Triple Master 3D: Goods Sortingが更新されました!新しい内容をご覧ください:
1. メリークリスマス! ゲームに飛び込んで、クリスマスの雰囲気を満喫しよう!
2. 特別なクリスマスイベントが期間限定で登場! 楽しいチャレンジと素晴らしい報酬が待っています!
3. 新商品が登場! レベルアップして新しいアイテムを見つけ、ゲームをさらに楽しもう!
4. いくつかのバグを修正し、ゲーム体験をさらに向上させました。
Triple Master 3D: Goods Sortingが更新されました!新しい内容をご覧ください:
1. ハッピーハロウィン! ゲームに飛び込んで、ハロウィンの雰囲気を存分に楽しもう!
2. 特別なハロウィンイベントが登場! 驚きと報酬を用意しました!
3. いくつかのバグを修正し、ゲーム体験を向上させました。
Thank you for your love for "Triple Master 3D"! In this version, we have made significant updates, including:
- Removed time limits for each level!
- Brand new events are now officially live! "Team Shopping", "GOLD LEAGUE", and more...
- Added the powerful "Extra Slot" item.
- Added "Combo" for matching models!
- Eliminated the annoying shaking effect from the previous version!
Come and enjoy a brand new gaming experience!
Welcome to Triple Master 3D! Enjoy new version of the game with well-designed levels! Sharpen your mind, relax yourself and have fun in this game! What's more,The Autumn Journey is open for a limited time, so join now!
Welcome to Triple Master 3D! Enjoy new version of the game with well-designed levels! Sharpen your mind, relax yourself and have fun in this game!What's more, don't forget the new competition on weekends!
Welcome to Triple Master 3D! Enjoy new version of the game with well-designed levels! Sharpen your mind, relax yourself and have fun in this game!What's more, don't forget the new competition on weekends!
Welcome to Triple Master 3D! Enjoy new version of the game with well-designed levels! Sharpen your mind, relax yourself and have fun in this game!What's more, don't forget the new competition on weekends!
Welcome to Triple Master 3D! Enjoy new version of the game with well-designed levels! Sharpen your mind, relax yourself and have fun in this game!What's more, don't forget the new competition on weekends!