Buienradar - weer Mod Apk

Buienradar - weer ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: RTL Nederland B.V.
カテゴリー: 天気
価格: 無料です


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De Buienradar アプリは、3 時間または 24 時間の雨レーダー予報から始まります。雨レーダー画像は、今後数時間または翌日に雨が降るかどうかを示します。レーダーの下には雨のグラフが表示されます。このグラフでは、いつ雨が降り、どれくらいの降水量が予測されるかを正確に (ミリメートル単位で) 確認できます。あなたの都市や町のさらに詳細な画像が必要な場合は、虫眼鏡アイコンを押してズームインできます。

Buienradar アプリは、Android スマートフォンおよびタブレットで利用できます。雨量グラフなどの便利なウィジェットを使えば、アプリを開かなくても雨の予想が確認できます。

さらに、Buienradar Wear OS アプリが復活しました。雨レーダー、降雨グラフ、次の時間の予報を確認するために使用できます。来月にはさらに多くの機能が追加される予定です。 Buienradar Watch アプリは、Android Wear OS を実行するウェアラブルのみをサポートしているため、Google Play ストアでのみ利用可能であることに注意してください。

Buienradar の他に、他のレーダーや地図も見つけることができます。
- 霧雨
- 太陽
- オランダの衛星画像
- 嵐
- 花粉(花粉症)
- 太陽(紫外線)
- 蚊
- バーベキュー
- 温度
- 体感温度
- 風
- 霧
- 雪
- EU Buienradar (雨レーダー)
- EUの衛星画像

お気に入りの場所(海外も!)の「今後の時間」(今後 8 時間の天気予報)表で、気温、体感温度、1 時間あたりの雨のミリ数などの時間ごとの予測など、パーソナライズされた天気情報を見つけることができます。時間、雨と風の強さの確率(ビューフォート)。



「予報」タブ(14日間の予報)では、今後14日間の天気予報(グラフ)が表示されます。 「Lijst」タブをクリックすると詳細なリストビューが表示されます。このリストには、今後 7 日間の時間ごとの予測と、第 2 週の日次平均が表示されます。

「アラート」タブでは、毎日のタイムスケジュールやお気に入りの場所に合わせてカスタマイズした独自の雨アラート (無料のプッシュ通知) を作成できるため、雨や嵐に対する備えが万全になることはありません。

広告を表示したくない場合は、Buienradar プレミアム プランを 4,99 ユーロでご利用いただけます。これは「Instellingen」(「設定」)で簡単に見つけることができ、「Neem Buienradar Premium」(Buienradar プレミアムを入手)を押します。

私たちは Buienradar アプリを継続的に改善しています。改善方法についてご提案がある場合、またはご質問がある場合は、アプリ内のフィードバック フォームを使用するか、[email protected] 経由で電子メールを送信することで、いつでもご連絡いただけます。ありがとう!

© 2006 - 2025 RTL オランダ。無断転載を禁じます。テキストやデータマイニングはありません。


From this update, our today page has been renewed! By swiping up the rain graph, you can easily and quickly see the large rain graph. Also, from now on, our new colors are better visible in dark mode.

Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
We have improved our dark mode so that the weather maps now also have a black background. Next to that we have updated our Watch app, so that it will now favor your GPS location and also supports European countries.

Also there is a small surprise incoming for our Belgian users on the 21st of July, stay tuned…

Did you come across something that's not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
Stability is very important to us, with this update we hope to improve that.
Also we added two new widgets to our app and we you can find two new maps in our map selector.

Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
New in this version is the Promotion alert for Buienradar Plus. Enable it and make sure you never miss out on any of the discounts and free gifts for our Buienradar Plus users.
Next to that we also provided again some bugfixes.

Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
We have added a new graph for our +24h temperature map, check it out. Simultaneously we updated the rain graph as well with a slightly new design.

Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
In this update we added more features to use Buienradar outside of the Netherlands or Belgium. For European locations the app now zooms automatically to the current rain situation of that country. Also our widget now supports worldwide locations to be displayed.

Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
By popular demand we have extended the range of our European Buienradar map. You can now check the whole Europe for rain. Also all European location now have a rain graph for the past and next 3 hours.

Did you come across something that's not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
This update contains mostly bug fixes and performance improvements to make the app work even better.
Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
We are adding some new options to the radar map in our app. In this update we have added a new look-and-feel for our detailed zoom pages. Check it out by pressing the magnifying glass in the Buienradar map.

Also our Belgian users will now be able to see the weatherwarnings in our app when they are issued.

Did you come across something that’s not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
The Buienradar Watch app is back! It can be used to see the rain radar, rain graph and the forecast for coming hour. In next months, more features will be added. Keep in mind that the Buienradar Watch App is only available in Google Play Store since it only supports wearables running Android Wear OS. Also several fixes in the background of our app were added.
From this version you will always get to see an 24 hour raingraph for foreign locations. We also added some new logic for the way our app starts and opens.

Did you come across something that's not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.
A lot of small fixes in this update to prepare our app for the summer. For example, we added two new European maps. Check the 'Europe' tab when selecting different maps to check them out.

Did you come across something that's not right or you would like to see differently? Then we would love to hear from you via our feedback or contact form in our app or on our website.

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