Transit • Subway & Bus Times Mod Apk

Transit • Subway & Bus Times ハック - Mod Apk 5.17.10

開発者: Transit, Inc.
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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「行きたい場所への最適なルートを提供します」 - ニューヨーク・タイムズ
「このアプリを使用するまでは、計画にどれだけ時間を節約できるかわかりません。」 - LA Times
「キラーアプリ」 - ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル
「MBTA にはお気に入りの交通機関アプリがあり、その名前は Transit です」 - ボストン・グローブ
「ワンストップショップ」 - ワシントン・ポスト

交通機関に関する 6 つの優れた点:

1) 最高のリアルタイムデータ。
このアプリは、MTA Bus Time、MTA Train Time、NJ Transit MyBus、SF MUNI Next Bus、CTA Bus Tracker、WMATA Next Exhibitions、SEPTA Real-Time などの最高の交通機関のデータ ソースを使用します。そのデータを高性能の到着予定時刻予測エンジンと組み合わせて、バス、地下鉄、電車、路面電車、地下鉄、フェリー、配車など、あらゆる交通手段について可能な限り最も正確なリアルタイム情報を入手できるようにします。二輪で旅行したいですか? GPS を使用すると、自転車シェアやスクーターのライブ位置を地図上で直接確認できます。

2) オフラインで旅行する

3) 強力な旅行計画
バス、地下鉄、電車を組み合わせた速くて簡単な旅行を確認できます。アプリは、バス + 自転車、スクーター + 地下鉄など、1 回の旅行で複数のオプションを組み合わせたルートも提案します。これまで考えなかった素敵な旅行プランがきっと見つかります!たくさん歩くことや、特定の交通機関や交通機関を利用することは好きではありませんか?設定で旅行をパーソナライズします。

4) GO: ステップバイステップのナビゲーター*
出発アラームを受信して​​バスや電車に乗り、降車時間や乗り換え時間になると通知を受け取ります。 GO を使用すると、他の乗客のより正確な情報とリアルタイムの到着予定時刻をクラウドソーシングすることもでき、ポイントを貯めて、あなたの路線で最も親切な乗客であることに感謝します。

5) ユーザーレポート

6) 簡単な支払い
75 以上の都市で、アプリで直接交通費を支払い、バイクシェア パスを購入できます。

300 以上の都市:


以下を含む 1,000 以上の公共交通機関:

AC トランジット、アトランタ ストリートカー (MARTA)、ビー ライン、ビッグ ブルー バス、カルトレイン、キャップ メトロ、CATS、CDTA、CTA、CT トランジット、DART、DC メトロ (WMATA)、DDOT、GCRTA、HART、ヒューストン メトロ、KCATA、キング カウンティ メトロ トランジット、LA DOT、LA メトロ、LBT、LIRR、Lynx、MCTS、MDOT MTA、Metra、Metrolink、MetroNorth、マイアミ デイド トランジット、MTA バス、NCTD、ニュージャージー トランジット (NJT)、NFTA、NICE、NYC MTA地下鉄、OCTA、PACE、ピッツバーグ地域交通 (PRT)、ライドオン、RTD、SEPTA、SF BART、SF Muni、サウンド トランジット、SORTA (メトロ)、セントルイス メトロ、TANK、TheBus、Tri-Met、UTA、バレーメトロ、VIA

サポートされているすべての都市と国を確認: TRANSITAPP.COM/REGION

ご質問またはフィードバックはありますか?ヘルプ ページを参照してください:、電子メールでお問い合わせください: [email protected]、または X で検索してください: @transitapp


The snowpocalypse has buried Montreal under a mountain of snow. As we swept clear our doors, roads, sidewalks, bike paths and spiral staircases — making sure not to forget our neighbour’s side — we took a second to carve this update into the snowpack with our avalanche shovels


Good thing we’ve been practicing for this moment all season by shovelling the backyard rink
PS: Rate us 5 stars to make the urban zamboni go beep beep
New year. New me.

Just kidding. Tis the same old me, but with a few complimentary bug fixes.

Rate us five stars to help us nail down the “5” part of “2025”
Ho-ho-ho. Merry something or other. Thank you for making our 2024 so special.

In particular, we’d like to thank y’all for the:

- 80M times you completed a trip with GO
- 9B times another rider received better real-time ETAS thanks to your efforts
- 181M times you answered a question about your local transit service
- The 5 stars you left us in your review (hehe…)
- The infinity bug fixes. Including a few bonus ones in this update ;)

We raise our glass of virgin eggnog to you!

