Seevcash - Pay and Request Mod Apk

Seevcash - Pay and Request ハック - Mod Apk 1.4.8

開発者: SeevCash Inc.
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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Seevcash は友人に送金するための高速かつ低コストの方法です

SeevCash は次のような場合に最適です。

- お金がすぐになくなってしまう
- いつも出費を忘れてしまう
- 地元の店で何度も騙されたことがある

Seev アプリが提供するものは次のとおりです

- 取引手数料オプション: ポケットから支払うか、支払わないかを選択します
- 最高のお買い得情報を見つける: 強力な検索機能を使用してリアルタイムの現地価格を調べることで、食料品や電化製品などの最高のお買い得品を簡単に見つけられます。数回タップするだけでお金を節約できます!
- 直感的な予算作成: SeevCash の直感的な予算作成ツールにより、予算作成が簡単になります。経済的な目標を設定し、進捗状況を追跡し、より安全な経済的な未来を築く際の安心感をお楽しみください。
- 経費追跡の合理化: SeevCash のユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェイスを使用して、経費をシームレスに記録および追跡します。動的なフォームにより素早い入力が可能になり、支出習慣のあらゆる詳細を簡単に把握できます。
- カスタマイズ可能なフィルター: 支出を日、週、月、年ごとに簡単にフィルターして、支出パターンに関する貴重な洞察を得ることができます。財務活動の明確な概要に基づいて、情報に基づいた財務上の意思決定を行います。
- ユーザー インターフェイス: SeevCash は直感的で洗練されたユーザー インターフェイスを備えており、財務管理がシームレスで楽しい体験になることを保証します。経済的に豊かな生活への旅は、強力なだけでなく使いやすいアプリから始まります。

あなたの経済的な将来を担当する準備はできていますか?今すぐ SeevCash をダウンロードして、より賢く、より意図的な支出を目指して旅に出ましょう!


What’s new?

• Improved splash screen, walk-through, and sign-up flow. We listened and reimagined a better experience for onboarding new users.
• Notifications: Now you can click on in-app notifications to read about who followed you, badges you earned, and more.
• Budget: You can now rename and toggle budget settings to include all transactions besides the ones you specifically budget for.

Lastly, we improved the overall experience of the app so you can do more on Seevcash.
What's new?
We shipped auto-suggestions of product names and store names. With this feature, you will save more time discovering and contributing prices faster and track expenses more easily.
Multiple Budgets creation. Enjoy our premium feature while at it free period.
DM or follow us on all socials including Twitter/X @seevcash
What's new?

* Now you can easily update your profile information, along with your profile picture, to personalize the app for yourself.
* We have also streamlined the onboarding process to enhance the onboarding experience.

* Additionally, we have made improvements and squashed some bugs so you can be in control of your finances.
New Features for all users:
- The home screen now includes shortcut buttons, allowing you to quickly access your budget, saved locations, and more.
What's New for Ghana Users:
- Introducing a powerful new feature exclusively for our users in Ghana:
- Search for any item within the SeevCash app to receive price validation before making a purchase.
- Contribute prices of goods you come across, helping others make informed decisions and reducing price disparities, ultimately saving them money.
What's new?
We have made improvements and squashed bugs to offer you the best user experience, so you can be in control of your finances.
What's new?

We have made improvements and squashed bugs to offer you the best user experience, so you can be in control of your finances.
**What's New:**

1. **OTP Verification during Registration:** To ensure the highest level of security for our users, we have introduced OTP verification during the registration process for new users who register with their email address. When you create a new account, a unique OTP will be sent to the email address you provide. Simply enter this OTP to complete the registration process and securely activate your account
What's New in Mobile Version 1.4?

One-Click Feature: Now, retrieving your recent expenses for any given day is easier than ever. Simply click on the expense chart directly from the home screen, and you will instantly access the expense details you need.

Custom Filters: We understand that flexibility is important when it comes to managing your expenses. With our Custom Filters, you have full control over your financial overview.

ハッキング方法 Seevcash - Pay and Request

ダウンロード Seevcash - Pay and Request MOD APK 1.4.8

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