Syfe: Invest, Trade and Save Mod Apk

Syfe: Invest, Trade and Save ハック - Mod Apk 12.8.0

開発者: Syfe
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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Syfe は、人々がより良い未来に向けて富を築くことができるように支援する投資プラットフォームです。シンプル、スマート、そして手頃な価格の金融ソリューションにすべて 1 つのアプリ内でアクセスできます。

楽に富を築きましょう。住宅の購入、お子様の教育費の貯蓄、退職、または単に資産の増加を計画しているかどうかにかかわらず、当社はお客様のさまざまな経済的目標に応えるポートフォリオとソリューションをご用意しています。 Syfe は、シンガポールの MAS および香港の SFC からライセンスを取得している、信頼できる安全な大手投資プラットフォームです。 Syfe Australia は Sanlam Private Wealth の CAR です。 Syfe ならあなたのお金は安全です!


• コア - 投資期間とリスク選好度に基づいて、株式、債券、コモディティの優先配分を選択します
• 収入+ - 受動的収入を生み出します。銀行口座に直接お支払いください。 PIMCOを活用した債券ソリューション
• REIT+ - シンガポールの不動産市場の成長と収益を目指して投資します。 1 つのポートフォリオで上位 20 の高品質 S-REIT にアクセスします。
• テーマとカスタム - 自分の信念に沿った投資で世界観を表現します。

仲介 (シンガポールとオーストラリアでのみ利用可能)

• 米国株の取引は毎月無料で、シンガポール株の低手数料はプラットフォーム手数料や隠れた手数料がありません。
• 端数取引 - 最低 1 米ドルから好きな金額で米国株や ETF を購入できます
• リアルタイムの市場データにアクセスできる簡素化されたエクスペリエンス
• 安全性とセキュリティ - Syfe は MFA による銀行レベルのセキュリティを備えており、個人口座は最大 50 万ドルまで保護されます。

ご希望の方法で Cash+ を使って節約を強化しましょう。柔軟にするか固定するかはあなた次第です。低リスクの現金管理ソリューションを使用して、現金貯蓄からより高い収益を獲得しましょう。

• Flexi - 金融市場の利益を得るために流れに乗り、いつでも資金を素早く引き出すオプションを維持します
• 保証 - 収益を修正し、最適なレートで資本を固定します

サイフ シンガポール
- MAS キャピタル マーケット サービス ライセンス - CMS100837
- 住所: 4 Robinson Rd、#11-01 The House Of Eden、シンガポール 048543
- 電子メール: [email protected]
- +65 3138 1215 月曜日から金曜日の午前 9 時と午後 6 時までお電話ください。

- 証券先物委員会 CE No. BRQ741
- 住所: 12102、10/F、YF Life Tower、33 Lockhart Road、Wanchai、香港
- 電子メール: [email protected]
- +852 2833 1017 月曜日から金曜日の午前 9 時と午後 6 時までお電話ください。

- Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd (AFSL 337927) の CAR (1295306)
- 住所: Level 19, 180 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
- 電子メール: [email protected]
- 1800 577 398 までお電話ください。月曜日から金曜日の午前 9 時と午後 6 時です。


Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
New! Cash+ Guaranteed - Get 3.7% p.a. returns on any amount!
Latest addition to our cash management offering in SG, beat uncertainties with higher fixed returns and a capital guarantee.
Hong Kong
New! Income+ available in Hong Kong!
Enjoy a new stream of income with up to 8.6% p.a. target monthly payout in HKD and potential capital appreciation. Download now to learn more.
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
[Only Available in SG]

Say hello to Syfe for Kids!

Set your child up for future success by investing on their behalf. Tag a portfolio to your child, customise a plan, automate and see their future funds grow!
Introducing bigger, better graphs for Syfe Trade!
Upgrade your trading experience with our new and improved graphs. See your favorite stocks in a brand new light.
- Improved chart readability, with expanded size and max/min indicators
- Enhanced scrolling experience, making it easier to select and view specific points on the graph.
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!
We now bring wealth and trade portfolios together for a seamless overview on the new dashboard. Investors can explore managed portfolios, Cash+, or trading only a tap away.
We've upgraded the homepage dashboard! You can now log in and see all your investments across wealth and trade in one place.
Our Syfe Trade experience got an upgrade! (SG & AU only)

We have enhanced our recurring buys feature on your favorite stocks and ETFs - we now support biweekly and daily frequencies!
- Syfe Trade now offers SGX stocks! From DBS, SIA, Keppel to REITs, you can now easily and securely invest in the homegrown and global companies you love
Hong Kong
- Cash+ is live in Hong Kong. Earn a projected yield of 3.8% p.a. starting now.
Our Syfe Wealth experience got an upgrade!

We've added a new timeline feature to track your internal transfer and withdrawal transactions easily. Check this out on your dashboard and portfolio pages!
Our Syfe Wealth experience got an upgrade!

We've added a new timeline feature to track your internal transfer and withdrawal transactions easily. Check this out on your dashboard and portfolio pages!
New Features on Trade (SG & AU only)
- Set up recurring buys on your favourite stocks and ETFs
- Get alerts on price movements for securities in your watchlist and holdings
Syfe is LIVE in Australia! Invest in US stocks, ETFs and Crypto all-on-one app!
Syfe promises to deliver on the best possible investment experience. With this update we’ve fixed bugs and improved performance. Do stay tuned for our next releases with exciting features and upgrades!

ハッキング方法 Syfe: Invest, Trade and Save

ダウンロード Syfe: Invest, Trade and Save MOD APK 12.8.0

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