Uptime: よりスマートに、一歩先へ Mod Apk

Uptime: よりスマートに、一歩先へ ハック - Mod Apk 6.16.1

カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Uptime: よりスマートに、一歩先へ mod apkGame screenshot Uptime: よりスマートに、一歩先へ hackGame screenshot Uptime: よりスマートに、一歩先へ apk download



• 簡単で魅力的です。当社の5分間の要約(ハックと呼んでいます)は、理解しやすく、すぐに読み終えることができ、ありとあらゆるトピックを網羅しています。

• 時間を節約できます。Uptimeは、世界最高のノンフィクションの本、ポッドキャストエピソード、ドキュメンタリー、オンラインコースを見つけて要約しているため、わずかな時間ですべての重要な情報を得ることができます。

• 自分に合ったものをお選びいただけます。当社のコンテンツは、テキストを読んだり、音声で聴いたり、ビジュアルストーリーをタップして進めることでご利用いただけます。座って集中しているときでも、外出中でも、Uptimeはユーザーのニーズに合うよう設計されています。

• 学習のために作られています。専門家によって設計されたUptimeは、長期的な記憶保持を促進することが証明されている、科学に基づいた方法論を採用しています。

• 皆さんが行動を起こすのに役立ちます。私たちは皆さんに事実を知ってもらうだけではありません。「ポイントを実践するには」では、皆さんが日常生活で実行できるヒントやコツを提供します。

• Uptimeは目標達成を助けます。ストリークが伸びるのを見て、どれだけの時間を節約できたかをご覧ください。本を読むのには何時間もかかるかもしれませんが、ハックなら5分しかかかりません。

• 最高の部分を後で使うために貯めておくことができます。お気に入りの言葉、ポイント、行動をスパークとして保存して後で参照したり、ボードに分類して友達と共有したりすることもできます。

• 私たちのコンテンツは他に類を見ないものです。私たちのハックの多くはクリエイター自身によって書かれており、信頼性を保証するだけでなく、他では得られない独自の洞察を提供します。

• 品質を保証します。私たちは、ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラー、最新のNetflixドキュメンタリー、トップクラスのAppleおよびSpotifyポッドキャスト、世界で最も権威のある大学のコースなど、トップクラスのクリエイターのみを厳選しています。

「Uptime:(実際に読んでいなくても)博識な印象を与えるアプリ。みんなが話題にする分厚い本を読む時間がない? この新しいアプリを使えば、ホーキング、ピケティ、グラッドウェルの内容を5分で理解できます」 – The Times

「Uptimeは、教育と知識をより身近で手頃な価格にする上で重要な役割を果たしています」 – リリー・コール、作家

「読む量を減らして、吸収する量を増やす: 無限の自由時間がない限り、興味のあるものをすべて消費することはできません。Uptimeは回避策を提供します…」 – Fast Companyの2021年ベスト新アプリ





私たちは、ユーザーがUptimeを楽しむ方法を拡大できることをとても嬉しく思います。皆さんもワクワクしていますか? Uptimeは長年、英語で知識を共有することで、ユーザーの時間を節約し、学習体験を向上させてきました。そして今、それが日本語でも可能になりました。すばらしい! もう待つ必要はありません。アプリを開き、空き時間を利用して日本語で視野を広げましょう。



私たちは、ユーザーがUptimeを楽しむ方法を拡大できることをとても嬉しく思います。皆さんもワクワクしていますか? Uptimeは長年、英語で知識を共有することで、ユーザーの時間を節約し、学習体験を向上させてきました。そして今、それが日本語でも可能になりました。すばらしい! もう待つ必要はありません。アプリを開き、空き時間を利用して日本語で視野を広げましょう。



私たちは、ユーザーがUptimeを楽しむ方法を拡大できることをとても嬉しく思います。皆さんもワクワクしていますか? Uptimeは長年、英語で知識を共有することで、ユーザーの時間を節約し、学習体験を向上させてきました。そして今、それが日本語でも可能になりました。すばらしい! もう待つ必要はありません。アプリを開き、空き時間を利用して日本語で視野を広げましょう。


Hello, Uptime lovers!

We're excited to announce that we've been busy making your time on our app even better. From streamlining the user experience to fixing tiny bugs, we've got you covered. So why not give the app another spin now and see if you notice an improvement?

Much love,

Hello, Uptime lovers!

We're excited to announce that we've been busy making your time on our app even better. From streamlining the user experience to fixing tiny bugs, we've got you covered. So why not give the app another spin now and see if you notice an improvement?

