Solitaire Mod Apk

Solitaire ハック - Mod Apk 5.2

開発者: Mouse Games
カテゴリー: カード, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Solitaire mod apkGame screenshot Solitaire hackGame screenshot Solitaire apk download



- 美しいグラフィック
- ソリティアカードを 1 枚引く
- ソリティアは 3 枚のカードを引く
- すべての勝利取引のオプション
- オートコンプリート
- 無制限の無料アンドゥ
- 無制限の無料ヒント
- インテリジェントなヒントと自動ヒント
- デイリーチャレンジ
- 時間制限モードと時間制限なしモード
- ベガススコアリングとベガス累積スコアリング
- カスタマイズ可能なカードの表面、カードの裏面、背景
- ハイスコアと個人統計
- オン/オフできるサウンド
- タブレットと電話のサポート
- 複数のウィンドウとタスクをサポート
- ネットワークは必要ありません
- などなど!

今すぐ Android でナンバーワンの無料ソリティアカードゲームをプレイして、他の多くの人がこのゲームを気に入っている理由を自分で確かめてください!


Bug fixes and performance improvements.
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v4.5: Fixed the lag issue on some devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v4.1: Fixed some layout bugs on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v4.0: Fixed some layout bugs on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v3.9: Fixed some layout bugs on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v3.7: Fixed some crash issues on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v3.4: Fixed some crash issues on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v3.1: Fixed some crash issues on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.
v3.0: Fixed some crash issues on certain devices. Thanks for your great support!
PS: If you encountered any issues of our game, please kindly drop us an email and we will follow up with you.

ハッキング方法 Solitaire

ダウンロード Solitaire MOD APK 5.2

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.2 点満点中 5
17.6万 件のレビュー