Dungeon Crusher: Soul Hunters Mod Apk

Dungeon Crusher: Soul Hunters ハック - Mod Apk 6.4.8

開発者: Towards Mars Ltd
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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はるかなる冒険が待っています – しかも指1本でプレイ可能!とてもシンプルで即ハマりすること間違いなし!

面倒くさがりな人にピッタリ – 放置中もヒーローたちが勝手にダンジョンを進んでくれるため、時間をかける必要はほとんどありません。時々ログインして報酬をゲットするだけです。

ユニークな放置ゲーム戦闘メカニズム – 集めたヒーローたちはストーリーモード内だけでなく、チームのメンバーとしても使えます。チームを結成することで、様々なPvP/PvEバトルやランキングを通じて、他のプレイヤーたちとオフラインでもリアルタイムでも競うことができます。



- 用意されているレベルは10万以上
- 200種類以上のユニークなヒーローたち
- ユニークなPvP/PvE戦闘メカニズム
- 協力可能なクランシステム
- 10種類のサイエンスツリーで100種類以上の成長が可能
- モンスターを倒すとドロップされるアイテムを集めて新アイテムのクラフトが可能
- 100種類以上のスペシャルアーティファクト
- 数百種もの敵モンスターが登場
- 様々な美しいロケーションを冒険可能
- デイリータスク&クエストシステム

- 洞窟探索&通常モンスターバトル
- 特別な洞窟でアーティファクトをゲット
- 冒険を進めるにつれて謎が明らかになる重厚なストーリー展開
- レジェンダリーボスとのバトル
- 洞窟探索中に他のプレイヤーとランダムエンカウント
- エピックボスとのPvE集団ボス戦/バトル
- 他のプレイヤーとのアリーナバトル
- ヒーローたちが財宝を発掘可能な鉱山
- ドラゴンドラフト: 「オートチェス」メカニズムをベースとした、ユニークなリアルタイムPvPトーナメント



What's new in 6.4:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.3:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.3:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.3:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.3:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.3:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.2:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.2:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.2:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.2:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.
What's new in 6.2:

- The Tier 1 and Tier 2 DD heroes have become 10-20% stronger on average.
- A new science tree allowing you to open the Royal Hunt and Lair battles.
- Lairs - a cross-realm activity for the strongest clans.
- Royal Hunt - a lair boss siege where the reward is given only for the points scored by the clan.
- New classes - spider, scout, priest, barbarian, paladin, shadow knight, mechanic, wizard.
- New heroes and runes as a reward for the royal hunt.
- Added the army camp.

ハッキング方法 Dungeon Crusher: Soul Hunters

ダウンロード Dungeon Crusher: Soul Hunters MOD APK 6.4.8

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.1 点満点中 5
11.8万 件のレビュー