Location on Smart Map:
To easily find and view video from the cameras closest to the user, they can now see their current location on the Smart Map.
Grid view with all cameras visible on Smart Map:
Users can now watch live video in a grid view with all cameras in the area that is visible on the Smart Map.
Alarms in Smart Maps
* Share Bookmarks – The users who have credentials and permissions to view recordings and bookmarks from certain cameras will be able to share links to bookmarks between each other.
* Extended use of biometrics or device credentials – To further improve the app security, you can use biometrics or your device credentials before you edit or delete a mobile server.
1. Log in with an external IDP
2. Using biometric or device credantials to secure the app
3. Mobile device management (MDM)
4. Time Picker- the time picker has a new and simplified interface
1. Push Notifications are now disabled by default and can be enabled by the user to receive notifications.
2. Few bug fixes
1. Reduce mobile server load with our new direct streaming feature by eliminating resource-heavy video transcoding.
2. Enhancements made to handle more users and create a better viewing experience from mobile.
3. New option in the settings tab to switch on the Video diagnostics overlay with the ability to see the codec, frame rate or resolution of the cameras.
4. The search for bookmarks is now extended to searching by custom time intervals, Keywords, or specific cameras.