子供のためのぬりえゲーム (日本語) Mod Apk

子供のためのぬりえゲーム (日本語) ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: RV AppStudios
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot 子供のためのぬりえゲーム (日本語) mod apkGame screenshot 子供のためのぬりえゲーム (日本語) hackGame screenshot 子供のためのぬりえゲーム (日本語) apk download


子供のためのぬりえゲーム は、幼稚園児が訓練する必要のある基本的なトレース、マッチング、構築スキルに焦点を当てています。そして、形を認識して一致させ、色を識別してペアにし、さらには単純なタッチスクリーンの相互作用を通してパズルを解く子供の能力を高めるように設計された多くのユニークなミニゲームを特徴としています。

カラーゲーム は信じられないほど使いやすく、子供たちが大好きな楽しい学習環境を提供します。子供向けの色づけゲーム には、絵画、収集、そっくりさん、マッチング、トレース、構築が含まれます。

子供向けの色づけゲーム は、幼児、未就学児、幼稚園児、およびすべての年齢の子供にとって素晴らしい学習体験です。子供たちは、さまざまな 色と形を認識し、すべてのミニゲームを完了し、ステッカーの報酬を獲得することを学ぶのに素晴らしい時間を過ごすでしょう!



🎉 エキサイティングな新機能! ✨

• 分割画面とマルチウィンドウ: 他のアプリとマルチタスクをしながら色と形を学びましょう。
• 大画面の最適化: タブレットや大型デバイスで、より鮮明なビジュアルとより多くのスペースを探索できます。

• 一般的なバグ修正とパフォーマンスの向上により、よりスムーズな学習が可能になりました。 🛠️
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!
Get a head start on your child’s education with a fun and easy to use learning app! Colors & Shapes features several mini-games that teach kids how to recognize shapes and pick out objects based on color. Our newest update introduces a number of performance improvements along with several bug fixes, making the experience even better for adults and children alike!

Download Colors & Shapes today and enjoy a completely FREE learning experience with no in-app purchases or third party ads!

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1.53万 件のレビュー