Battle Stars: 4v4 TDM & BR Mod Apk

Battle Stars: 4v4 TDM & BR ハック - Mod Apk 1.0.78

開発者: SuperGaming
カテゴリー: アクション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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ペースの速いエキサイティングな新しいシューティングゲームモードを備えた壮大なガンゲーム、Battle Stars へようこそ。4v4 チームデスマッチ、3 人用スクワッドバトル&バトルロワイヤルゲームは、すべてのモバイルレジェンドのスーパーウェポンと専用スキンで楽しむための楽しくて速いバトルゲームです。レベルアップするにつれてロックを解除してアップグレードする必要がある、簡単に学べるヒーローシューティングゲームです。人をつまずかせる必要はありません。

Battle Stars は、SuperGaming 製のオンライン乱闘スターマルチプレイヤー無料ファイアシューティングゲームです!

4v4 TDM モード!
世界中のオンラインプレイヤーとすばやくプレイできるリアルタイムの 4v4 チームデスマッチアクションゲームで壮大な乱闘に参加しましょう。TDM は、デザートのような気分を味わえる人気のマップ「Badlands」でプレイされます!オンラインの友達やプライベートクランと 12 人のプレイヤーの衝突に参加して、彼らと競い合いながら、最高のマルチプレイヤーゲームに参加してください。人をつまずかないようにしてください!

クラシックバトルロワイヤルと分隊 BR モード!
クラシックなバトルロワイヤルマルチプレイヤーゲームモードとまったく新しい 3 プレイヤーの分隊 BR が、専用のメトロシティマップの Battle Stars に登場しました。つまずくことなく、クイックガンバトルで他のモバイルレジェンドとチームバトルをプレイ。バトルロワイヤルで実際のプレイヤーとオンラインで乱闘、衝突、戦い、発砲し、撃ち、最後に立っている人になりましょう。他の部隊とつまずかないでください。準備を整え、戦いの準備をしましょう。

(新)TDM ランブルモード!
TDM ランブルは、新しいアリーナでより高い精度を得るために、グレネードを投げ、ドラッグ&エイムシューティングコントロールで対戦相手を破壊できる期間限定のイベントモードです。ランブルしながら戦闘スキルをテストしてください!




乱闘に入る前に星を賢く選んで、早い段階で優位に立ちましょう。究極の司令官になり、ミニ民兵の軍隊をチームゲームの壮大な衝突に導きましょう。つまずかないで、民兵を配置し、チームと一緒にモバイルレジェンドとしてプレイして、最高のマルチプレイヤーゲームの 1 つでチャンピオンになりましょう。

- モバイルでプレイできるペースの速いオンラインヒーローシューティングゲーム
- 16 人以上の伝説のスターからプロシューターを選択
- シンプルでわかりやすいコントロール
- 戦略を使用し、星の適切なバランスでチームを組む
- MVP になって追加の報酬を獲得
- イベントに参加して宝石を獲得
- スターをアップグレードしてより良いブロウラーに
- 自慢する権利のためにリーダーボードのトップに立つ



ゲームに関する具体的なフィードバックは、Battle Stars アプリ> [設定]> [サポート]からお気軽にお知らせください。または、[email protected] までメールを送信してください。



Say hello to the latest and greatest version of Battle Stars, packed with amazing features and a lot of fun. 🕹️

A Brand New Delhi Map 🕌
Get ready for a fun ride in our brand new Delhi Playable map! Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of Delhi streets, drop in and battle across iconic locations. Every corner is an adventure waiting to happen! 🔥

Squad Up Amigos! 🏆
Time to join forces with your buddies and unleash mayhem together. Play Battle Royale in trio squads!
Say hello to the latest and greatest version of Battle Stars, packed with amazing features and a lot of fun. 🕹️

A Brand New Delhi Map 🕌
Get ready for a fun ride in our brand new Delhi Playable map! Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of Delhi streets, drop in and battle across iconic locations. Every corner is an adventure waiting to happen! 🔥

Squad Up Amigos! 🏆
Time to join forces with your buddies and unleash mayhem together. Play Battle Royale in trio squads!
Say hello to the latest and greatest version of Battle Stars, packed with amazing features and a lot of fun. 🕹️

A Brand New Delhi Map 🕌
Get ready for a fun ride in our brand new Delhi Playable map! Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of Delhi streets, drop in and battle across iconic locations. Every corner is an adventure waiting to happen! 🔥