Hello, GO Underground!

- No GPS required: we can now detect when you’re on an underground train
- How? Just by using your phone’s vibration sensors!
- The feature works in 50+ cities with subways and metros
- Just tap GO to start your trip
- We’ll show your predicted location on the map, count down the stations, and update your ETA!
- Best of all? This feature works 100% offline, directly on your phone

Here’s how we used vibrations to find your stations:
- You can now skip back and forth on Rate-My-Ride questions about your GO trip
- Just in time for American Thanksgiving (the sequel to Canadian Thanksgiving) we’ve clarified the date of holidays when looking up holiday service changes in the app
- Enough bug fixes and improvements to fill a tofurkey

Rate us 5 stars if Transit green is your favorite fall color
In this update we’ve redesigned our end of ride prompt, which…

1. asks you to rate your trip on a five-star scale, and
2. shows you how many riders you’ve helped, at the end of every GO trip, and
3. tells you how long you were GOing (in time + km)

You’ll see that we’ve slapped a new coat of paint on that bad boy, and added some gratuitous gyroscope physics — test it out. Spin your phone in the air like a pepperoni pizza. What could go wrong.

Rate us 5 stars for 500 more days of summer.
Taylor Swift: transit icon? The banjo-bound hordes are setting ridership records — in this edition of Transit we’ve thus decided to:

- Shake It Off (“it” being the deluge of real-time feeds we were accidentally loading simultaneously, which slowed the app to a crawl if you happened to be near a lot of transit lines)
- say Hey Stephen (because our editor is on vacation in Nova Scotia, unable to reign in deez Fearless puns)

Spot a bug? Speak now. Question…? We’re @transitapp on twitter.
Taylor Swift: transit icon? The banjo-bound hordes are setting ridership records — in this edition of Transit we’ve thus decided to:

- Shake It Off (“it” being the deluge of real-time feeds we were accidentally loading simultaneously, which slowed the app to a crawl if you happened to be near a lot of transit lines)
- say Hey Stephen (because our editor is on vacation in Nova Scotia, unable to reign in deez Fearless puns)

Spot a bug? Speak now. Question…? We’re @transitapp on twitter.
We’re thrilled to announce that OC Transpo, every Sens fan’s favourite transit agency, is now giving EVERYONE IN OTTAWA free Royale (including the urbanist snakes). From Kanata to Barrhaven to the majestic bogland they call Orléans — it’s the best thing to happen to the 613 since Alexei Kovalev stole Boustan’s shawarma recipe and gave it to Chris Neil.

In other news? Nothing!

In news besides nothing? Bug fixes!

PS: rate us five stars for extra garlic sauce on the fries
Never got to enjoy the Tim Hortons smoking section during your childhood? Canada’s wildfires can help you make the most of it.

In this edition of Transit we:

- Fixed some bugs
- Closed the windows
- Did not enjoy the smog

Rate us 5 stars to make it rain (for our friends up north <3)
Never got to enjoy the Tim Hortons smoking section during your childhood? Canada’s wildfires can help you make the most of it.

In this edition of Transit we:

- Fixed some bugs
- Closed the windows
- Did not enjoy the smog

Rate us 5 stars to make it rain (for our friends up north <3)
Now, you can say THANK YOU! to riders who share real-time locations via GO

- Tap any line, then tap the vehicle icon
- If real-time is being provided by a GO rider? You’ll see their GO emoji avatar on the vehicle icon
- Wanna show some gratitude? Tap “say thanks”!
- We’ll thank them on your behalf & carry them off the field on our shoulders while the whole stadium screams “WE LOVE YOU!” like in the movies

That’s it from us. Rate us five stars to spin the propeller hat to liftoff velocity
- Did you plan a trip from your “current location”, start walking, then plan a new trip?
- Good news: we’ll no longer tell you to “walk ten minutes to the bus stop” when you are already at the bus stop, looking fabulous.
- Just refresh the trip planner to bring your “current location” up to speed!

Other than that, we fixed some bugs under the glow of candlelight, during the Great Montreal Ice Storm of April 2023.

