Sky Tonight has a new update!
We fixed how the visibility period for astronomical events is calculated and made a bunch of improvements to keep the app running more smoothly. Please leave a review or contact our support team if you encounter any issues.
Sky Tonight has a new update! We've made numerous improvements to increase app stability. Please leave a review or contact our support team if you encounter any issues.
Sky Tonight has a new update! We've added the Sky Mask feature to our Photo Editor, allowing you to enhance your photos with AR. Additionally, we've made numerous improvements to increase app stability. Please leave a review or contact our support team if you encounter any issues.
Sky Tonight has a new update! We've added the Sky Mask feature to our Photo Editor, allowing you to enhance your photos with AR. Additionally, we've made numerous improvements to increase app stability. Please leave a review or contact our support team if you encounter any issues.
私たちは彗星の尾のメイクオーバーに取り組んできました。今では非常に正確になり、頭上を横切っているように感じるでしょう!そして彗星と言えば、近づいているC/2023 A3を見逃さないでください。これは空での本当の見世物になる予定です—ぜひお見逃しなく!改善点が気に入ったら、レビューを残してはいかがでしょうか?あなたのフィードバックが星を整列させる助けになります!
We keep updating Sky Tonight regularly to make it better for you.
Please take a moment to leave a review and let us know your opinion about the new update. We’ll also be happy to receive your ideas on how to make Sky Tonight even better. Feel free to contact us at
[email protected] with any questions, comments, or suggestions. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
We keep updating Sky Tonight regularly to make it better for you.
Please take a moment to leave a review and let us know your opinion about the new update. We’ll also be happy to receive your ideas on how to make Sky Tonight even better. Feel free to contact us at
[email protected] with any questions, comments, or suggestions. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
We keep updating Sky Tonight regularly to make it better for you.
Please take a moment to leave a review and let us know your opinion about the new update. We’ll also be happy to receive your ideas on how to make Sky Tonight even better. Feel free to contact us at
[email protected] with any questions, comments, or suggestions. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
We keep updating Sky Tonight regularly to make it better for you.
Please take a moment to leave a review and let us know your opinion about the new update. We’ll also be happy to receive your ideas on how to make Sky Tonight even better. Feel free to contact us at
[email protected] with any questions, comments, or suggestions. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
より良いアプリにするために、Sky Tonightのアップデートを続けています。このアップデートと一緒に、新しい機能が追加されました。
+ ランドスケープの表示
+ カレンダーで月の3Dモデル
+ 天体の通過の自動通知
+ 銀河、星雲、星団の新しいビジュアライゼーション
+ カスタムなタイムゾーン
+ 動的なフォントサイズ
+ ローカリゼーションの改善
+ 天体について情報でウィキペディアへリンク
+ マイナーアップデートとバグ修正
[email protected]でお問い合わせください。
We've worked a lot to make Sky Tonight better for you.
- Completely reinvented astronomical calendar
- User-requested improvements in Visible Tonight,
- Modified control panel with most frequently used options,
- List of favorite objects,
- Full control with bottom navigation buttons
- Improved search engine
and much more.
Enjoy the app while we continue improving it.
We’d love to know your opinion about Sky Tonight, so please take a moment to rate us on the store and leave a review.