Much love,

Hey Uptimers,

We hope you’re as excited about the new school year as we are. To help you make the most of your time, whether you’re hitting the books or simply staying organized in life, we’re thrilled to roll out our latest update. We’ve made minor tweaks for a seamless user experience and fixed bugs, all just in time for Back to School!

Update to the latest version now and start the school year off on the right foot.

Happy Learning,

Professor Uptime
Hey Uptimers,

We hope you’re as excited about the new school year as we are. To help you make the most of your time, whether you’re hitting the books or simply staying organized in life, we’re thrilled to roll out our latest update. We’ve made minor tweaks for a seamless user experience and fixed bugs, all just in time for Back to School!

Update to the latest version now and start the school year off on the right foot.

Happy Learning,

Professor Uptime
Hello Uptimers,

Welcome to another update that's all about the finer points. Our team has been meticulously debugging and streamlining the Uptime interface so that your experience is absolutely seamless.

Have a fantastic week,

The Uptime Team
Hello Uptimers,

Welcome to another update that's all about the finer points. Our team has been meticulously debugging and streamlining the Uptime interface so that your experience is absolutely seamless.

Have a fantastic week,

The Uptime Team
Hey there Uptimers,

Welcome to our latest update, one that focuses on the subtleties. We’ve been hard at work fine-tuning Uptime - you know the drill, squashing bugs and polishing the interface so your experience is the toppest of notches.

Wishing you a splendid week,

Uptime Squad
Hello Uptimers,

We’re back with our weekly refresh, this time zooming in on those little tweaks that make all the difference. Our team has been busy behind the scenes refining and polishing Uptime just for you. It’s that season when bugs prefer to pester us in the real world, but should any dare to infest our app, we’re ready to squash them.

Have the best week,

Hey gang,

It’s been a slow week at Uptime HQ, why? Well some weeks are just like that aren’t they. Don’t think that means we’re not still quietly plotting to make learning accessible, easy and fun for all because we are. But Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Remember to make time for you this week.


Hey there Uptimers,

Quite the sporting weekend we have what with the Tour de France and Wimbledon. We’ve been keeping busy too, fixing bugs and making small tweaks - just greasing the wheels to ensure we serve you the best app experience (do you see what we did there…)

Don’t forget to hydrate, alongside Uptime it’s key to healthy brain development.

Love all,

Hey there Uptimers,

Are you having a wonderful summer? We are. To celebrate, we’ve fixed bugs and made minor improvements to ensure your experience is as sunny as can be.

You stay classy,

Hey gang,

It’s been a slow week at Uptime HQ, why? Well some weeks are just like that aren’t they. Don’t think that means we’re not still quietly plotting to make learning accessible, easy and fun for all because we are. But Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Remember to make time for you this week.


Hey gang,

It’s been a slow week at Uptime HQ, why? Well some weeks are just like that aren’t they. Don’t think that means we’re not still quietly plotting to make learning accessible, easy and fun for all because we are. But Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Remember to make time for you this week.


Hey Uptimers,

Not much to add this week to be honest. Same old minor changes that add up to a smooth as hell user experience and little bug fixes. We’ll have something more exciting to share soon, but for now keep enjoying the app safe in the knowledge we’re keeping everything ticking over.


Hi, Uptime buddies!
We've got some great news for you: we've been making small incremental improvements that make our app even more awesome. How is this great news I hear you ask? Trust us, it's all part of our master plan for a better educated world.
Don't be a stranger,
The Uptime wizards
Hey Uptimers,
What’s shakin’? Did you know this weekend England crowned Charles III their new monarch? Whilst they were doing that we were fixing bugs and making tweaks to ensure your Uptime experience is fit for a King.
Wishing you a majestic week ahead,
Uptime HQ
Hi, Uptime buddies!
We've got some great news for you: we've been making small incremental improvements that make our app even more awesome. How is this great news I hear you ask? Trust us, it’s all part of our master plan for a better educated world.
Don’t be a stranger,
The Uptime wizards
Greetings loved ones!
We’ve been burning the midnight oil to make our app the best it can be. This week, we’ve made some significant improvements to the user experience and fixed some pesky bugs. Why not give us a whirl now and see if you notice the difference?
We heart you,
Hey Uptimers,

Have you missed us? We've missed you. Don't worry though, it may only have been a week but as per usual we've done all the bug fixes and stuff. You're welcome.

