Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel Mod Apk

Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel ハック - Mod Apk 2.16.2

開発者: Tapps Games - PT
カテゴリー: シミュレーション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel mod apkGame screenshot Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel hackGame screenshot Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel apk download



かわいい動物が好きですか?時間管理ゲームでスキルを試す準備はできましたか?Pet Shop Fever では、あらゆる決断が重要となる賑やかなホテルシミュレーターを運営します。ペットの世話をし、顧客を満足させ、究極のホテルタイクーンになるために必要なものを持っていることを証明してください!

🕒? 時間管理ゲームで時計を征服





😺? ペットケアからホテルタイクーンまで





毎日のミッションは、無限の成長の機会を提供します。Hotel Dash アドベンチャーで優れたパフォーマンスを発揮しながら、報酬を獲得して効率を高め、バスタブからグルーミングステーションまでツールをアップグレードしましょう。


🐾? 400 以上のユニークなレベルを備えたエキサイティングな時間管理ゲーム
🐾? あなたのショップを究極のホテルシミュレーターに変身させましょう
🐾? グルーミング、入浴、獣医のケアなどの一流のサービスを提供
🐾? アップグレードのロックを解除し、プロのようにホテルダッシュを管理
🐾? 活気に満ちた世界を探索し、エキゾチックな動物を発見
🐾? ASMR ゲーム要素とリラクゼーションのブレンドを体験


Pet Shop Fever の時間管理ゲームは、魅力的でやりがいのある体験を提供します。タスクを調整し、ワークフローを最適化し、さまざまなエキサイティングな課題で戦略スキルをテストします。各レベルは、楽しみを維持しながらマルチタスク能力を高めるように設計されています。ペースの速いゲームプレイのファンに最適!

注意してください:これは Taps Games が配布する無料のダッシュゲームです。ただし、ゲームには追加機能があり、ストアから購入できる追加アイテムは、ゲームプレイのオプションです。


🕹️ Content:
We've added a booster recommendation for each phase! It's a great tip to tackle the tougher levels.
No more delivery trucks—it's time to fly! A new offer speeds up deliveries in the upgrade shop.
📝 Feedback:
Tell us what else you would like to see in the game!
🕹️ Content:
We've added a booster recommendation for each phase! It's a great tip to tackle the tougher levels.
No more delivery trucks—it's time to fly! A new offer speeds up deliveries in the upgrade shop.
📝 Feedback:
Tell us what else you would like to see in the game!
🕹️ Content:
We're always thinking about you to make the game even more fun! In this update, we’ve upgraded our offers to make them cooler and packed with more value
📝 Feedback:
Tell us what else you would like to see in the game!
🕹️ Content:
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Shop: the Natural Refuge Spa! Come relax with new pets, workstations, and so much more
📝 Feedback:
Tell us what else you would like to see in the game!
🕹️ Content:
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Shop: the Natural Refuge Spa! Come relax with new pets, workstations, and so much more
📝 Feedback:
Tell us what else you would like to see in the game!
🌟 Enhanced Gaming Experience:

We've listened to your feedback and worked tirelessly to make your gaming experience better than ever!

🎨 New Visuals:

We've enhanced in-game environments for the Pet Shops and added new characters to the shops.

🐞 Bug Fixes:

We've been on a bug-hunting spree, and the results are in! We've fixed various issues to ensure a better experience

⚖️ Balancing:

We just tuned all the shops and levels for a more challenging and entertaining experience
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!

🛒Buy boosters during the game!
🎮 Lots of Gameplay Improvements!
🐛Bugs Fixes!

Have fun!
Get ready for a huge update!
🏬🐢 New Pet Shop! Take care of lizards, turtles and more right in the heart of the big city!
❌Cancel Action Button! Now you can cancel all assigned actions anytime you want.
🎵Pet Sounds All pets now have their own sounds!
* New Animations, effects and feedback added to various screens.
* Lots of difficulty balancing and bug fixing!

Have fun!

ハッキング方法 Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel

ダウンロード Pet Shop Fever: Animal Hotel MOD APK 2.16.2

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.6 点満点中 5
5110 件のレビュー