Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos Mod Apk

Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos ハック - Mod Apk 1.3.13

開発者: SmallCat Media
カテゴリー: 写真
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos mod apkGame screenshot Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos hackGame screenshot Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos apk download


ギャラリーは、写真、ビデオ、アルバム、GIF を整理するための高速で軽量なギャラリー アプリです。ネイティブ ギャラリーを完全に置き換えるシンプルなギャラリー。

選択に基づいてギャラリー アイテムの順序を調整します。写真の管理にかかる時間を減らし、写真を楽しむ時間を増やすことができます。フォト ギャラリーを使用すると、画面全体に画像を表示できます。

ファイルをスキャン - メディア ファイルをスキャンすると、ユーザーはデバイスをスキャンして、不足している写真やビデオをすべてギャラリーに取り込むことができます。

大きなファイル ファインダー - 大きなサイズのビデオや写真をリストするための専用画面。この画面を使用すると、ユーザーは最大のメディア ファイルを簡単に見つけて、メモリ領域を増やしたり、必要なものを削除したりできます。

* 携帯電話のメモリまたは SD カードに新しいフォルダー (アルバム) を作成します
* カバー画像の設定/変更
* ユーザーは画像のみ、ビデオのみ、またはその両方を表示することを選択できます
* アルバムを並べ替える
* ダークとライトのテーマ
* 画像やビデオを別のフォルダーに移動、コピー
* ユーザーは写真やビデオをお気に入りに追加できるため、そのファイルに簡単にアクセスできます。
* スライドショー写真
* 画像のトリミング
* 内蔵ビデオプレーヤー
* 内蔵画像ビューア
* 不足している写真やビデオをスキャンします
* 大きなビデオや写真を検索


お問い合わせ [email protected]


* Webp files support.
* Pin folder added. Now user can pin their favorite folder to top
* Opening performance improved.
* Dark and Light mode added.
* Timeline screen added
* Video player features improvements
* Swipe to change brightness and volume in video player
* Child lock added to video player
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Pin folder added. Now user can pin their favorite folder to top
* Opening performance improved.
* Dark and Light mode added.
* Timeline screen added
* Video player features improvements
* Swipe to change brightness and volume in video player
* Child lock added to video player
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Slideshow screen optimized.
* Favorite screen improvements
* Dark and Light mode added.
* Timeline screen added
* Video player features improvements
* Swipe to change brightness and volume in video player
* Child lock added to video player
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Dark and Light mode added.
* Video player updated, now video player supports more video formats
* Swipe to change brightness and volume in video player
* Child lock added to video player
* User can set/change cover image
* Android 11+ support
* Dedicated screen for finding large files
* User can add their photos and videos to favorite, so he/she can easily access that files.
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Dark and Light mode added.
* Video player updated, now video player supports more video formats
* Swipe to change brightness and volume in video player
* Child lock added to video player
* User can set/change cover image
* Android 11+ support
* Dedicated screen for finding large files
* User can add their photos and videos to favorite, so he/she can easily access that files.
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Video player updated, now video player supports more video formats
* Swipe to change brightness and volume in video player
* Child lock added to video player
* User can set/change cover image
* Android 11+ support
* Dedicated screen for finding large files
* User can add their photos and videos to favorite, so he/she can easily access that files.
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* User can set/change cover image
* Android 11+ support
* Dedicated screen for finding large files
* User can add their photos and videos to favorite, so he/she can easily access that files.
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* User can set/change cover image
* Android 11+ support
* Dedicated screen for finding large files
* User can add their photos and videos to favorite, so he/she can easily access that files.
* Move, copy, delete performance optimized
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
Version 1.2.6
* Move, copy operation performance optimized
* In-build video player added
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements

ハッキング方法 Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos

ダウンロード Gallery Lite - Photos, Videos MOD APK 1.3.13

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.5 点満点中 5
7870 件のレビュー