Ink Cards Mod Apk

Ink Cards ハック - Mod Apk 70.3

開発者: Sincerely
カテゴリー: 写真
価格: 無料です


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店舗に行かなくても、本物のユニークなカードを郵送できます。携帯電話から直接カードを作成し、幸運な受信者のメールボックスに直接送信します。そして今、私たちの最新機能である MagicMessage™ を使って、私たちに文章を書いてもらうことができます!彼らの名前、機会、その他の詳細を教えてください。魔法が起こるのを見てください!よりパーソナライズされたタッチには、新しい RealScript® テクノロジーを使用してください。真のペンから紙へのスタイルのために、カードや封筒に本物の手書きオプションを選択してください!プレミアム カードとエンボス加工された封筒にアップグレードするか、ホリデー フォト カードやサンキュー カードに最適な、パーソナライズされたカードの注文パックをご利用ください。


- 休日
- ありがとう
- 誕生日
- 祖父母
- 赤ちゃん
- 結婚式
- 卒業式
- 旅行
- 招待状
- 父の日
- 母の日
- アニバーサリー&ラブ
- あなたのことを思っています
- お早い回復を願っております
- おめでとう
- ハロウィン
- バレンタイン・デー
- 感謝祭

インク カードは、厚手の光沢のある 5x7 インチの厚紙に 300 dpi の解像度で印刷されます。 (これは、印刷オタクが言うには、「本当に素敵な紙に超詳細」という意味です。) しかも、1 枚わずか 2 ドル (送料無料) です。はがきスタイルからプレミアム カードにアップグレードして、より厚いマットなカードを封筒に入れて郵送します。ほぼすべての特別な機会にギフトカードを追加して、カードを特別なものにすることもできます!数十のブランドやレストランのギフトカードからお選びください。 Google Pay、PayPal、またはクレジット カードで簡単に購入できます。


- カードは、米国とカナダでは 3 ~ 7 営業日で、その他の地域では 1 ~ 3 週間で配送されます。

- カード パックは、米国内のどこにでも数日で配送されます。

- あなたのカードがいつ注文されて発送されたかを知るために、電子メールとプッシュ通知を受け取ります。

- 満足保証: インクカードを気に入っていただけるでしょう。保証いたします。カード1枚でハマる!そして、受信者はあなたのパーソナライズされた挨拶を同じように気に入るはずです。実際、作成するすべてのカードが完璧であることを保証します。



- ヘザー・ゲイトリー

“私はこのアプリが大好きです!!👍 とても使いやすく、こんなに安い価格でパーソナライズされたカードを送ることがとても簡単になります!!お店でカードを買った方が高いですよね…🤔」
- ティアナントラウト

- - - お問い合わせ - - -
メール: [email protected]


• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• BIG NEWS: larger text size for card messages is here!
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes MagicMessage™ our AI powered card writing assistant
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes MagicMessage™ our AI powered card writing assistant
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes MagicMessage™ our AI powered card writing assistant
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes MagicMessage™ our AI powered card writing assistant
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• This release includes MagicMessage™ our AI powered card writing assistant
• This release includes bug fixes and improvements

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world. Keep sending your feedback to [email protected]
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.
• NEW! Easily get to the cards you want with Search
• NEW! Narrow your search for the perfect card with Filters for card orientation, color, and number of photos
• NEW! Earn a FREE card by inviting friends and family to use Ink Cards

We’re always trying to improve Ink Cards and to make it easier for people to connect with their loved ones and friends all over the world.

ハッキング方法 Ink Cards

ダウンロード Ink Cards MOD APK 70.3

ダウンロード MOD APK