Wheel of Fame - Guess words Mod Apk

Wheel of Fame - Guess words ハック - Mod Apk 2.0.5

開発者: Senior Games
カテゴリー: 言葉, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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この特別な 幸運の輪ゲームをお楽しみください! シニアゲームは、名声と人気を高めながら、単語、文章、名前を推測する「名声の輪」を提供します。このゲームを気に入るはずです!

ゲームの仕組みはハングマンゲームに似ています。パネルに隠された単語または文章を取得するには、さらに 2 人のプレイヤーと対戦する必要があります。これを行うには、運の輪を回し、必要な母音と子音を選択し、各ゲームで可能な最大のポイントを獲得する必要があります。破産セルに落ちないように注意してください!


Wheel of Fame カテゴリ

- ことわざと有名なことわざ
- 歌手と歌
- 映画と俳優/女優
- 国と首都
- 本と作家




- 魅力的でカラフルなデザイン
- 何千もの単語を推測
- ゲームをガイドしてくれる面白いホスト
- プレイを続けるためにホイールにライフラインを入れる可能性
- 素晴らしい服やアクセサリーでアバターをカスタマイズ
- ダイヤモンドで人気を高め、レッドカーペットでファンを驚かせましょう
- すべての年齢層向けのゲーム
- 無料のオフラインゲーム

シニアゲームについて - TELLMEWOW
Senior Games は、簡単な適応と基本的な使いやすさに特化したモバイルゲーム開発会社 Tellmewow のプロジェクトです。当社のゲームは、大きな複雑さなしに時々ゲームをプレイしたい高齢者や若者に最適です。



♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing The Wheel of Fame!
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
⭐️ Games for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ Customize your avatar with fun clothes and accessories.
⭐️ Funny hosts will guide you in the game

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game, you can write to us at [email protected]

ハッキング方法 Wheel of Fame - Guess words

ダウンロード Wheel of Fame - Guess words MOD APK 2.0.5

ダウンロード MOD APK


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17.2万 件のレビュー