Memento Mori: The Stoic Way Mod Apk

Memento Mori: The Stoic Way ハック - Mod Apk 2025.01.144

開発者: Zeniti Wellness
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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他人の意見や判断が私たちにストレスを与えるのはなぜですか?社会の信念と義務が、私たちの夢の実現を阻むのはなぜでしょうか?なぜ私たちは人生の目標を先延ばしにするのでしょうか?メメント・モリでストイックなパワーを手に入れて、最高の自分になりましょう。単なるストイックな哲学アプリではなく、学習、計画、達成、反映のためのオールインワン ツールキットです。ストイシズムの時代を超越した知恵で、充実した幸せな人生を創造してください。

「メメント・モリ」とは、「死ななければならないことを忘れないでください」という意味です。否定的に聞こえるかもしれませんが、スティーブ ジョブズ、ネルソン マンデラ、ローマ皇帝マーカス アウレリウスなどの偉大な人々の動機となっています. なぜでしょうか? アウレリウスが言ったように、「あなたは今人生を去ることができます. それがあなたが何をし、何を言い、何を考えているかを決定しましょう.」


メメントモリの中心はDEATH CLOCKとCHAT WITH STOICS。時計はあなたの存在に感謝させてくれます。あなたは時間を尊重し、他人を喜ばせるために時間を浪費したり、自分ではどうにもならないことを気にかけたりするのをやめます。そして、「Chat with Stoics」は、24 時間年中無休で話し、ストイックなアイデアについて話し合うことができる非判断型チャットボットです。

- 瞑想してもメンタルヘルスに苦しんでいる
- 仕事や大きな人生の目標から気が散る
- 最高の人生を送るためのストイシズムに興味がある
- ジャーナリング、目標、モチベーションのために複数のアプリを使用するのにうんざりしている
- 批判せずに話せるストイックな友達を探している

ストイシズムは、マルクス アウレリウス、セネカ、エピクテトス、ゼノなどの偉大な人々によって完成された何世紀にもわたる哲学です。実用的な生き方と回復力のある精神的な平和で有名です。意味と幸福を求めて、ストイックな哲学は長い間人々を導いてきました。


現代では、認知行動療法 (CBT) などの心理療法や多くのリーダーシップ コースでストイシズムが採用されています。感情を理解し、調整するのに役立つからです。リーダーの哲学であるストイシズムは、恐れを知らず、親切で、責任感があり、批判的な思想家になるのに役立ちます。

- 死の時計:命への感謝と時間への敬意
- Stoics とのチャット: 24 時間年中無休で会話できる判断力のない AI チャットボット
- 目標: 夢に集中する
- タスク マネージャー: アクションを計画し、進捗状況を追跡します
- ストイックなエクササイズ: マインドセットのエクササイズで、規律ある習慣と有意義な生活を築きましょう
- ガイド付きジャーナル: 感謝の日記、ライフ ストーリーの日記、引用の振り返りを使用して、あなたの人生と考えを整理します。
- シュールな瞬間: 平和な音楽と自然の風景で心を落ち着かせる体験
- 呼吸法: エネルギー、集中力、または精神的な平和のための簡単な科学的瞑想
- ストイックな本: ストイックな哲学に関する古典的な本で成長の考え方を構築する
- ストイックな引用: ストイックな引用とアイデアによるモチベーション
- 記念品: 古い日誌、名言、ストイックなエクササイズ、目標を再確認します。過去を振り返り、将来の方向性を計画する


