Genius Scan - PDF Scanner Mod Apk

Genius Scan - PDF Scanner ハック - Mod Apk 7.25.0

開発者: The Grizzly Labs
カテゴリー: ビジネス
価格: 無料です


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*** 2,000 万人以上のユーザー *** 数千社のスモールビジネスが利用***

デバイスのカメラの前に文書を置いてください: スキャナーアプリが背景から用紙を自動的に認識してトリミングを実行します。読みやすい、明瞭なスキャンが出力されます。一括スキャンでは、数十枚のページをあっという間にスキャンすることができます。また、強力なツールを使って文書を整理、共有、およびアーカイブできます。

= 主な特長 =


- ドキュメント認識 & 背景除去
- 歪み補正
- 影や汚れなどの除去
- フィルター (白黒、ホワイトボード、写真)
- 一括スキャン

PDF 作成 & 編集:

- ドキュメントの結合 & 分割
- 複数ページ PDF の作成
- 写真および PDF のインポート

セキュリティ & プライバシー:

- ドキュメントの処理はデバイス上で実行
+ 生体認証によるロック解除
+ PDF のパスワード暗号化


- ドキュメントのタグ付け
- メタデータおよびコンテンツ検索
+ カスタム命名スキーム (スマートドキュメント名)
+ Genius Cloud によるバックアップおよびマルチデバイス間同期 (サブスクリプションが必要です)


- メール
+ Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Expensify, Google Drive, OneDrive, FTP, WebDAV.
+ Citrix ShareFile、NextCloud、ownCloud、Synology、Yandex などのあらゆる WebDAV 互換サービス
+ バックグラウンドでの自動エクスポート

OCR (テキスト認識):

+ テキスト抽出
+ 検索可能な PDF の作成
+ 名刺のスキャンおよび連絡先の作成

[+] が表示されている機能は、Genius Scan Plus サブスクリプションとして利用できます。

= 弊社について =

Genius Scan アプリは、フランス・パリの中心部にある The Grizzly Labs という会社が開発しています。弊社は、品質およびプライバシーの面で最高の水準を満たし、世界中のユーザーに役立つ有益なアプリをお届けすることをミッションとしています。ご質問などございましたら、弊社 @thegrizzlylabs までお気軽にお問い合わせください。


- We've made several improvements to the document detection, especially the live detection on the Camera preview
- We've fixed a bug where hitting the Back button when documents are selected would close the app instead of closing the selection mode
- And we've added Thunderbird to free export options
- In addition to the existing filters, we've added a new set of filters, which allow for more control on the document quality and legibility.
- We've redesigned the bottom toolbar used to edit pages of a document, and we've increased the size of filter previews.
- We've fixed several minor crashes to make your scanning experience smoother.
- And we've fixed the live document detection not working well anymore on some devices.
- In addition to the existing filters, we've added a new set of filters, which allow for more control on the document quality and legibility.
- We've redesigned the bottom toolbar used to edit pages of a document, and we've increased the size of filter previews.
- We've fixed several minor crashes to make your scanning experience smoother.
- We’ve only made minor bug fixes and internal changes in this month’s update.
- We’re preparing the ground for new features, such as full edge-to-edge support and new filters for next month’s update. Stay tuned!
- The curvature correction can now be enabled or disabled by default from the application settings
- We've continued to improve the text recognition behavior, especially in edge cases (e.g. when no language is selected)
- We've also fixed a crash happening on some devices when editing the document title
- Fix occasional synchronization error
- Properly refresh the document list after a folder move
- Speed up camera capture, especially on slow devices
- Fix occasional crash when opening the QuickEdit screen on some Xiaomi devices
- Fix order of documents and pages when merging documents
- Improve overall speed and stability of the app, especially with lots of saved documents
- Display an error when importing many files at once and prevent the app from crashing
- Fix incorrect initialization of Genius Scan with a OneNote export account
- Fix occasional crash when deleting documents
- Add an option to switch between paid plans
- Trim document title after keyboard suggestion is selected
- Remove bottom navigation bar and use top bar menu
- Improve Genius Cloud conflict logic: rather than duplicating a document edited on different devices simultaneously, the different changes are now merged
- Add curvature correction: get a perfect result when scanning book pages or folded documents
- When moving pages to a new document, use the current folder to create the new document
- Handle special characters in WebDAV / FTP host name
- Add ability to delete an export destination by doing a long press on it
- Add button in menu to follow us on Twitter
- Fix error at startup when connected to a Genius Cloud account and without internet connection
- Fix error when changing Genius Cloud account email or password
- Make destination screen scrollable
- Rename Genius Scan+ app into Genius Scan Enterprise
- Fix rare bug happening when synchronizing a folder with Genius Cloud
- Fix bug where changing the filter of a page sometimes displays a cropped image
- Add support for OneNote for personal and business accounts: when exported to OneNote, scans are attached to a new note
- Improve camera behavior, especially on older devices
- Increase export timeout to prevent export with large document to fail
- Add ability to give a custom name to export destinations
- Add zoom feature when previewing scans during scan flow
- Fix issue connecting to Genius Cloud or other services after restoring a Genius Scan backup
- Improve FTP plugin
- Organize your documents with folders
- Create multiple accounts for Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive…
- Genius Scan detects your scan orientation and rotates it accordingly

- Auto-Export: add conditions on document name or tags
- Genius Cloud: less-used documents are automatically offloaded to save space on your device
- Improved image filters and OCR for documents with a dark background and white text
- OneDrive: add support for shared drives and Sharepoint sites
- Fix error when exporting to Dropbox

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44.5万 件のレビュー