Sword Health Mod Apk

Sword Health ハック - Mod Apk 7.9.0

開発者: Sword Health
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Sword Health のご紹介: 痛みを予測、予防、治療する世界初のプラットフォームです。

不快感や痛みに悩まされていませんか? Sword Health は、自宅から専門家の臨床ケアと使いやすいテクノロジーを提供します。痛みを和らげ、身体機能を改善し、膀胱漏に対処し、痛みを取り除きます。腰痛から骨盤の健康まで、私たちが提供するすべてのプログラムは次のようなケアを提供します。
• 便利: 自宅で快適に行えます。移動時間も待合室も必要ありません。
• 効果的: 強力なテクノロジーと個人的なつながりが、人生を変える回復につながります。
• 費用なし: 自己負担や自己負担はゼロです。

SWORD プラットフォームについて
• THRIVE: 自宅で快適にパーソナライズされたデジタル理学療法
• BLOOM: 次世代の女性の骨盤ヘルスケア
• MOVE: 持続可能な活動習慣の構築を支援するように設計された初の臨床主導のソリューション (Wear OS のサポート付き)
• オンコール: 臨床疼痛専門家によるケアを 24 時間年中無休で受けられます。
• アカデミー: 最高品質の身体的健康教育とリソース
• PREDICT: 不必要な処置や手術のコストを検出して回避するために構築された初の AI エンジン

• メンバーは 100% 理学療法士の医師のみと協力します。
• 臨床の完全性に対する比類のない取り組み
• FDA に登録されているデバイスを使用した唯一のソリューション
• デジタルヘルス分野で他のどの企業よりも多くの規制クリアランスを取得

Sword は、世界クラスの理学療法士の専門知識を基に、臨床医の監督の下、メンバーがいつでもどこでも利用できるケアを提供するためのインタラクティブな AI エクスペリエンスを構築することで、痛みを予測、予防、治療する世界初のプラットフォームです。 Sword は、会員に 200 万回を超える AI セッションを提供し、3 大陸の 10,000 を超える雇用主が利用できるようにすることで、会員に比類のない痛みからの回復を提供しながら、クライアントに数百万ドルを節約することでヘルスケアを再定義しています。詳細については、www.SwordHealth.com をご覧ください。

Move は Health Kit と統合して、アクティビティと歩数の目標を追跡します。

キーワード: Sword Health アプリ、Sword Health 理学療法アプリ、Sword Health PT、デジタル理学療法、デジタル PT、仮想理学療法、理学療法、腰痛緩和、筋骨格損傷治療、MSK 鎮痛体操、関節痛緩和、AI ヘルスケア、 AIケア、デジタル骨盤ヘルスセラピー、ウィメンズヘルス


Thanks for using Sword!

We frequently update our app to give you the best possible experience. Each update includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.

Enjoying Sword? Please leave a rating or review. Your feedback helps us help you.
Thanks for using Sword!

We frequently update our app to give you the best possible experience. Each update includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.

Enjoying Sword? Please leave a rating or review. Your feedback helps us help you.
Thanks for using Sword!

We frequently update our app to give you the best possible experience. Each update includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.

Enjoying Sword? Please leave a rating or review. Your feedback helps us help you.
Thanks for using Sword!

We frequently update our app to give you the best possible experience. Each update includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.

Enjoying Sword? Please leave a rating or review. Your feedback helps us help you.
What's new:
Digital Physical Therapy:
- Members can now return their Sword kit from the comfort of home by scheduling a pick-up date and time.
- Members can now mark personal goals as achieved.
Digital Physical Therapy and Bloom:
- Members can now join their onboarding call through the app; if needed, they can also reschedule their call.
- Members can now access a daily and weekly summary of their active time and heart rate data collected by their wearable device.
What's new:
- Members will be able to share their Academy feedback and request new topical video content.
- A red dot will appear over the Academy tab when members have not yet watched a video.
What's new:
- Members can now access a dedicated information page for each program before they enroll.
- After signing up, members can now scroll through a preview slide for each program so that they have a full picture of available Sword solutions.
What's new:
- Members can now log in to their tablet (Digital Therapist) with the Sword mobile app
What's new:
- Improved sign-up experience for members to create their Sword account
- Small improvements
What's new:
- New app icon and updated colors
- Members can now see full details from each exercise, including their total stars earned and total time elapsed
- Small improvements
What’s new?

- New clinical metrics, which members can use to track their progress over time
- Weekly Goal module to encourage members to achieve their weekly goals
- "To-do list" section to help members keep track of key actions to complete
- Welcome Wizard to walk members through their program and share keys to success
- Program status section to keep members up-to-date and notify them once their program is ready
What’s new?
- New Design: Revamped look and feel
- Improved Progress Tracking: Members can track their progress toward their program goal and weekly goals
- Next Session Preview: Members can see a full view of their upcoming session and prepare for the exercises
- Physical Therapist Feedback: Members can evaluate their experience with their PT, now through the app
What's new?
- New Academy screen where members will have a better experience searching content and watching videos to learn new ways to prevent pain.
- Improvements on session results and also on badges announcement.
What's new?
- Members can now earn badges for key achievements both on the Digital Therapist and in the app. With a new badge collection center in the app ('Badges'), members can keep track of key achievements and challenge themselves to earn more badges.
- Members can now track all their sessions' performance, not just the last session's performance.
- Improvements in the experience of sharing session feedback with the Physical Therapists.
What's new?
- Improved Sword kit tracking: From packing to shipment to final delivery, members can now track the delivery status of their Sword kit.
- Session reminders visibility: When a member creates a new reminder, a small blue dot now indicates which days they've already set reminders.
What's new?
- Members can now track their latest session performance by individual exercise
- With just one tap, members can now share session feedback with their Physical Therapist
What's new:
- Members can now schedule weekly reminders to do exercise sessions more consistently
- Members can now rate their app experience directly in the app
'SWORD Health' is now ‘Sword Health'
- New look and feel, including updated colors
- Home screen improvements:
- New weekly goal nudges: Members now see the number of days during which they perform at least one session ("session days")
- Intuitive charts: Session results charts are now easier to read, including Session Days Per Week and Stars Achieved Per Session
- Improved tracking: Members can now track their session results by percentage of stars achieved over time (e.g. 85%), rather than average stars achieved (e.g. 4/5)
What’s new in version 2.2.0

• New login options available after an expired session, including PIN code, fingerprint, or Face ID.
• Video previews now automatically play in mute mode
• A brief "how it works" tutorial for members who open the Academy (video content library) for the first time
• An updated 'Home' screen for SWORD members in the Prevention program

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