level power will no longer mark the last level as skipped, since there's nothing after it to unlock so it would be a waste.
- Added auto-dig advancement that will automatically start dig sites and claim artifacts.
- Added Advanced Auto-Conquer advancement that conquers territories more intelligently than normal auto-conquer.