YAHTZEE With Buddies Dice Game Mod Apk

YAHTZEE With Buddies Dice Game ハック - Mod Apk 8.39.5

開発者: Scopely
カテゴリー: ボード, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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Yahtzee® with Buddies へようこそ!古典的なサイコロゲームがモバイル向けに再考されました!

サイコロを振って、これまでにない Yahtzee®を体験してください。友達や家族に挑戦し、トーナメントで競い合い、エキサイティングなミッションを完了して、素晴らしい報酬を獲得しましょう!世界中の何百万人ものプレイヤーにオンラインで参加して、今すぐサイコロの冒険に乗り出しましょう。

Yahtzee® With Buddies で再考された古典的なサイコロゲームを体験してください!
モノポリー、スクラブル、フェーズ 10、ファークル、ヤムス、ヤジー、ヤッツィなどのボードゲームをプレイするのが好きですか?携帯電話で無料アプリを楽しむパズルゲームファンですか?時代を超越したサイコロゲームを楽しむのがあなたの夢ですか?それなら、あなたは正しい場所に来ました!

Hasbro の古典的なサイコロゲーム、Yahtzee®の公式モバイルバージョンをプレイしてください!いつでもどこでも、ソロプレイでサイコロを振ったり、エキサイティングなマルチプレイヤーモードで友達や家族と対戦したりできます。

今すぐダウンロードして 30 の無料ボーナスロールを受け取り、冒険を始めましょう!


✅ 世界中の友達と無料でプレイ!👯?
✅ クラシックな Yahtzee®ゲームプレイに楽しいひねりを加えたエキサイティングな機能を発見してください!🎲?
✅ Yahtzee® Family に参加して、スリリングな電撃戦に参加しよう!😈?
✅ ダイスマスターに挑戦して倒して、夢のような報酬をアンロックしましょう!🎉?
✅ チャットしたり、ステッカーを送ったり、プレイしながらカードパックを集めましょう!🔷?
✅ カスタムダイス、新しいポートレートフレーム、豊富なテーマボードでゲームをパーソナライズ!🤩?

Farkle、Phase 10、Yatzy、Rummikub、Yazy などの古典的なサイコロゲームアプリが好きなら、Yahtzee® with Buddies アプリを気に入るはずです!究極のサイコロゲームを今すぐ無料でダウンロードして、世界中の何百万人ものプレイヤーと一緒にサイコロアプリを振ってください!


Yahtzee® Survivor に飛び込みましょう—何百人ものリアルタイムのブリッツマッチで競い合い、大勝利を収めましょう!

Paint n Roll – 創造性を解き放ちましょう!Yahtzee®の組み合わせを転がして絵の具の滴を集め、自分だけの傑作を作りましょう。
プライズクライムボウリング – 単なるボウリングではありません。転がっています!Yahtzee®コンボを転がしてボールをレーンに押し出します。獲得したポイントが多ければ多いほど、ボールの速度が速くなります!
コレクション – ステッカーを集め、セットを完成させ、新しいサイコロのロックを解除しましょう!


Yatzy、Crag、Balut、Yams、Farkle、Kniffle などのサイコロゲームをプレイする方法は何千もあるかもしれませんが、本格的なサイコロアプリは 1 つだけです:Yahtzee® with Buddies。サイコロを振って、この古典的なゲームが 50 年以上愛されている理由を見つけてください。サイコロの夢があなたの携帯電話で利用可能になりました!

シェイク、スコア、そして「ヤッツィー!」と叫びましょう。Yatzy や Yazy ではありません。モバイルでクラシックなサイコロゲームで友達や家族に挑戦しましょう。いつでも、どこでも、オンラインで勝利への道を転がしてください!

HASBRO および YAHTZEE の名前とロゴは、Hasbro の商標です。© 2024 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02861-1059 USA.無断転載禁止。TM & ® は米国の商標を示します。


