TIER Electric scooters & bikes Mod Apk

TIER Electric scooters & bikes ハック - Mod Apk 4.0.118

開発者: Tier Mobility SE
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


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私たちの使命: 排出ゼロ🛴
TIER は、従来の形態の都市交通手段に代わるものとして、共有の電気マイクロモビリティ オプションを提供することで、都市内の移動方法を再発明しています。 TIER 電動スクーターに乗って、持続可能で排出ガスのない移動手段を選択してください。

当社の安全で手頃な価格のスクーター、自転車、原付は完全電動で、クライメート ニュートラルなので、楽しみながら、よりクリーンで環境に優しく、より持続可能な都市に貢献できます。

TIER スクーターは、A 地点から B 地点への移動に手間がかからないように、あなたの街の便利な場所に配置されています。地図上で最寄りの TIER e-スクーターをレンタルし、QR コードをスキャンして出発するだけです。

🌲 TIER e-スクーターでCO2を排出しない
👀 駐車場を簡単に見つける
🤛 渋滞に打ち勝つ
⏱ 時間を節約
🗺 新しい都市を探索する
👍 賃貸で元気なライフスタイルを
🛴 友達と一緒に電動スクーターに乗る
📎 電動スクーターで通勤

購入するのではなく賃貸することが、私たちの都市を取り戻す方法であり、TIER モビリティがその手助けをします。アプリをダウンロードしてサインアップし、数秒でスクーターの共有を開始します。 TIERアプリの使い方はこちら

TIER の電動スクーター、自転車、モペッドは、あなたの街を自由に探索し、必要な場所に賢く安全かつ持続可能な方法で移動できるようにします。アプリを開いて、いくつかの簡単な手順で乗り物を借りるだけです。

Tier E-Scooter の開始方法と開始方法
✅ TIER アプリをダウンロードしてサインアップし、お好みの支払い方法を追加します
✅ マップでお近くの TIER スクーターを探す
✅ スクーターの QR コードをスキャンしてロックを解除し、乗車を開始します
✅ eスクーターを前方に押して、キックスタンドを後方にフリックします
✅ 片足をボードに乗せ、もう片方の足で踏み出す
✅ スロットルを押し下げて速度を上げます
✅ スロットルから手を離すか、ブレーキを使って速度を落とします。

✅ TIER アプリを開き、[ライドを終了] をタップします
✅ 外に出て、最高の人生を送ってください!

TIER モバイル アプリはまさにモバイルです。洗練されたデザインと使いやすいインターフェイスにより、スマートフォンを高速かつ効率的な移動手段として最大限に活用できます。
✔️ 近くの電気自動車をナビゲート
✔️ スクーターの QR コードをスキャンしてロックを解除します
✔️ スクーターが見つからない場合は、スクーターを鳴らしてください
✔️ 電動モペットを使用するためのライセンスを確認します (電動スクーターの使用には必要ありません)
✔️ 分とアンロックをウォレットに保存
✔️ 割引バウチャーまたはプロモーション コードで無料乗車を引き換える
✔️ 友達を紹介して無料の分をもらう
✔️ 当店のお得な情報でお金を節約

• RIDER PLUS は、すべての乗車のロック解除料金をスキップ + 300 分!
• マンスリー アンロック アンロック料金はかかりません。分だけ支払う。
• DAY PASS は、各ライドで最大 45 分間無料 + ロック解除料金なしでお楽しみいただけます

ランクを上げて、汚染に対する革命に参加しましょう 🛴 🛴
TIER は、持続可能な都市旅行へのアクセスを提供します。 TIER は、世界中の 100 以上の都市に共有電動スクーターを保有しており、モビリティを完全に変えるという使命を担っています。そのため、通勤、通学、または近くに行く場合でも、TIER のスクーター、自転車、モペットで目的地まで移動できます。


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We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!
We’ve made some great improvements to our app! Take a look at the changes.
We’ve taken care of some bug fixes and given our whole app a refresh for a smooth experience. Check out some new features in our shop, including limited-time offers and discounted packages. Refer friends to get some free rides!

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7.93万 件のレビュー