Keep smiling,

Uptime xxx
Howdy folks,

And a happy Galentine's/Valentine’s/Bog Standard Day Of The Year to you too!

This week we’ve got ahead of the seasons and done some spring cleaning, reviewing the app from head to toe and making the necessary tweaks to ensure our copy is spick and span. Oh and we spotted a few bugs whilst we were there so we sorted them too. You’re welcome :D

Oh and that pesky notification issue? You bet we fixed it.

Until next time rockstars, Uptime xxx
Hey Uptimers,

Just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU.
Don't know if you needed to hear that but we mean it so we said it.

Also, we have fixed some of the bugs you may or may not have been experiencing. Tbf you probably haven't noticed (the team are a bit like swans you see, paddling furiously to get everything just right but maintaining discretion and elegance at all times…).

Love always,

Hey Uptimers,

New Year, New You? Same.

But we’re a bit over mad resolutions like dropping 100lbs in a week, or in our case becoming a three dimensional virtual experience for all our users in a month (one day…). So this week we’ve made small but essential improvements like fixing bugs and enhancing features.

Rome wasn’t built in a day x
Hey Uptimers,

What a year we have had! Our library has swelled like the Grinch’s heart on Christmas day, and alongside amazing new material, we’ve added features that will help you remember everything you’ve learned.

As always, we’re beavering away to make improvements so your experience is top tier - make sure you don’t miss out on our latest updates which include bug fixes and enhancements to our Spark function.

Happy holidays and we can’t wait to show you what’s in store for the New Year!
Hey friends. We hope things are really going your way this week. That is all. Love you x
Hey friends. This week we found out that the word “lethologica” means the inability to remember a particular word or name. It’s really going to come in handy… if we remember it x
Hey friends. We thought we’d check in this week. How’s everything going? Feeling a little tired? Not sure if you’ve achieved everything you want to so far this month? That’s okay - us too. We’re here to tell you you’re doing an amazing job. Keep going. You got this. Love you x
Hey Uptimers. This week we’re shocked to discover that cats can’t taste sugar. That’s right - they miss the receptor responsible for sweetness. Go and eat a bag of candy and spare a thought for our feline friends x
Hey Uptimers. We hope you’re spending your time well. That includes plenty of water, plenty of rest and of course, plenty of knowledge consumption [insert nerdy emoji face here] x
Hey friends. It’s September and we’ve got that back-to-school feeling. It’s the perfect time to lean into learning and pick up a new Hack.
We’re loving The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch - a guide to focusing our efforts on what matters most. What Hacks are you enjoying right now? x
Hey friends.

Did you know that sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins. Sloths can go for around 40 minutes by slowing down their heart rate. But when dolphins go underwater, they need to come up for air after about 10 minutes.

I guess what we’re trying to say is sometimes life just doesn’t make sense, and that’s okay. Love you x
This week we’re sending love to all our Uptimer’s experiencing a heatwave. We hope you’re enjoying it, but make sure you don’t forget r to drink plenty of H2O, spend some time in the shade, and of course, wear sunscreen.
And if it’s super hot at night, a little birdie told us you can fill a hot water bottle and put it in the freezer for a few hours to make the perfect cooling companion. Thank us later x
Hey there. How’s things with you? Getting enough sleep? Spending enough time away from your screen? Drinking enough H2O? Good. Keep it up. We’ll be back at the same time next week for another little check in. Love you x
Dear reader, we hope this release finds you well. We thought we’d touch base with you to keep you in the loop about what we’ve actioned this week. We’ve mainly been focusing on the low-hanging fruit - but we do have other bigger projects on our radar. We’ll circle back to them next week to get the ball rolling.

P.s. We’re playing a game of Office Jargon Bingo. How many can you spot? x
Friends - did you know that your brain craves novelty? It helps us learn by keeping us engaged. So this week, why not try something different to engage your brain. Sign your favourite Sparks out loud to see if you remember them better. Make up a wonderfully strange story about the quote you just read. Or just change your environment - like listening to your Hack on a new walking route.
It’s all good for the soul. Love you x
Now listen up, friends. Make this the week you get to whatever you’ve been neglecting. Clean out that junk drawer. Send that email. Take those clothes to the goodwill store. We promise you’ll feel brilliant once you do x

P.s. there’s not much going on update-wise, but we’ve made a few cheeky tweeks we’re rather proud of. Stay groovy x
Hey friends. It’s a glorious week to have a glorious week - so we won’t keep you. Have at it x

ハッキング方法 Uptime: よりスマートに、一歩先へ

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