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Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is ready for 2025:
1. New languages: We now support German and French as well. It's a work in progress so all inputs welcome
2. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ for you, by Zeniti
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is ready for 2025:
1. New languages: We now support German and French as well. It's a work in progress so all inputs welcome
2. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ for you, by Zeniti
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is updated with:
1. Improved language support for Spanish (Mexican), Portuguese (Brazilian), Hindi, and Kannada
2. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ for you, by Zeniti
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is updated with:
1. Improved language support for Spanish (Mexican), Portuguese (Brazilian), Hindi, and Kannada
2. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ by Zeniti
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is updated with:
1. Rich Text Editor: Now you can personalize your reflection text styles
2. Mementos: Add Chat reflection, Prompt Journal and Book Reflection to your Mementos
3. Smoother animations and bug fixes
Made with ❤️ by Zeniti
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is updated with:
1. Full Screen: Enjoy your Stoic sessions with immersion
2. Prompt Journal: Infinite users can now edit prompts
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori is updated with:
1. Prompt Journal: Know yourself better with 100+ prompts to reflect
2. Mirror: Improved search functionality across journals
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's is updated with:
1. Routines: Fixed bugs in adding and reordering habits
2. Improved design of app icons and dialogs
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's is updated with:
1. Routines: Fixed bugs in adding and reordering habits
2. Improved design of app icons and dialogs
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's is updated with:
1. Routines: Now customize your Stoic routines as you like
2. Mood Graph: Improved tracking of your emotional regulation in “More” screen
3. Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's is updated with:
1. Routines: Now customize your Stoic routines as you like
2. Mood Graph: Improved tracking of your emotional regulation in “More” screen
3. Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's is updated with:
1. Routines: Now customize your Stoic routines as you like
2. Mood Graph: Improved tracking of your emotional regulation in “More” screen
3. Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's is updated with:
1. Routines: You can now customize your Stoic routines
2. Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's 100th version is here:
1. Daily Quote Widget: Now read quotes from your home screen
2. Book Highlight: Mark your favourite text in Stoic books
3. Stoic Chat Reflection: Now you can journal on the responses from StoicAI
4. New UI design for My Time Customization and Mirror section
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori's 100th version is here:
1. Daily Quote Widget: Now read quotes from your home screen
2. Book Highlight: Mark your favourite text in Stoic books
3. Stoic Chat Reflection: Now you can journal on the responses from StoicAI
4. New UI design for My Time Customization and Mirror section
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. Daily Quote Widget: Now read quotes from your home screen
2. Book Highlight: Mark your favourite text in Stoic books
3. Stoic Chat Reflection: Now you can journal on the responses from StoicAI
4. New UI design for My Time Customization and Mirror section
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. Learn in your language: Added translation to 5 new languages in Stoic books.
2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. Chat with Stoics: After beta testing, the feature is now open to all Infinite users. Have fun! 😊
2. Stoic Exercises: New design and now accessible from “My Time”
3. Minor bug fixes and improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. More: Added much-awaited FAQs, progress stats, and mood graphs
2. Mirror: Redesigned journals for a soothing experience
3. Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. Reflect on Chats: As many of you asked, now you can journal on responses of the Stoic chatbot
2. More: Added much-awaited FAQs, progress stats, and mood graphs
3. Mirror: Redesigned journals for a soothing experience
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. Breathing Exercises: Improved design with more customizations
2. Minor bug fixes & improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got better:
1. Quotes: Now you can share great quotes as beautiful images
2. Goals: Complete redesign for better planning
3. Daily reminders: Fixed some bugs faced by Android 13 users
4. Other bug fixes and enhancements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got even better:
1. Daily Unwind: Updated the unwind journal. Now background music plays as you write
2. Minor bug fixes & improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got even better:
1. Free Flow: In Mirror section, we’ve now added a free flow journal for you to let your mind run free
2. Minor bug fixes & improvements
Made with ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got even better:
1. Free Flow: In Mirror section, we’ve now added a free flow journal for you to let your mind run free
2. Minor bug fixes & improvements
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got even better:
1. Life Clock: Fixed a bug causing extra days to be added to lifespan, as suggested by our user Pedro
2. Export data to read: Fixed a bug causing CSV file to not open for certain users
3. Minor bug fixes & improvements
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got even better:
1. Added option to connect with us on Instagram from More section
2. Minor bug fixes & improvements
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
Woohoo! Your Memento Mori got even better:
1. Past Story Journal: Now you can set year/month as the approx. date for a memory, instead of exact date
2. Minor bug fixes & improvement
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
Cheers! Memento Mori got even better:
1. Revamped “Quote of the Day” screen to use your active “Moment” as background
2. Fixed a bug in the “Go Infinite” screen during purchase
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
Cheers! Memento Mori got even better:
1. Subscription: You can now own Memento Mori forever, with lifetime updates
2. Minor bug fixes & enhancements
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
Cheers! Memento Mori got even better:
1. Subscription: You can now own Memento Mori forever, with lifetime updates
2. Minor bug fixes & enhancements
Made with love ❤️ by Surreal Works
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ハッキング方法 Memento Mori: The Stoic Way

ダウンロード Memento Mori: The Stoic Way MOD APK 2025.01.144

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