English Vocabulary PRO Mod Apk

English Vocabulary PRO ハック - Mod Apk 1.3.4

開発者: Shining Apps LLC
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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英語の語彙: 日常のコミュニケーション スキルを向上させるために厳選された広範な単語のコレクションを学習します。各項目には、単語の本質を理解するのに役立つ定義、使用例、発音ガイドが付いています。

句動詞: 句動詞は難しい場合がありますが、私たちのアプリがそれをわかりやすく説明します。一般的な句動詞の意味と、文中でネイティブスピーカーのように聞こえるようにそれらを使用する方法を学びます。

イディオム: イディオムは言語に色を加えます。わかりやすい説明で、イディオムを使ってアイデアをより鮮やかに表現する技術を習得できます。

コロケーション: 頻繁に組み合わせられる単語のペアを見つけて、英語をより自然で流暢に聞こえるようにするための使い方を学びます。





In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- 📲 English Shorts - Improve your English in a whole new way with this innovative infinite-scroll feature, where every reel presents a unique English challenge!
- 📸 Customise your avatar with your coolest image! - Now available in your account page!
- 💥 Minor bugfixes and performance improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- Daily Language Pick! - Every day we will prompt you with a new word for you to learn. Are you ready for daily improvements?
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- Daily Language Pick! - Every day we will prompt you with a new word for you to learn. Are you ready for daily improvements?
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this version, we've rolled out some significant enhancements to make your learning journey even more rewarding. Check out what's new:

- Get creative with your username - Now you are able to modify your personal data in your Account page!
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements

Your feedback is invaluable – keep it coming!
In this new version of the app we have fixed a bug where some exercises would not display the statement fully.
We have also added some small visual tweaks to make the app even more beautiful and interesting!

Update the app and check them out!

ハッキング方法 English Vocabulary PRO

ダウンロード English Vocabulary PRO MOD APK 1.3.4

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