Introducing our latest update!
We are thrilled to present a revamped Home Lobby with a modernized appearance and user-friendly interface.
Now, you can easily access your regular games and all the current events in one place.
As always, in our commitment to enhancing your experience, we have included numerous bug fixes and performance improvements to make your Yahtzee® with Buddies journey smoother than ever before.
Introducing our latest update!
We are thrilled to present a revamped Home Lobby with a modernized appearance and user-friendly interface.
Now, you can easily access your regular games and all the current events in one place.
As always, in our commitment to enhancing your experience, we have included numerous bug fixes and performance improvements to make your Yahtzee® with Buddies journey smoother than ever before.
Introducing our latest update!
We are thrilled to present a revamped Home Lobby with a modernized appearance and user-friendly interface.
Now, you can easily access your regular games and all the current events in one place.
As always, in our commitment to enhancing your experience, we have included numerous bug fixes and performance improvements to make your Yahtzee® with Buddies journey smoother than ever before.
Introducing our latest update!
We are thrilled to present a revamped Home Lobby with a modernized appearance and user-friendly interface.
Now, you can easily access your regular games and all the current events in one place.
As always, in our commitment to enhancing your experience, we have included numerous bug fixes and performance improvements to make your Yahtzee® with Buddies journey smoother than ever before.
Introducing our latest update!
We are thrilled to present a revamped Home Lobby with a modernized appearance and user-friendly interface.
Now, you can easily access your regular games and all the current events in one place.
As always, in our commitment to enhancing your experience, we have included numerous bug fixes and performance improvements to make your Yahtzee® with Buddies journey smoother than ever before.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
- Tropical Race is our newest Yahtzee with Buddies feature!
- Enter Tropical Race and finish games in any game mode you love to complete goals moving your feathery friend closer to the finish line faster than your opponents.
- As you fly, complete goals to earn rewards.
- Complete all the goals before your opponents, and you can earn even better rewards.
- Start rolling now to see if you're fast enough to fly to the finish line.
Test your puzzle skills! Our newest game mode brings together both worlds, Yahtzee and Match 3 in our most exciting one yet, Dice Swap! Swipe and match 3 or more tiles of the same color near a dice to make it roll. Once you collect all 5 dice, submit your score to move onto the next round.

Introducing Dice World Together! Our newest features allows you to pair up with buddies in Dice World to win rewards faster.
Test your puzzle skills! Our newest game mode brings together the best of both worlds of Yahtzee and Match 3 in our most exciting one yet, Dice Swap! Swipe and match 3 or more tiles of the same color near a dice to make it roll. Once you collect all 5 dice, submit your score to move onto the next round.

Introducing Dice World Together! Our newest features allows you to pair up with buddies in Dice World to win rewards faster.
Test your puzzle skills! Our newest game mode brings together the best of both worlds of Yahtzee and Match 3 in our most exciting one yet, Dice Swap! Swipe and match 3 or more tiles of the same color near a dice to make it roll. Once you collect all 5 dice, submit your score to move onto the next round.

Introducing Dice World Together! Our newest features allows you to pair up with buddies in Dice World to win rewards faster.
Test your puzzle skills! Our newest game mode brings together the best of both worlds of Yahtzee and Match 3 in our most exciting one yet, Dice Swap! Swipe and match 3 or more tiles of the same color near a dice to make it roll. Once you collect all 5 dice, submit your score to move onto the next round.

Introducing Dice World Together! Our newest features allows you to pair up with buddies in Dice World to win rewards faster.
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes
Updated user experience for improved first time user experience
Increased privacy options
Added ability to match with Buddies from all over the world one at a time
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes!
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes!
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes!
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes!
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes!
Bringing you a better game experience with performance improvements and bug fixes!
It’s not how you bowl, it’s how you roll! Check out the new Prize Climb Bowling. In this physics-based game mode, you aim the bowling ball, then roll classic Yahtzee combinations to send it down the lane. The more points you get, the faster your ball will go. As you progress and hit milestones you get rewarded with exclusive vanity and in-game currency
It’s not how you bowl, it’s how you roll! Check out the new Prize Climb Bowling. In this physics-based game mode, you aim the bowling ball, then roll classic Yahtzee combinations to send it down the lane. The more points you get, the faster your ball will go. As you progress and hit milestones you get rewarded with exclusive vanity and in-game currency
It’s not how you bowl, it’s how you roll! Check out the new Prize Climb Bowling. In this physics-based game mode, you aim the bowling ball, then roll classic Yahtzee combinations to send it down the lane. The more points you get, the faster your ball will go. As you progress and hit milestones you get rewarded with exclusive vanity and in-game currency
It’s not how you bowl, it’s how you roll! Check out the new Prize Climb Bowling. In this physics-based game mode, you aim the bowling ball, then roll classic Yahtzee combinations to send it down the lane. The more points you get, the faster your ball will go. As you progress and hit milestones you get rewarded with exclusive vanity and in-game currency

ハッキング方法 YAHTZEE With Buddies Dice Game

ダウンロード YAHTZEE With Buddies Dice Game MOD APK 8.39.5

ダウンロード MOD APK


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