Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs Mod Apk

Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs ハック - Mod Apk 7.1.28

開発者: Ultimate Guitar USA LLC
カテゴリー: 音楽&オーディオ
価格: 無料です


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特徴 :
• 800,000曲以上の歌のギターやベース、ウクレレのコード、タブ譜、歌詞を探せます。
• オフラインでお気に入りのタブ譜にアクセスできます。
• 左利きモードに切り替えられます。
• コードや歌詞を編集したり、タブ譜を自分仕様に変更することができます。
• ビデオを観て歌を思い出したり、録音された伴奏として使うこともできます。
• タブ譜に一番最適なフォントやサイズを設定できます。
• 演奏会ではダークモードでお楽しみください。

プロアカウントでは :
• 歌を一音ごとに演奏でき、双方向のタブ譜 (タブ譜プロ) を使用すれば、自分に合うペースで演奏できます。
• 録音された演奏や歌詞とシンクロさせた曲を含む7,000以上の高品質なタブ譜でジャム・セッションを行えます。
• メトロノームで正しいテンポを刻めます。
• ギター用のチューナーが内臓されています。
• 自分に合ったトーンに移調できます。
• 世界で一番大きなコードライブラリーから一番快適なコードをお選び頂けます。
• 簡易化機能により、難しい歌を簡単にできます。
• オートスクロールを使用すれば、練習中に気が散りません。
• 一番大事な歌を共有、印刷およびエクスポートできます。

トラブル? ご意見?
当社では優れた製品のために努力を続けており、お客様のタブ体験を向上させることに情熱を持っています。バグレポートや機能リクエストを のレビューに投稿するのはお止めください。直接対応いたしますので、開発チーム、[email protected] 宛にご連絡ください。お客様のフィードバックを受け付けています。

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltimateGuitar
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ultimateguitar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ultimateguitar/


The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app, so you don't miss the new inspiring content:
Explore the daily updated extensive catalog of tabs and chords to learn your favorite songs
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app, so you don't miss the new inspiring content:
Explore the daily updated extensive catalog of tabs and chords to learn your favorite songs
Watch musicians from all around the world perform your favorite songs in shots
Check out music courses in our carefully curated online catalog. These courses will make song learning fun and easy for players of every level
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app, so you don't miss the new inspiring content:
Explore the daily updated extensive catalog of tabs and chords to learn your favorite songs
Watch musicians from all around the world perform your favorite songs in shots
Check out music courses in our carefully curated online catalog. These courses will make song learning fun and easy for players of every level
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
We're working on making your app experience even better while you're working on choosing the next song to learn. Let's make your goals happen!
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app, so you don't miss the new inspiring content:

Explore the daily updated extensive catalog of tabs and chords to learn your favorite songs

Watch musicians from all around the world perform your favorite songs in shots

Check out music courses in our carefully curated online catalog. These courses will make song learning fun and easy for players of every level
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Enjoy learning new songs from Ultimate Guitar tabs and chords catalog with the latest app update.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app’s latest update.
Thank you for sharing your music journey with Ultimate Guitar!

Upgrade to the latest version of the app to check out the newest content in our extensive catalog of tabs, shots, and video courses.

Our team works hard to improve the learning and performing experience for every musician out there.
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
Update to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app to check out the newest songs in our tabs and chords catalog and watch fresh videos of users from all around the world performing your favorite songs!
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the Ultimate Guitar app, so you don't miss the new inspiring content:

Explore the daily updated extensive catalog of tabs and chords to learn your favorite songs

Watch musicians from all around the world perform your favorite songs in shots

Check out music courses in our carefully curated online catalog. These courses will make song learning fun and easy for players of every level
Thank you for sharing your music journey with Ultimate Guitar!

Upgrade to the latest version of the app to check out the newest content in our extensive catalog of tabs, shots, and video courses.

Our team works hard to improve the learning and performing experience for every musician out there.
Thank you for learning new songs with Ultimate Guitar. Enjoy the app? Rate us!

Your feedback helps us provide a better user experience to millions of musicians worldwide. Make sure you're using the latest version with all the content updates and bug fixes.
Thank you for learning new songs with Ultimate Guitar. Enjoy the app? Rate us!

Your feedback helps us provide a better user experience to millions of musicians worldwide. Make sure you're using the latest version with all the content updates and bug fixes.
Thank you for sharing your music journey with Ultimate Guitar!

Upgrade to the latest version of the app to check out the newest content in our extensive catalog of tabs, shots, and video courses.

Our team works hard to improve the learning and performing experience for every musician out there.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app's latest update.
Thank you for sharing your music journey with Ultimate Guitar!

Upgrade to the latest version of the app to check out the newest content in our extensive catalog of tabs, shots, and video courses.

Our team works hard to improve the learning and performing experience for every musician out there.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app's latest update.
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Thank you for being a part of the largest international community of musicians online!
Find new friends and more inspiring music content with the app's latest update.

ハッキング方法 Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs

ダウンロード Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs MOD APK 7.1.28

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53.3万 件のレビュー