Rate us five-stars because we need the light… we’re running out of wax!!!
For “best performance in a roving detour”: Transit got the Oscar for detecting bus detours in real-time. Now live in Montreal. Full details at

For “most dynamic visual effects”: Transit dev Laurence won big for her introduction of Dynamic Type. Now, small text on your home screen will appear bigger — following your system settings.

Thanks to TikTokker @haydenbegley for using Transit to get to the Oscars. We’ve planted 5 stars in her honor on the Release Notes Walk of Fame.
- Goodbye “10 years of Transit” birthday launch screen!
- Hello, way more snow than we bargained for…
- What’s in today’s forecast: a blizzard of invisible improvements to Transit’s backend logic
- This makes it easier for our developers to build and maintain Transit — and my-oh-my, what wonderful things we will build!
- For now though? Enjoy the bug fixes.

PS: Hit the throttle, Aristotle: make our year by giving us a glittering five-star review!
- Hello: Live notifications
- Stay attuned to the status of your GO trip, no app open required
- “Leave in x minutes!” “Get off at y station!” “Walk to z address!” — these are things for which we used to send a push notification: boring
- Now, once you start a GO trip, we’ll give you the relevant update, right on your lock screen: amazing
- Live notifications will disappear once your GO trip is over

PS: The only thing we love more than gingerbread cookies? A glowing end-of-year 5 star review ;)
This month we put our vintage road bike into storage and put Ol’ Rusty back into service: he might not be fast, but he skids like a dream.

Not ready to join the handlebar mitten crew? We got you, regardless!

- Fixed a GO bug where we didn’t send you a notification to “Leave now!”

- You’ll now see “holiday” service changes (for those days Santa has poached your transit agency’s reindeer and sleighs)

Rate us five stars if you can hear the CLANK CLANK CLANK of Ol’ Rusty coming down the street
Peak foliage. Manic squirrels. The annual rite of slapping together the lowest-effort Halloween costume in an hour or less. (You spent months on your outfit? We put mascara on our nose and called ourself a “cat”. Meow! Time flies when you’re chasing bugs.)

In this update:

- Hello free Royale for Hele-On (Hawaii), Huron Shores Area Transit (Ontario), and PVTA (Massachusetts)
- New (belated) birthday-themed app icon and launch screen
- Other things you won’t notice now but maybe you will later.
- The years start coming, and they don’t stop coming.
- Just like Transit updates (which do keep our app stunning)
- So much to do! So much to see!
- So what’s wrong with making a bug fix?

PS: if your agency has gifted you Royale, you no longer have to redeem your subscription in the app — we’ll upgrade you automatically. Who said all that glitters ain’t gold?
- The years start coming, and they don’t stop coming.
- Just like Transit updates (which do keep our app stunning)
- So much to do! So much to see!
- So what’s wrong with making a bug fix?

PS: if your agency has gifted you Royale, you no longer have to redeem your subscription in the app — we’ll upgrade you automatically. Who said all that glitters ain’t gold?
Happy 10th birthday to Transit!

We’re entering the 2nd decade of Transit the best way we know how… with bug fixes.

- Can’t tell the difference between “scheduled departure” vs. “real-time departure”? Or an “officially cancelled trip” vs. a “most-likely cancelled trip”?
- Hallelujah! We’ve added a little explainer.

- Hello free Royale for: BUSIT + Orbus (New Zealand) and Ben Franklin Transit (Washington state)

Now make a wish & rate us 5 stars to blow out half of our birthday candles
It’s camping season. Time to head to the woods and enjoy life’s simple pleasures: the sunrise… the night sky… mosquitos the size of miniature horses…

- Did the bus pass you by — or did it not come at all?
- We’ve updated GO to diagnose any missed departures

- In Royale news…
- We’ve added a new “Lost your subscription?” section if you’ve got a new phone, misplaced your Royale subscription, etc.

Rate us 5 stars, cuz we’re hoping for a starry night! (We forgot our flashlight.)
Call me by your name? Call me Hamburger Bandito. Call me Luscious Kumquat. Call me Hypno Fawn.

For those of you that ride the bus and train with GO…climbing to the top of the leaderboard…

We’ve tapped you on the shoulder with the Transit scepter: you’ve now got your very own GO nickname (!) and emoji avatar (!!). Open the app: in the top left corner, you’ll see your new GO identity.

Prefer to stay anonymous? Activate ghost mode.

Rate us 5 stars and tell us your new nickname @transitapp

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ダウンロード Transit • Subway & Bus Times MOD APK 5.17.10

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