Parsnip: Level Up Your Cooking Mod Apk

Parsnip: Level Up Your Cooking ハック - Mod Apk 1.8.1

カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Parsnip: Level Up Your Cooking mod apkGame screenshot Parsnip: Level Up Your Cooking hackGame screenshot Parsnip: Level Up Your Cooking apk download


内部には、ショッピング、材料、設備、準備、作成、テクニックの 6 つのカテゴリにわたる料理能力に挑戦する 50 以上のレベルがあります。完了するレベルごとに、スター カウントに向けてスターを獲得します。プレイすればするほど、あなたとアプリがあなたの長所と短所を分析できるようになります。すべてのレベルを完了し、すべての料理を作りましょう!


Hey chefs,
•Made some changes to help users find the free trial option more easily.
•Added a toggle in settings that allows users to opt-in to interviews with Parsnip.
It's been a while, but we have so many exciting things to show you soon!
In this first update of many, we have:
-Made it easier to jump into the conversations that form around our quiz questions and recipes. Yappers welcome.
-Added comment counts so you can easily join in or start your own party.
-Implemented new quality control systems that allow you to flag content you don't find helpful. You can be honest...
-Expanded the range of dishes new users can choose for their first dish. Variety!
We’ve updated the comments flow during levels so you can leave comments more easily while playing quizzes. Give it a try!

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ダウンロード Parsnip: Level Up Your Cooking MOD APK 1.8.1

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