Mighty Wars Mod Apk

Mighty Wars ハック - Mod Apk 2.40.0

開発者: Relic Bit
カテゴリー: ストラテジー, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Mighty Wars mod apkGame screenshot Mighty Wars hackGame screenshot Mighty Wars apk download


Mighty Wars は、ロールプレイングゲームとマルチプレイヤーオンラインバトルアリーナから最高のアクションを組み合わせた、最高のターンベースの戦略ゲームの 1 つです。無慈悲な敵との戦いで最強の武将になりましょう。バトルロイヤルウォーゾーンで戦闘スキルを披露し、戦争戦略を利用して不滅のヒーローチームを構築し、リアルタイムの PvP モードで世界中のギルドマスターと衝突して帝国を確立してください!誰が最も強力な戦闘指揮官であることを証明してください!

リアルタイム PvP バトル!
戦闘戦略を活用し、多くの壮大なヒーローを募集して、壮大な戦いを率いて戦争に勝ちましょう!武将を進化させて、より良い外観と能力を手に入れ、オンライン PvP バトルで無敵になり、戦場を支配しましょう。

さまざまなユニークな素晴らしい能力と装備を備えた 100 人以上の強力なバトルヒーローの膨大なセレクションから集めて選択し、永遠のチームを構築します。伝説のヒーローをアップグレードして、エキサイティングな毎日のコンテストに勝ち、強大な戦争を盛り上げたり、ギルドに参加して壮大なミッションに参加しましょう。


・リアルタイム PvP 戦艦での衝突
· 見事なグラフィックをお楽しみください
· 信じられないほど多様なエキサイティングなゲームモードで探索



Mighty wars は無料でプレイでき、一部のアプリ内通貨とアイテムのゲーム内購入を提供します。必要なのはインターネット接続だけです。


Addition of an exciting Classic Tournament 🏆 with valuable prizes 🎁
Change of the main page theme to Winter ❄️
Addition of the Journey Pass to the storyline section 🌴
Addition of 12 new heroes 🦸🏻‍♂️
Addition of 4 new emojis 😁
Change of the pre-battle page 🖼
Restoration of the option to choose outfits for Influencers to use exclusive outfits 🎭
Change of the Friends page, Diamond Shop, and Coin Shop 🖼
Resolution of many reported issues 🛠
- Added fun emotes and text chat for in-game interaction 💬
- Added amazing offer 🎁
- Added Gilbert emotes for all players 🦸🏻‍♂️
- Changed the Legendary Challenge Luck Sphere 🎰
- Fixed some reported bugs 🛠
- Fix reported bugs 🛠
- Fix reported bugs 🛠
- Change the main page theme to Autumn 🍂
- Add exclusive and attractive commander outfits 🎭
- Balance heroes and commanders ⚖️
- Introduce 9 new heroes 🦸‍♂️
- Decrease the cost of summoning war gods and magical summons 💎
- Display elixir and magical ring information on the game boardℹ️
- Improve page loading speed
- Enhance recommended package banners 🌅
- Fix reported bugs 🛠
* Resolving some reported issues 🛠
What's new in Mighty Wars 2.5.0
• Adding Polish language
• Replacing new commanders with commander Kratos🦸‍♂️
• Fixing the problem of white screen at the start of the game in some devices ▶️🤺
• Fixing the problems related to game freezing in battle
• Fixing the problem of "Mr devil" in the story section
• Fixing some reported issues

Download the latest version and enjoy the new features!
Thank you for playing mighty wars!
What's new in Mighty Wars 2.4.0
• We've added a new feature to reward you for playing every day! Log in daily and claim your game time rewards gift 🎯🎨
• We've improved the graphics for alliance and chat, making them more immersive and realistic ▶️🤺
• We've fixed some reported issues and bugs, making the game more stable and smooth ⚙️
• We've added a new competition game mode that name is LiveOps prize league, where you can compete with other players for prizes and glory trophy.
- Added new languages: Russian, German, and Farsi for enhanced gameplay experience.
- Introducing the play time reward feature, allowing players to earn exciting rewards based on their gameplay duration.
- Implemented new notification system to keep players updated with important game events and announcements.
- Fixed various bugs and glitches to ensure smoother gameplay and improved overall performance.

Update now to enjoy these exciting new features and enhancements in Mighty Wars!
What's new in Mighty Wars 2.2.0
• Experience more epic battles in the story mode with new levels and challenges ▶️🤺
• Invite your friends to join the war and get rewards for each successful invitation 👬
• Enjoy the enhanced graphics and animations in different sections of the game 🎯🎨
• We have fixed the issue of purchasing and some other bugs and issues that you reported to us. Thank you for your feedback ⚙️

We hope you enjoy this update and thank you for playing Mighty Wars!
What's new in Mighty Wars 2.1.0

• Experience more epic battles in the story mode with new levels and challenges ▶️🤺
• Invite your friends to join the war and get rewards for each successful invitation 👬
• Enjoy the enhanced graphics and animations in different sections of the game 🎯🎨
• We have fixed the issue of purchasing and some other bugs and issues that you reported to us. Thank you for your feedback ⚙️

We hope you enjoy this update and thank you for playing Mighty Wars

ハッキング方法 Mighty Wars

ダウンロード Mighty Wars MOD APK 2.40.0

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