UniFi Mod Apk

UniFi ハック - Mod Apk 10.7.3

開発者: Ubiquiti Inc.
カテゴリー: ツール
価格: 無料です


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UniFi アプリは、ネットワークのあらゆる側面を簡単に拡張、監視、最適化できる中央管理インターフェイスを提供することで、家庭とビジネスの IT を簡素化します。

* 簡単な WiFi のセットアップと構成
* 直感的なトラフィック ルーティング
* 安全なシングルタップ VPN アクセス
* 詳細なクライアントおよびネットワーク分析


UniFi Android 10.7.3 improves device setup experience and app's stability.

* Updated UniFi Access app icon in dashboard's app switcher.
* Improved device setup experience.
* Fixed duplicate devices showing up in discovery.
* Fixed device adoption ocasionally not working.
* Fixed WiFi and Global AP settings loading indefinitely.
* Fixed Statistics screens incorrectly reporting there's no gateway on the network.
* Fixed "No Internet" message showing up even when there are no connection issues.
UniFi Android 10.7.1 adds new application drawer, improves device discovery and first-time user experience.

* Added application drawer to Dashboard's toolbar.
* Added new discovery and onboarding screens.
* Added support for new UniFi devices.
* Updated standalone AP configuration with new improvements and fixes.
* Added subscription management for UMR.
* Added "Advance Internet Filter" screen.
* Fixed login screen crashing randomly when app is put to background.
Added support for UniFi Mobile Router
* Added support for Site-to-Site VPN settings.
* Added support for Traffic Routes.
* Updated AR feature.
* Fixed Switch Flex Mini not being recognized.
* Fixed sorting of clients by activity.
* Fixed UBB ocasionally not loading.
Added UI Account sharing between UniFi and WiFiman app.
* Removed WiFiman speed test.
* Added WiFi Signal button to Dashboard that opens WiFiman app when on console's local network.
* Updated AR feature.
* Fixed Standalone AP issues.
* Fixed list items jumping around in Clients, Devices and Downlinks screens.
* Fixed RF scanning screen not loading.
* Fixed UniFi device in 'Getting Ready' state showing up as adopting on dashboard.
* Fixed crash when setting a date range in System Logs screen.
* Add support for OpenVPN client networks.
* Rearrange VPN and Security settings.
* Add country restrictions, device identifications and more application firewall settings.
* Access Point device detail screen now contains radio information and updated clients list.
* Drop support for devices running Android 6 or older.
* Minor visual fixes and improvements.
* Add Topology screen.
* Speed Test now offers WiFiman speed test if available.
* Improvements in Traffic Management screens.
* Improvements in session management.
* Fix ports not showing as active in AR.
* Fix saving of Network settings, which sometimes failed with "Unknown error" message.
* Minor visual improvements and fixes.
* Rename app to "UniFi".
* Add UniFi Portal button to Account screen.
* Update port configuration screen.
* Allow notifications on Android 13.
* Add traffic rules to settings.
* New discovery pop up with non-Network UniFi devices.
* Console setup troubleshooting update.
* Console setup improvements and fixes.
* Update AR with new onboarding.
* Minor improvements and fixes.
Update Ubiquiti logo and font.
* Show console invitations in console list.
* Show VPN and Teleport clients in Clients screen.
* Update tabs used in Devices, Clients and Statistics screens.
* Update App Preferences screen.
* Visual improvements and fixes.
* Update SSO login and registration screens.
* Performance and responsiveness improvements for Devices screen.
* Update traffic identification icons.
* Align WiFi Experience labels to WEB.
* Add "Open in Access App" button for Access devices.
* Various minor fixes and improvements.
* Add console management to settings.
* Add option to select SFP WAN speed during console setup.
* Add option to configure DHCP options 60/61 during console setup.
* Improve connection to cloud consoles.
* Show outdated Network message, when using version older than 6.5.55.
* Update SSO login and register screens.
* Visual fixes and improvements.
* Update traffic identification icon library.
* Fix console setup on Android 13.
* Allow to edit and forget consoles in console list (swipe left).
* Add locally discovered consoles to console list.
* Add "Invited" label to remote os consoles.
* Add update confirmation dialog to dashboard and device detail.
* Add sorting and search to sites list.
* Show primary WAN in internet panel on Dashboard.
* Update font with extended characters support.
* Visual improvements and fixes.
* New console list and top navigation.
* New internal panel and notifications on Dashboard.
* Update devices and clients lists.
* Visual improvements and fixes.
* New Console, Gateway and LTE device detail screens.
* Update WiFi experience chart in device detail screen.
* Add WiFiman row to Settings.
* Visual improvements and fixes.

ハッキング方法 UniFi

ダウンロード UniFi MOD APK 10.7.3

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