-新しいファイター: ワイルドプリースト—オーリン。クランの賢明なリーダーで、渦巻く煙に包まれた神秘的な司祭が、プラネットウォーズの新しい惑星に登場します!
-新しいファイターの像: ハーマン。あなたの都市にさらなる輝きを追加しましょう!
-新しいメカスキン: ライオンスキン-ラッキー獅子舞。祝日を祝うために、エイプは古代の人間の習慣に基づいてライオンメカを作成しました。
-新しいファイター: シャドウナイト—シャーロット・ロッシ。あの凶悪な逃亡者たちは月光の下で裁きを受けるだろう!
-新しいメカ: バスティオンの心—ウォータートル。すべての敵の妄想を打ち砕く究極の防御!
-新しいファイターの像: カネ。あなたの都市にさらなる輝きを追加しよう!
-新しいアビリティツリー: 耐える—領土を防御する強力な手段であり、侵略者を撃退するための最良の選択!
- New Fighter: Chainsaw Sweetheart, Doris. Sweet on the outside, savage on the inside - it's chainsaw girl!
- New Fighter: Brewmaster, Vance. Cheers! From the most legendary brewmaster on the planet. Ready to spirit up?
- New Relic: Wall Breaker set - Nowhere to Hide (includes Homing Cannon, Mag Shield, and Onboard Locator).
- New battlefield: Astral Coliseum - Mech Rising. Get ready for a brand-new battle experience!
- Planet Wars: new story - Coral Star.
- New Fighter: Shade Hunter, Tassia, the master mechanic and protector of justice! Get her from Planet Wars.
- New Legendary Mech - Primatus: a super powerful, massive siege machine with unparalleled strength. Complete the required activation quests to get it.
- New Fighter: Wildland Protector, Raymond. A master of both attack and defense, unequal in firepower! This is the mighty wildland protector revered by all!
- New in Fortress Takeover: new monsters, Cannonball Mutant, Bandit Invader; new building, Healing Tower; new skills, Cycle of Life, Line of Defense.
- New event ""Space Race"": calling all Gang members! Work together to win the limited-edition Distributor skin!
-New Pioneer Festival Event:
-Mecha Trove: Use the Commemorative Wrench to win limited deluxe Base skins and other rich rewards!
-Operation Pioneer: Complete tasks, light up task cards, and easily obtain limited festival decorations!
-Decoration Upgrade: By participating in the Pioneer Festival Event, you can get new limited decorations and other rich rewards!
-Dig for Victory: Collect drills and win Pioneer Festival rewards!
- New Fighter: Dynamo Speedster, Cal. He loves bananas and challenging other racers! His Banana car gives him high-damaging AoE attacks!
- Siege & Plunder Mode: A new Gang event where rivaling gangs fight within an abandoned military base to earn points and claim Roland's treasures!
- City Defense Mode: A new early-game mode where you set up defenses and obstacles to prevent the enemy from invading what is yours!
- New Fighter: Wildland Baron, Derick, a popular leader of the Wild Monkeys who lives up to his reputation! This first fighter who excels at leading Wall Breakers will bring an all-new experience.
- New Fighter Statues: The statues for Fiona, Bazell, D-Generate Dave, and The Clark Brothers are completed! Earn their double talents to unlock them!
- New Fortress Race Event: Duel other monkeys during the event and strive to conquer the fortress as fast as possible!
- New Fighter: Thor, the Flames of Thunder, get him through Ultimate Monkey.
- New ruin buildings: Ruins that can be occupied on the map now have attached outpost buildings. Garrison these outposts to enhance ruin boosts.
- New Gang buildings: Service Station and Super Turret. Service Stations provide Distributors with defense boosts; Super Turrets are upgraded from Distributors and are capable of long-range attacks.
- New Fighter: Wildland Mechanic, Aldrich, a mighty warrior who fights for justice! Get him from Ultimate Monkey.
- New troop delegation feature: Delegate your troops to friends in your Clan or Gang and allow them to use the units.
- New events: Harvest Feast; Relic-edition of Attack on Dr. Hogg.
- New Fighter: Wildland Mechanic, Aldrich, a mighty warrior who fights for justice! Get him from Ultimate Monkey.
- New troop delegation feature: Delegate your troops to friends in your Clan or Gang and allow them to use the units.
- New events: Harvest Feast; Relic-edition of Attack on Dr. Hogg.
-New Fighter: Elmo, Legendary Pilot Fighter, a brave rider and guardian of the city!
-New Achievement rewards: New Fighter Achievement rewards; go to individual Fighter pages to view.
-Planet Wars: New Power Enhance Mode where each unit type is given special skills, including long-range attacks for Shooters and Wall Breakers.
-Fortress Takeover: Added a new "island" map.
-New Fighter: Elmo, Legendary Pilot Fighter, a brave rider and guardian of the city!
-New Achievement rewards: New Fighter Achievement rewards; go to individual Fighter pages to view.
-Planet Wars: New Power Enhance Mode where each unit type is given special skills, including long-range attacks for Shooters and Wall Breakers.
-Fortress Takeover: Added a new "island" map.
- New gameplay: Operation Mutants coming soon! Team up with your friends and work together to defeat the Mutants!
- New friends feature: Add players as your friends. Interact and stay in touch!
- New Fighter: Ken, the Reaper of Souls. A mysterious wildland monkey who walks on stilts and wears dark robes.
- New gameplay: Operation Mutants coming soon! Team up with your friends and work together to defeat the Mutants!
- New friends feature: Add players as your friends. Interact and stay in touch!
- New Fighter: Ken, the Reaper of Souls. A mysterious wildland monkey who walks on stilts and wears dark robes.
- New events: Ruin Excavation; Early Week Gifts.
- Optimizations: City buildings now in 3D; improved Fighter equipment feature, main Gang interface, map explorations, and search and set troops interfaces.
- New events: Ruin Excavation; Early Week Gifts.
- Optimizations: City buildings now in 3D; improved Fighter equipment feature, main Gang interface, map explorations, and search and set troops interfaces.
- New gameplay: Train Rush, a cross-server competition.
- New Fighters: Carina. Get her from Ultimate Monkey.
- New events: Beach Dance Party coming soon; events for returning players and inviting new players.
- Improvements: Fortress Takeover, Loaded Strike, resource spots, interface and notifications, troops.
- New gameplay: Train Rush, a cross-server competition.
- New Fighters: Carina. Get her from Ultimate Monkey.
- New events: Beach Dance Party coming soon; events for returning players and inviting new players.
- Improvements: Fortress Takeover, Loaded Strike, resource spots, interface and notifications, troops.
- New events: a new Planet War pitting thousands of players from different servers against one another; Baby Monkeys' Day events coming soon.
- New Fighter: Get Bazell the Beast from Ultimate Monkey.
- Tavern membership: Activate to get super-value benefits.
- Improvements: Optimized Fortress Takeover, Impasse Trials, rallying, Mail, and Items.
- New events: a new Planet War pitting thousands of players from different servers against one another; Baby Monkeys' Day events coming soon.
- New Fighter: Get Bazell the Beast from Ultimate Monkey.
- Tavern membership: Activate to get super-value benefits.
- Improvements: Optimized Fortress Takeover, Impasse Trials, rallying, Mail, and Items.
- New march special effects: Give your marching troops cool and eye-catching special effects!
- New Gear visual effects: Upgrade Gears and Weapons to give your troops more striking visual effects!
- New Fighter: Rainbow Rider, Tiffany.
- Optimizations: Improved the Gang system, avatar frame interface, Loaded Strike, event access, Attack on Dr. Hogg and Colin's Exploration.