SpotAngels Parking Map & Deals Mod Apk

SpotAngels Parking Map & Deals ハック - Mod Apk 15.1.3

開発者: SpotAngels
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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🏆 編集者が選ぶ: Play ストアのベストアプリ - ベストの隠れた逸品 🏆

SpotAngels で駐車場を見つけて切符から身を守りましょう

7 日間の無料トライアルを利用して、チケットから身を守り、駐車にかかる時間とお金を節約してください。いつでもキャンセルでき、トライアル終了の 2 日前に通知が届きます。

🅿️ 無料で利用可能な路上駐車場を探す
はい、無料駐車場のある通りをご覧いただけます。また、路上駐車が可能な場所も表示されます。この情報は、空いているスポットを報告し、駐車標識の写真を撮影する何百万人ものエンジェルのコミュニティによって提供されます。 1 タップで地図を検索してフィルターし、無料の駐車場を見つけてお金を節約しましょう!

🤑 お得な駐車場を予約しましょう
SpotAngels では、事前に駐車料金を予約することもできます。イベント、空港、ダウンタウンの駐車場に最適です。 Google Pay を使用すると、1 クリックでアプリ内で直接お支払いいただけます。

🗓️ 近所の道路を清掃し、脇の駐車時間を変更してください
路上清掃や路肩への交互駐車を避けるために、どこに駐車するかを確認してください。 SpotAngels は、適用される都市の住宅用駐車許可証もサポートしています。

アプリは車の Bluetooth を使用して駐車位置を自動的に記憶します。その後、路上清掃やその他の路上駐車規則のために車を移動する時期が来たときに通知を送信します。車の Bluetooth がない場合でも、車の位置を手動で設定できます。

😇 貢献してスポットコインを獲得しましょう
空いているスポットを報告し、駐車標識の写真やガソリン価格を追加することで、スポットコインを獲得できます。スポットコインをお金と引き換えたり、ガレージでの割引を受けたり、プレミアム サブスクリプション SpotAngels Plus への無料アクセスを取得したりすることができます。

🌎 都市:
ニューヨーク市 (NYC)
フィラデルフィア (フィラデルフィア)
サンフランシスコ (SF)
ワシントン D.C.
+ 他にもたくさん!

📺 彼らは SpotAngels について話しています:
「SpotAngels は少なくとも駐車違反切符を確実に回避することができます」ボストン・グローブ紙
「SpotAngels はドライバーが駐車違反切符を避けるのに役立ちます」サンフランシスコ・クロニクル
「SpotAngels は、ドライバーが無料駐車場や格安駐車場を迅速に見つけるのに役立ちます」 Patch Los Angeles

ご質問がございましたら、[email protected] までお問い合わせください。


Fixed issues with map rotation when in driving mode.

Find the best deals for airport and event parking by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.
You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Fixed issues with Car Locator on most recent Android versions.

Find the best deals for airport and event parking by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.
You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Fixed issues related to notification permission.

Find the best deals for airport and event parking by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.
You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Find the best deals for airport and event parking! You can now search for it specifically by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.

Introducing gas prices in SpotAngels! You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Find the best deals for airport and event parking! You can now search for it specifically by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.

Introducing gas prices in SpotAngels! You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Find the best deals for airport and event parking! You can now search for it specifically by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.

Introducing gas prices in SpotAngels! You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Find the best deals for airport and event parking! You can now search for it specifically by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.

Introducing gas prices in SpotAngels! You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Find the best deals for airport and event parking! You can now search for it specifically by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.

Introducing gas prices in SpotAngels! You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]
Find the best deals for airport and event parking! You can now search for it specifically by tapping Deals > Airport Parking or Event Parking.

Introducing gas prices in SpotAngels! You can now see gas stations on the map and select them to see gas prices. Contribute to the SpotAngels community by sending a picture of prices so they're kept up to date.

As always, thank you for being part of the SpotAngels community and feel free to send us your comments and feedback to [email protected]

ハッキング方法 SpotAngels Parking Map & Deals

ダウンロード SpotAngels Parking Map & Deals MOD APK 15.1.3

ダウンロード MOD APK