Bike & Run Tracker - Cadence Mod Apk

Bike & Run Tracker - Cadence ハック - Mod Apk 2.5.5

開発者: Seven Bold Limited
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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専用の Garmin または Wahoo デバイスの代わりに iPhone を使用できるかどうか疑問に思っていますか?絶対に! Cadence Run and Bike Tracker は、初心者ランナーからプロのサイクリストまで、すべての人にシンプルさと機能性の完璧な融合を 1 つのアプリで提供します。

「数多くのフィットネス アプリの中で、Cadence は際立っています。」 - アウトサイドマガジン
「Hammerhead Karoo 2 よりも優れており、Garmin 1030 よりも優れており、Garmin 530 よりも優れています。このアプリはますます良くなり続けています。」 - フレデリック・ルッソ / Google Play ストア
「これまでのところ最高のサイクリングコンピューターアプリです。」 - ヨアヒム・ルッツ / Google Play ストア

ランニング コンピューターやバイク コンピューターに期待されるすべての機能:

パワー メーター、心拍数センサー、バイク トレーナーなどの GPS センサーと Bluetooth センサーを使用して、屋外と屋内の両方のワークアウトを簡単に追跡します。


グラフ、標高、地図など 150 を超える指標から選択して、パフォーマンスのあらゆる側面を確実に把握します。


Cadence を使用すると、Strava、Komoot などから GPX ルートをインポートしたり、アプリ内でカスタム ルートを作成したりすることが簡単になります。




ケイデンスはすべての履歴を自分のデバイスに安全かつプライベートに保存し、ユーザーが指示した場合にのみ Strava や Garmin Connect などのサービスに共有します。


専用デバイスでこれらの高度な機能を利用するには、300 ドル以上を費やす必要があります。

バイクレーダーサポート (Garmin Varia など)
Garmin Varia、Bryton Gardia、Giant Recon、Magicshine SEEME レーダー統合により、背後に何が来るかを確認します。視覚的および音声によるアラート、「車の速度」や「通過までの時間」などの指標により、より多くの時間をかけて反応することができ、事故を防止し、全体的な自転車体験を向上させることができます。

STRAVA ライブ セグメント
Strava セグメントの最高かつ最新の取り組みと競いましょう! Cadence を使用すると、近くにあるすべてのセグメントを表示し、詳細でカスタマイズ可能な統計情報が豊富なインターフェイスでセグメント間を切り替えることができます。

ActiveLook は、メガネ用のヘッドアップ、ハンズフリー、ニアアイ ディスプレイ技術であり、必要な情報だけをリアルタイムで視界内に提供します。気を散らすことなく、重要なことに集中してください。




そして、これは Cadence Bicycling と Running Tracker でできることのほんの表面をなぞっただけです。機能の詳細については、 にアクセスしてください。


Cadence ランニングおよびバイク トラッカー GPS は、いくつかの機能制限はありますが、無料で使用できます。

Pro または Elite サブスクリプションにアップグレードすると、より高度な機能が利用できるようになります。アプリ内で機能の詳細を表示します。年間プランを 7 日間無料でお試しください。

Play ストア アカウントで定期購入を管理します。



Included in this update:

- No more ads!
- New screen layout editing features make it even easier to modify your layouts.
- Better POI location search for navigation.
- Customize ActiveLook screens.
- Lots of bug fixes and other new features, check out the "What's New?" screen in-app!

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
Included in this update:

- No more ads!
- New screen layout editing features make it even easier to modify your layouts.
- Better POI location search for navigation.
- Customize ActiveLook screens.
- Lots of bug fixes and other new features, check out the "What's New?" screen in-app!

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
Included in this update:

- No more ads!
- New screen layout editing features make it even easier to modify your layouts.
- Better POI location search for navigation.
- Customize ActiveLook screens.
- Lots of bug fixes and other new features, check out the "What's New?" screen in-app!

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
Included in this update:

- Adds support for the Giant Recon+ TL300 R radar.
- Adds support for the Magicshine SEEMEE R300 radar.
- Bug fixes and under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
Included in this update:

- Bug fixes and under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- New! Auto dim your screen to save battery life.
- Minor under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- New rain mode! No more accidental pausing when rain or sweat gets on the screen!
- New! Cycling optimized map style available with Mapbox maps, provided by OpenCycleMap.
- Adds translations to Voice Announcements.
- Updates to latest version of Mapbox Maps & Navigation.
- Under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- Fixes possible issue with downloading Strava Segments.
- Fixes possible crash regarding ads.
- Minor under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- Fixes time based Live Charts from not working indoors because they still depended on having enough distance.
- Fixes missing hour value in Heart Rate and Power Zone charts.
- Fixes potentially wrong distance unit in Navigation.
- Adds GPX file support for Footpath app exports.
- Minor under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- Internationalization! Cadence has been translated into French, German, Italian, and Spanish, with more language to come!

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- New Gear settings! Add your bikes and shoes, track their mileage, and setup different Bluetooth sensors for each piece of gear.
- Adds ability to show Live Charts over Time instead of Distance.
- Adds ability to show average value on Live Charts.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- Adds Charts to data fields! Now you can visualize your speed, elevation, cadence, heart rate, and power while recording.
- Adds a Route Elevation Chart, allowing you to view the elevation profile of your loaded route with your current location. Know when you're about to hit the steep part!
- Updates Mapbox Navigation to latest version.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- Adds ability to customize Heart Rate and Power Zones.
- Adds ability to show Heart Rate and Power Zones under charts.
- Adds over 20 new Voice Announcements.
- Adds options for Voice Announcement speed.
- Adds better import compatibility with older settings files.
- Fixes Power Curve timescale on activities uploaded to Strava.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following new features:

- Add color to your data! Select text colors, background colors, and heart rate / power zone colors!
- Each map field now remembers its settings and can be individually customized.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following:

- Adds support for Strava Live Segments
- Reimplements support for barometers
- Lots of under the hood updates

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following:

- Fixes issue with restoring subscriptions between different devices.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following:

- Fixes issues with downloading Offline Maps.
- Fixes average speed values after cropping an activity.
- Fixes bug that would allow waypoints to show for Matched Routes.
- Fixes bug where the radar display could disappear.
- Updates Mapbox Navigation.
- Adds loading animation when processing waypoints.
- Moves Skip Waypoint button.
- Under the hood updates.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
Cadence now has color themes! Choose from over a dozen colors to customize the look of Cadence. You can also now set the Theme Style to match your system setting of light or dark.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
Fixing bugs and adding features! This update includes the following:

- Sensor battery levels are now displayed on the Bluetooth Sensors screen.
- Garmin Varia Radar displays current battery level at all times.
- New Battery Level data field for your device.
- Device battery level displayed on Live Tracking links.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
New for Elite subscribers, Live Tracking! Let friends and family know where you’re at by giving them a link to track your live location, route, and statistics.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!
This version of Cadence includes the following updates:

- Perform a quick search for turn by turn navigation from your current location.
- Fixes crash during turn by turn navigation when pausing and switching screens.
- Misc bug fixes.

As always, if you're enjoying Cadence, please consider leaving a rating and review!

ハッキング方法 Bike & Run Tracker - Cadence

ダウンロード Bike & Run Tracker - Cadence MOD APK 2.5.5

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