Squad Up Amigos! 🏆
Time to join forces with your buddies and unleash mayhem together. Play Battle Royale in trio squads!
Say hello to the latest and greatest version of Battle Stars, packed with amazing features and a lot of fun. 🕹️

A Brand New Delhi Map 🕌
Get ready for a fun ride in our brand new Delhi Playable map! Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of Delhi streets, drop in and battle across iconic locations. Every corner is an adventure waiting to happen! 🔥

Squad Up Amigos! 🏆
Time to join forces with your buddies and unleash mayhem together. Play Battle Royale in trio squads!
Introducing Mumbai Battle Royale - A clash of 12 players in an all new map, inspired from Mumbai with iconic locations. Loot power-ups, hide and survive, use healing spots! Watch out for Veer, our brand new hero from Mumbai. Choose how you want to play, just don’t get caught by the incoming storm!
Added more swag for Techno Gamerz with 3 new awesome skins. Check out store for awesome offers and new content. A new Battle Pass season is here with fun missions and higher progression rewards.
Introducing Mumbai Battle Royale - A clash of 12 players in an all new map, inspired from Mumbai with iconic locations. Loot power-ups, hide and survive, use healing spots! Watch out for Veer, our brand new hero from Mumbai. Choose how you want to play, just don’t get caught by the incoming storm!
Added more swag for Techno Gamerz with 3 new awesome skins. Check out store for awesome offers and new content. A new Battle Pass season is here with fun missions and higher progression rewards.
Introducing Mumbai Battle Royale - A clash of 12 players in an all new map, inspired from Mumbai with iconic locations. Loot power-ups, hide and survive, use healing spots! Watch out for Veer, our brand new hero from Mumbai. Choose how you want to play, just don’t get caught by the incoming storm!
Added more swag for Techno Gamerz with 3 new awesome skins. Check out store for awesome offers and new content. A new Battle Pass season is here with fun missions and higher progression rewards.
Introducing Mumbai Battle Royale - A clash of 12 players in an all new map, inspired from Mumbai with iconic locations. Loot power-ups, hide and survive, use healing spots! Watch out for Veer, our brand new hero from Mumbai. Choose how you want to play, just don’t get caught by the incoming storm!
Added more swag for Techno Gamerz with 3 new awesome skins. Check out store for awesome offers and new content. A new Battle Pass season is here with fun missions and higher progression rewards.
Introducing Mumbai Battle Royale - A clash of 12 players in an all new map, inspired from Mumbai with iconic locations. Loot power-ups, hide and survive, use healing spots! Watch out for Veer, our brand new hero from Mumbai. Choose how you want to play, just don’t get caught by the incoming storm!
Added more swag for Techno Gamerz with 3 new awesome skins. Check out store for awesome offers and new content. A new Battle Pass season is here with fun missions and higher progression rewards.
The competition is getting tough and the battles are getting intense. More strategic gameplay with just 5 lives for each player. Eliminate all opponent before you run out of lives!

We've added a Mystery PowerUp! Turn the tide by becoming a Giant with extra damage for a limited time or Get an extra life. Beware - Even the opponents are rushing towards this power up!

Get ready to Battle!
The competition is getting tough and the battles are getting intense. More strategic gameplay with just 5 lives for each player. Eliminate all opponent before you run out of lives!

We've added a Mystery PowerUp! Turn the tide by becoming a Giant with extra damage for a limited time or Get an extra life. Beware - Even the opponents are rushing towards this power up!

Get ready to Battle!
The competition is getting tough and the battles are getting intense. More strategic gameplay with just 5 lives for each player. Eliminate all opponent before you run out of lives!

We've added a Mystery PowerUp! Turn the tide by becoming a Giant with extra damage for a limited time or Get an extra life. Beware - Even the opponents are rushing towards this power up!

Get ready to Battle!
The competition is getting tough and the battles are getting intense. More strategic gameplay with just 5 lives for each player. Eliminate all opponent before you run out of lives!

We've added a Mystery PowerUp! Turn the tide by becoming a Giant with extra damage for a limited time or Get an extra life. Beware - Even the opponents are rushing towards this power up!

Get ready to Battle!
Get ready for Battle Stars - the ultimate 4vs4 hero action shooter game! With powerful characters, strategic powerups, fast paced team battles, easy controls, every match is a chance to dominate and become the ultimate champion. Lead your squads to victory, earn points and upgrade your favourite character for higher stats in the game!
There is a Battle brewing! Are you ready to become a Battle Star?

ハッキング方法 Battle Stars: 4v4 TDM & BR

ダウンロード Battle Stars: 4v4 TDM & BR MOD APK 1.0.78

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