- Fix Crash & ANR
- Update New Hot Collections: Anime, Cool, Animal,...
- 4K Wallpaper, Live Wallpaper, Parallax & Double Wallpaper
Change 4k wallpapers/animated wallpapers every day
💠 AI Art Wallpaper: 4k wallpaper, highly artistic AI animated wallpaper that is popular according to market trends
💠 Live wallpapers - creative & sharp moving wallpapers
💠 Category - collection of all wallpapers: anime, neon, sports, ...
- Optimize the experience of using Wallpapers 4k
- Update more Wallpaper 4k and Live Wallpapers
- Fix bug
Change 4k wallpapers/animated wallpapers every day
💠 AI Art Wallpaper - 4k wallpaper, highly artistic AI animated wallpaper that is popular according to market trends
💠 Live wallpapers - creative and sharp moving wallpapers
💠 Category - collection of all wallpapers: anime, neon, animals, sports, ....