Tigerhall Mod Apk

Tigerhall ハック - Mod Apk 4.4.0

開発者: Tigerhall
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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Tigerhall を使用すると、組織は統合されたナレッジ インフラストラクチャを通じて効率的な変革イニシアチブを大規模に推進できます。

Tigerhall を使用すると、戦略的な調整やリアルタイムのフィードバック ループから、社内外の専門家との知識共有に至るまで、大規模な組織がすべてを 1 か所で行うことができます。これは、ブルームバーグ、HP、Adobe などのフォーチュン 500 企業の主要な戦略的取り組みの変革アクセラレーターとして選ばれています。

これは、複数のデバイスと Microsoft Teams でサポートされており、人々の仕事の流れの中で、スピードと機敏性を持って行われる変革です。


You can now send threads and reactions on livestream chats! This release also includes performance improvements and bug fixes.
This release includes performance improvements and bug fixes to enhance app stability and efficiency.
This release includes performance improvements and fixes to enhance overall app stability and efficiency.
The latest update fixes the go-live popup issue and bottom sheets display. Sharing links is now seamless across platforms, with correct redirections. We've introduced new icons and a consistent date format.
Identify AI-generated content easily with the AI tags on content detail pages. We’ve also made some improvements and bug fixes.
Introducing the new Tigerhall Feed! Create posts, tag your colleagues, share your favorite content, comment and react to threads all using the new and improved Feed! Elevate your social learning experience by using the feed to interact with your colleagues and build on each other’s experiences.
In this release, we have worked on improving the Feed in mobile. You will now see a new stream of content-based activities from those you follow! We’ve also made some minor improvements to the trending section on the homepage
Mentions is live on Tigerhall! Quickly find and tag people in comments and trail group chats by simply typing @ followed by the user’s name. Capture the essence of social learning by sharing your knowledge and expertise.
You can now view the host of a content piece via the details section in each content piece. We’ve also implemented a number of minor fixes relating to how text is displayed. Some minor performance related improvements have also been included in this release.
Follow people from your organization via the profile section page. We’ve also fixed some UI performance related issues.

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ダウンロード Tigerhall MOD APK 4.4.0

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